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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Before it was global cooling, then global warming. Now climate change, because…oops the earth is actually cooling now. This is political science designed to influence and form the minds of the masses, It’s not the science of nature. So flooding fires and whatever are phenomena that’s been going on for eons, some years, some decades worse than others. All of what we hear about this subject is a bunch of politicians and media screaming and yelling and propagating fear. Because fear is the best tool to influence. we can argue and disagree about the subject all we want, but it useless to try to trump and one-up anyone because it’s not going to change anyones mind
  2. It sue is! It’s been going on for millions of years! When will it ever stop??? Maybe the greenwokers can fix nature, or scam us into believing that they can. 5!
  3. I don’t know, but I don’t think you’ll have any problems getting a certificate of residence with an on arrival stamp, assuming the tm30 is submitted properly. Before you leave, be sure to get an international driving permit. If you don’t want to to deal with the process at dlt, then I’d suggest going to a place like cm driving school in sarapee. You’ll have take the full course for the motorcycle, but only a half hour/45 minute video for the car. Though it is possible that the school may give you a pass with your expired motorcycle license, given that the renewal validity has only been a couple months. The test on the computer, you do it multiple times in one sitting until you pass. They make sure you have everything in order before you go to the dlt in hangdong. Then at the dlt you give them all the paperwork that was put in order from the driving school then do the red green yellow light thing, then you’re done. This might be the easiest process without any worries. OR - just do it all at the dlt.
  4. It’s not difficult to get through the car/motorcycle license process here unless you’re lazy and impatient. Just go in and get it done just as you would with any other business
  5. Where are you located? Maybe not in cm? most of the small bikes I see in cm are renting for 200-250 a day. don't know anything about the big bikes because I’d never ride one in the city, defeats the purpose of having a bike because the big bikes sit behind the car jamb a lot of times while the small ones weave to the front.
  6. Show-off maybe? See a lot of them around looking a little goofy. A 125 click is suffice. I’ve seen some pretty big porkers getting around just fine on the 125’s I saw a new shop just the other day, Mango, that had bigger bikes just off huaykaew down the alley just past the shell station. By the looks of the shop I bet the prices are reasonable.
  7. It’s the e-communist-y stupid. The commies have infiltrated the USA minds and government and are deliberately destroying the global economy. And it’s most tough on the poorer countries. What has happened to Laos is a direct result of US policies, plain and simple.
  8. Probably not a 12 foot ladder, most likely a 4 meter ladder ????
  9. Fell fall, open ended statement. Jumped, slipped. Pushed, tossed, thrown or flung. All fit the definition of fell/fall.
  10. Sure you can ask. The answer is zero mimi zilch nada no graffiti on any of my body parts
  11. Good grief, and I thought I had all the bad luck with dentist in the US. CM definitely has a lot of good dentist, just be patient and mindful of who you decide to go to.
  12. Oh poor fella, too poor for a razor and hair cut? Or cave man? งง
  13. I have an instant camera built in my phone. Works pretty good and it automatically develops and stores the photos right on the phone instantly. Quite handy and amazing actually
  14. Unless of course you’re a left field batter from the US, then everything is racist…which is racism in of itself
  15. novacova


    Be mindful when ordering, many verities
  16. novacova


    I stumbled upon this place in mae fahluang. I have him send me the premium dark and pea berry, I blend the dark 70% pea berry 30%, very smooth low acidity, the best coffee I’ve found yet.
  17. Isn’t it required to have $20,000 Covid insurance to enter Malaysia?
  18. …and murder. I’ve at least two reports on Amerin in the last year. My wife says there are a lot of fake and crooked monks.
  19. If you plan on driving a motorcycle and have a motorcycle endorsement on your idp and drivers license then it will be a lot easier. I did not have a motorcycle endorsement and I wanted both a driver license and motorcycle license so I went to CM Driving School in saraphi took a 3 day course for the motorcycle since I didn’t have an endorsement. And a for the car license I watched a 45 minute video, that was it for the car license.. They made sure all the paper work (certificate of residence, passport, idp including valid drivers license from my country, health certificate…anything else?? can’t remember) was in order before I went to the dlt in hangdong, the school changed me about 1000 or 2000฿? I don’t remember how much I paid it wasn’t much. Can’t remember what dlt charged me, it was a nominal amount, 200฿ for both?, it was a slow time of day there and I was out of there in about 20 minutes. Without a valid drivers license including idp then you’ll have to go through the entire routine.
  20. For sure, talk with some of the older folks. Hopefully someone will give you a good lead
  21. I’ve personally never have had issues with with village workers. My experience has always been good, maybe because I supervise the projects and know a few solid workers. I keep it to two or three workers. I’m not going to go into detail of how to deal with the locals, though it’s always good to be firm yet polite with them, it will go a long way especially if you find a good crew. Though I’m sure crappy workers can found everywhere on the planet at the same ratio as anywhere
  22. There’s a lot of good multi trade tradesmen. If you’re in the city and want a good price, then you’re best bet would be to find someone in a village outside of the city. Show him what you want, hop in the truck with him and get the supplies. Sit and watch them work and have buy them lunch, and beer whiskey and munchies for them every day after work. Average 500฿ a day per person
  23. Degenerative brain damage is the issue. I can’t really sympathize with debased weak mindedness, just can’t relate, sorry
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