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Everything posted by Cardano

  1. My suggestion to you is to give up on IPTV and go with one of the legit paid for services, you'll sleep better at night.
  2. You're obviously paranoid, you give your bank card to paypal online, there's no difference. Also you are protected against fraud by your bank and credit card provider.
  3. Try using a paid for VPN. An ISP cannot be a small business subcontractor they are major national businesses that are licensed by the NTBC of Thailand.
  4. Have you ever stopped and thought that maybe they're happy and content with what they've got? Many a pretty face and hides a twisted mind.
  5. It's an internet problem, pure and simple. Either with your ISP and/or VPN or your IPTV providers ISP or VPN
  6. Lurpak, expensive but the 2nd best to Kerrygold.
  7. I did and still don't understand so Instead why don't you explain it to us all
  8. "The women are mostly unattractive and unfeminine. They also have very bad attitudes. No sense of fun, unless it involves getting wasted on booze". Admit it you are obviously referencing the ones you have pulled, because the attractive. feminine, intelligent and adventurous ones wouldn't give you the time of day.
  9. My opinion is the reason those who are content with way less is because they never had way more, those that did are not content but just putting on a brave face. The trait of being obsessed with being rich definitely applies to Thais as well, if not even more so. Many Thais are obsessed with the "face" issue and will get in to heavy debt just to try and portray their wealth.
  10. You wouldn't even be here.......you even said it yourself that because you previously earned £9k per month it enabled your lifestyle here.
  11. It's well known that in the UK hospital A&E depts and doctors surgeries are abused by a number of people who could get the necessary medical advice and requisite medication from a phamacist. But at least they have an appointment system which is pretty reliable, the doctors and nurses are all professionals and fully certified by the BMA and treatment is free at source. The same cannot be said of doctor surgeries here, how sure can you be that the doctor here is certified as a fully qualified general practioneer? As for government hospitals yes the doctors are fully certified but there is no appointment system you have to arrive at sparrow farts and have to sit and wait usually all day, and then you have the pleasure of paying for it. I will grant that most Expats would only search for medical treatment as a last resort but if a Thai sneezes they are rushing to see a doctor.
  12. Yes read my post it explains clearly why.
  13. So you have just proved my point, your good fortune to earn 100k per year has enabled your quality of life today. If you had been earning the minimum wage in the UK what quality of life would you have now!
  14. Agreed, but it's not as simple as that; you need to take in to account that once the money is used to top up the qualifying years it is gone. Whereas if invested in a stock the money is still available at anytime and by reinvestment of dividend is also increasing exponentially every year
  15. Actually the USA is a nation of states under a single flag and their is no clear agreement that it is a soverign country.
  16. A 6 month old baby is content for hours with a rattle because they don't know any better. I'll guarantee you that the majority of workers in the west are far more content than the majority of thai workers.
  17. Most Thai Parents have farmed their kids off to grandparents so they can go earn their B300 per day and the rest aren't intelligent or don't care enough to teach their kids anything.
  18. You really need to get out more and open your eyes.
  19. Another Thaiophile who has nothing better to post than a West bashing spree to try and justify his existance in Thailand. If I ever find myself doing anything similar I'll get on the first plane back to the western world.
  20. I am due to receive my state pension in October 2028 so yesterday went to the Gov.UK site and checked my NI qualifying contributions and forcasted pension amount. The information provided shows that I have 30 qualifying years and can pay voluntary contributions for a further 4 years (so 34 years in total) at a total cost of £3,244.80. The pension forcast figures are as follows; with 30 years contributions pension of £10,528.07 per year; with 34 years contributions pension of £11,541.90 per year, I must point out that the forecast figure is in reality the amount that would be received based on todays pension rates. Based on the fact that the UK state pension has over the last 20 years increased on average 4% per year and one assumes this will continue my dilemma is do I do the 4 years top-up or do I stick with the £10,528.07 pension and use the £3244.80 to invest in a stock holding paying (today) a 8% dividend assuming that dividend will grow by 2% per year and the stock value will grow 2.25% per year. I'm sure others have looked at this scenario and would be interested to hear your thoughts.
  21. mytello accepts credit card payment
  22. Erm...think that might be the same thing as underground!!
  23. Duhh.......I was referring to the part in the post that said "Solve the problem with all smoking and make it very expensive.. People will stop, and the tabacco industry will die out"
  24. People wont stop it will just go underground
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