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RandiRona last won the day on April 24 2022

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  1. "So many lonely guys" Ohh, The Irony!!
  2. There aren’t enough chicken to feed 40 million coming to Thailand….. so TIT!!!
  3. It’s not a ‘Joke’ anymore it’s become serious!!!
  4. Coming soon!! Radiation resistant Amulets!! will save you from radiation and exposure! 😀👻👻👻💥💥💥🔥
  5. That’s why I quoted article which states no of noble prices Jews received which is far higher and pretty much responsible for modern world. Of the 965 individual recipients of the Nobel Prizeand the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciencesbetween 1901 and 2023,[1] at least 214 have been Jews or people with at least one Jewish parent, representing 22% of all recipients. Jews comprise only 0.2% of the world's population, meaning their share of winners is 110 times their proportion of the world's population.[2][3][4][5] on other hand Muslims won only 4 , 3 of them being American Muslim and one <deleted> nuclear theif.
  6. It wasn’t pointed at you but those who believe Jews are useless.
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_Nobel_laureates PS: I am not Jew but their contribution to the world you are living is far more than goat digging peace loving cult.
  8. It’s an honest mistake, who doesn’t want to shoot their sister in law or mother in law for that matter. Sabai Sabai!!
  9. lol at mysterious like it never ever happened! I think Thai is moving toward becoming a third world country than developed one which they are trying to do for a long time.
  10. I can't blame him, he was preparing for a month long Sonkran festivities. I mean how much more of a sewage water one can take😄😄
  11. I am sure Laos is looking for an opportunity to take over Thai Seas!!!
  12. lol and Thai premier wants to have visa free in Schenzen!
  13. Who they are planning to balance it out with ? Cambodia? Laos ? Malaysia ? When is the last war they had with their Neighbours ? China and Singapore are out of their league who they can never compete with.
  14. Good, how dare they took jobs away from Thais?
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