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DezLez last won the day on March 19 2022

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  1. Have you, or anyone, found any recent printed articles to support his outrageous banner headline?
  2. No cold beer now on Thai Railways unless they have rescinded the ban after the rape case a 13 YO girl in 2014!
  3. The question is in the title. Is there a list of "recognized news sources" that posters are allowed to quote from? I certainly find it very strange that Tic Tok seems to be recognized as such on this forum!
  4. If we must have such dramatic headlines as the OP; Bank of England Banking is CHANGEING ! BE AWARE BE PREPARED ! can we please have a quick written sentence explaining it. What do I have to be aware of and be prepared for? I am NOT questioning moderation but am asking for the clarification of overly dramatic news headlines which seem to be out of date!
  5. I have just done a similar search and the most recent post I can find is this; Guidance on changes to banking reporting requirements | Bank of England about changes published Published on 15 December 2021;
  6. Did they give you crash courses? If so i would give them a swerve!
  7. That took the cat out the bag!
  8. That is potentially earth-shattering news! He should be grounded as having a loose wire in that case!
  9. I prefer them peeled or unzipped actually!
  10. I do not see "Ice Station Zebra"! Has it closed for the summer?
  11. I believe that is Bht1m per Bank and NOT per account!
  12. Maybe you are too magnetic and earthy for us all and need to be kept grounded!
  13. They tend to be small and have little feelings!
  14. If I knew what you meant or could read your mind, I would not have made the comment that I did make. Please do not attack me, or other posters, for pointing out inconsistencies in your statements/posts, We are not mind readers!
  15. Guilty as charged! But on a less than positive note I believe your comments to be very negative!
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