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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. And neither do you know for definite if they help or hinder!
  2. I have never "slagged off" people who wish to wear some sh!t covering on their face! I am against those who keep trying to ram down my throat I must wear one. That is one hell of a difference. Wear whatever you want, I just ask you stop "slagging off" people like myself who CHOOSE not to to follow your herd!
  3. What medical data says thay me wearing some cr&p over my mouth and nose is helping the welfare of others? I am still waiting, which will be for some time, for the "definitive study" that says that the cheap surgical cr&p you all like to wear does any good or in fact maybe does harm. Go and wear your virtue signalling nose and mouth flag if you wish but please let us all get on with our own lives, with or without facial blockages, and without being preached at by "holier than thou" virtue spreaders!
  4. There was me thinking the good doctors quoted in OP were discussing the medical efficacy of masks and not the moral virtue of them! Which is your real reason for clogging up your mouth and nose and telling the rest of us that we must do so - is it medical or moral?
  5. What is in a name? Are you so brainwashed that you cannot use, or allow others to use, other words to describe the stupid rags/visors/screens/or whatever you want to call them? Why should I call those abominations by your word? I will call unwanted face and nose covering dusters any name I want. Especially if my description indicates what they actually are/do or do not do! It makes no difference to anyone what you call them as they are still a PITA! (or in this case a Pain over the face)
  6. As we are in the middle of the 5 day holiday no person can know what the "results" are until the various clinical/medical timescales have passed!
  7. You must be so happy! Enjoy your (old) restrictions!
  8. I totally agree and the sooner the "mouth and nose covering moisture dispersant material" (A.K.A. mask) insistant wearing evangelicists accept it the better for the rest of free smilling and breating world!
  9. Apart from Thailand now becoming the hub of apps can anyone explain the difference in the TOR (Terms of Reference) between theese two? The mobile application was created by experts and staff from seven government agencies, including the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society and the Digital Government Development Agency PS; Too many digits appear to be in too many Goverment pies as usual!
  10. The headline does not match the "results" as quoted! I assume this was not a survey/poll of the same people asked on the previous "study"! Totally meaningless given the minute difference in the "polled" figures and the headline!
  11. Well done! He seems to have done this AFTER the election and not just as a "vote for me" publicity stunt but seeminly as a true fact finding mission!
  12. Especially if "she" was not a lady and you did or did not get your "come-up-ance"! ???? PS; If you did claim what would it be for? Answers in a postcard please!
  13. If you trust and undestand the "insurance cover", stay less than 31 days, get taken to only a Government hospital, and do not exceed any of the T&C's! Sleep tight!
  14. Have you read the article or any of the posts? “The 300-baht fee will guarantee insurance coverage during foreigners’ stay in Thailand for up to 30 days,” said Mr Mongkon.
  15. If that is so what if you are not taken to a Government hospital? What will happen to the insurance and or bills?
  16. That will not work according to the main article; "Mr Mongkon said exemptions for certain groups cannot be implemented as airline ticketing systems have to embed the fee, and airfares only recognise passenger information listed in passports. As a result, the fee collection will apply to all entrants who are not Thai citizens, regardless of nationality or visa type, he said."
  17. As a long term resident can I claim "emotional distress" for being forced to pay 300Baht for insurance that I do not want need or is of any use to me?
  18. I think you just answered your own question when the said Farangs discover just how "over the top" the so called top surgeons are!
  19. Which many of wish you would keep to yourself and so let us lead our lives as we wish without the attempted interference of do-goody busybodies like you. Your broken record has been played enough times now and we have all heard your message(s). I say enough is enough, we know your perspective!
  20. But you can go swimming if you wear a mask as it will stop all the liquid getting in and so you will not drown!
  21. Where do you say I should go to assuming I would even accept your stupid suggestion or was that an order? This is my home! Why should anyone be forced to do something just because you want it. It is not against the law of this country for me to be mask-less therefore I will remain mask-less.
  22. Not now. Thank God common sense has prevailed. As was said earlier it is now free choice. You and your ilk wish to wear. I do not and will not.
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