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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. The button (or system) is actually called M.A.D. = Mutually Assured Destruction! But I agree that MAD is just a political way of saying "suicide"!
  2. How come you have the time or energy to respond on this forum while still busy with your hooker?
  3. Probably! It would make sense for your lapse of "memory" of these long extant rules! (first introduced in 1908 with some even earlier regarding wine vines in the 1880's!).
  4. Why did you bother putting them in the same "sentence" as your post makes no sense!
  5. They already have various F16 models. Much better to buy new versions/upgrade present ones and save on all the infrastructure/training/support costs to support the F35.
  6. The " new rules" were just an amendment to the Bio-security act of 2015 which in this case increased the fines. It did NOT introduce a new restriction on declaring your food imports. You have obviously never travelled to OZ otherwise you would know about the rules and signed the declaration card before landing in OZ. You would also have received info when you obtained your visa. Here is an extract from the OZ Embassy website dated 2019!; The Australian government has strict rules regarding biosafety. For instance, travellers can only bring limited types of food into the country. Furthermore, travellers at the airport must indicate exactly what they are carrying on their Declaration Card. Bringing food to Australia? Beware of your visa! (e-visa.co.uk)
  7. Without trying draw a veil over her explosive activities I do not want to deflate her ego in case she decides to keep banging on about blowing away her inflated imaginary self esteem! PS; It gives the phrase "a bl0w job", with regard to an Arab woman, a totally new meaning! PPS; She might come back and haunt you! (in little bits at a time)
  8. I think you have got that the wrong way round!
  9. The titles they both accepted but "appear" not to use when it suits them; "Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair KG" and "Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB QC " Both of course common working men of the "labouring" class!
  10. He was not deposed by his party. He was deposed by SOME Tory MP's!
  11. You mean both Blair and "Sir" please don't remind me I accepted the thing!
  12. What have either of them ever done right? (or in non political terms I should say - correct?)
  13. If it is not the "London Allowance" then what is it? The "Greater Khan GLA Tax Rebate" perchance?
  14. I think you will find it is called "the London allowance"! Those now not commuting/WFH should not be getting it!
  15. She should never have started this unnecessary showdown in the first place which is just to push her own ego.
  16. Even when it is against them by the uncontrolled brats?
  17. There is a big difference between "assault" of a child and the "discipline" of a child! I do NOT condone the assault of any child, or adult, for that matter. Have you ever tried teaching children, or adults, when there is even just one disruptive one in the classroom? If not try it!
  18. As a starter for ten can I suggest an increase in school children's bad behaviour inside their schools since then!
  19. Ugh! I bet that sucks as an adult entertainment experience! I don't think we should ho0ver around to see the climax!
  20. That practice ceased by act of Parliament in the UK in 1986!
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