I have just had to access this website from a friend’s machine which has no “controls”, shall we say, on what ads are shown compared to my own setups.
I never realized until then just how unusable this site is with all those “adverts/popups/area blocks etc!
5 clicks on advert “x” ’s just so I can see/find the UP arrow to get back to the top of the page is unacceptable!
Not a single page/article without unwanted interruptions.
I know you have to make money but do the Admin guys actually look at this forum as if they were real potential customers? I think not.
If I was a potential customer and looked at this site from my friend’s machine with her unrestricted setup, compared to my more restricted one, there is no way I would sign up!
I have been so used to being “AD Free” on my systems I did not realize just how unusable this site is in an “AD allowed” world!