The question is in the title.
Is there a list of "recognized news sources" that posters are allowed to quote from?
I certainly find it very strange that Tic Tok seems to be recognized as such on this forum!
If we must have such dramatic headlines as the OP;
Bank of England Banking is CHANGEING ! BE AWARE BE PREPARED !
can we please have a quick written sentence explaining it.
What do I have to be aware of and be prepared for?
I am NOT questioning moderation but am asking for the clarification of overly dramatic news headlines which seem to be out of date!
I have just done a similar search and the most recent post I can find is this;
Guidance on changes to banking reporting requirements | Bank of England
about changes published Published on 15 December 2021;
If I knew what you meant or could read your mind, I would not have made the comment that I did make.
Please do not attack me, or other posters, for pointing out inconsistencies in your statements/posts, We are not mind readers!
Sorry about my delayed response, as I have had a long sleep recently.
My Doc told me that I would get Grumpy, and not Happy, but very Sleepy and Bashful if I got too Dopey as I would then become very Sneezy!
No triple "A" (AAA) comments on their FB page then!
I hope they do not charge to enter, if so - shocking!
PS: Do they have Cells all-round the country or just local circuits?