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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. In some other countries I could possibly agree with you but in Thailand a "Licence" is just a ticket to bribery and not better service/safety!
  2. How does the issue of a so called "license" improve the quality of service or wages? It is just a "vehicle" for more opportunies to provde bribes for the powers that be and does nothing but take money from the drivers/workers all over Thailand! This is Thailand!
  3. Why should they have to do that? Money is tight, let them earn some!
  4. Will they have any ground stations to control them. Nothing is said about them.
  5. The aircraft carrier might actually end up with some aircraft (of sorts) at last.
  6. It means your BMW's indicators need servicing!
  7. Just a couple of points; You seem to assume that I am not in Thailand at the moment and am desperate to fly. Not quite the case! Also am not "cutting of my nose to spite my face" I am refusing, which is my right, to tavel on an airline that insists I cover my nose and other parts of my face.
  8. I agree. The sacrifices one has to make so that I can breath more easily!
  9. With that attitude it gives me yet another reason to avoid flying at present.
  10. I suggest you stop calling peolple you disagree with "nutjobs" as it makes you sound like one!
  11. I will NOT fly on any airline that demands the wearing of a mask. If it means I do not fly at all then so be it.
  12. Can we please see what were the "factual inconsistancies" so that we can clear uo any "misunderstandings about the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian people." please!
  13. Actually if you read the headline it is about vendors and tourists. "vendor-free Na Jomtien Beach will not affect tourism" My comment is about masks and tourism! Do stay with it!
  14. Nice to see some Thai officials without masks! That might go some way to bring back the tourists!
  15. Click on the "‘Help Crime Victim Club’" link in the Phuket link where there is a photo of an agency shop!
  16. Yet more talks on burying cables in cities in Thailand which will just get buried like every other time the subject is raised and then buried!
  17. If he is the Chief why is he not cinductiong the investigation rather than calling/asking for it?
  18. Just be aware that tethering/hotspotting realy eats away at your battery!
  19. Does not quite answer my questions/post does it?
  20. Maybe he/she is too ashamed (like many others) to show his/her face in public and the excuse/reason for hiding has gone!
  21. No! I think he is trying to phone his Gran on old rotary analogue phone! The service is known as "Dial A Gran(or maybe Grammy)" PS; Make sure your digit does not get stuck in whilst rotating the "Dial"
  22. Is that just yourself then? No friends! PS; Of "Those that are not vax'd.... have not had it". What have they not had? ENTER ANSWER BELOW; Sex COVID A functioning brain Cell
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