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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. To save the brain cells being used for counting very large numbers just count, if you can find any, the number of straight cops. Much simpler even a 5 YO could do it.
  2. Outdoor cinema nights in the rainy season. It does not say what the prices are but either way it is yet another great idea to soak the tourists in more ways than one!
  3. There seems to be more to this story than just an old arrest warrant being actioned as the Economic Crime Division police and a Pol Maj-Gen were involved! Irrespective of why they were involved that is at least one more pervert off the streets.
  4. They do! I know of bars where the owner would receive a "receipt" he could show to other cops, probably new to the area, to warn them that his bar was "protected" by that officer!
  5. Both; Actually it is not from the Daily Telegraph science team as you claim. Do a little research and you will find it is from an Australian Journalist called Andrew Backhouse and is quoting people's opinions not scientific data. Covid-19 third wave, WHO warns of exploding coronavirus case numbers | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
  6. More opinions and statements without any proper evidence! We have all read your rants. How about keeping quiet and let us get on with our lives. Feel free to wear your mask but please cut out the unscientific lectures!
  7. And I bet they were all wearing their masks all the time! ????
  8. The problem is that you are trying to ram your "common sense" opinion down our unmasked throats as facts when they are not. Can I suggest you continue wearing your halo, sorry mask and let the rest of us smile at each other without your constent commentary telling us we are wrong! Please put a sock, or in this case, a mask in it and leave us alone.
  9. Yes I do call it lies! It is not proof, just biased opinions!
  10. None of the above is proof that the non use of masks is responsible! Please quote a scientific study to back up your scaremongering propaganda!
  11. The flu vaccine has been around much longer and it's longterm after effects much better understood!
  12. posting some more info would help; Type of books by genre, hardback, paperback condition Location Rough idea of costs per type of book or bulk options Pick up or delivery etc
  13. My mask is also firmly fitted--------in a disposable bag in the bin where they all belong!
  14. NO! Go back and read what you posted and what the link says and which I quoted about that misleading 10% figure!
  15. Correct they cannot smoke inside the buildings but they can in the car parks etc. But they cannot use the cr&p anywhere on Police property. A big difference in rules.
  16. What did you not say as you have quoted what I said?
  17. He was probably complaining that he could not understand what they were saying as they were wearing masks!
  18. And there was me thinking you were the fruit basket!????????
  19. I assume he has enough briefs to defend himself!
  20. Well just do not come near me then. I don't mind.
  21. Wrong; The figure you quote is "The case fatality rate (CFR) [which]is the ratio between confirmed deaths and confirmed cases. The CFR can be a poor measure of the mortality risk of the disease." The above statement (in italcs) is from the source you quoted and is the disclaimer attached to the figure you are quoting. It is not the figure for actual deaths atributed purely to covid.
  22. Even you cannot believe that everyone who "never wear's a mask" will end up in hospital and therefore by implication that those who do wear a mask will not end up in hospital. I continue to say it is up to the individuals what they do or do not do in a free society.
  23. I was initially shocked by the headline "Strict rules for spirits". I was so shocked at the thought it was another clampdown on alcohol consumption that I nearly became a spitit myself!
  24. Why are the police being discriminated against or do they really know and accept that it is actually bad for some users!
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