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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. "Papa" on the 2nd floor of Panthip Plaza have them.
  2. Be alert, Thailand needs lerts! Volunteer now!
  3. I thought you could only die once or are people mixing up their Bond Movie titles?
  4. Do we know what happens, legally, to them if they refuse the "treatment"?
  5. I was told the same thing in my early twenties by an uncle who worked for what is now HMRC and by my bank manager where I then worked. I did the same as you and now happy and comfortably retired here!
  6. Using your phone for hot-spotting will kill it's battery even if plugged in and charging!
  7. I suggest you do the change during the period when you only need to keep 400,000 in the account and tx 400,000 on the first time, wait till you see it in the new account then tx the 2nd 400,000. That way you will always meet the min 400,000 requirement even if the bank delays the tx.
  8. I'll drink to that method of snipping away at my drinking! It appears to be a razor sharp system that is a cut above any other sprited measure I have seen.
  9. Do you happen to have any recommendations for reputable agents to assist with that comment ?
  10. To recover from the weed?
  11. Then when fully calm and rested and he is not looking take a realy good well aimed punch at the tw@t!
  12. The police here would give you a cat littering fine even if it was a Tom Cat! ????
  13. Since when? It is only the rich who can afford to bring a case and stand the chance and costs of losing!
  14. Soaring just like most of the rhetoric on the subject!
  15. You actually believe what some person saying he is a doctor on youtube says?
  16. I totally agree that it should be an individual's choice without any preaching and condemnation from those who believe otherwise.
  17. I hope they are referring to a pick up service here! BTW do I really want to sign for a delivery, or have a pick up, at 3AM?
  18. Yes but it is a strange combination of economic division and a senior cop getting involved in a sex crime!
  19. Fred Flintstone asks Wilma if she has any weed left. She says "no, but I have some wax if you want a hit. He replies, "yeah, a dab'll do." People in Dubai wouldn't understand the humor in the Flintstones, but I know people in Abu Dhabi do.
  20. Through our rose tinted glasses as the masks have nothing to do with it!.
  21. The figure is shown in a later news article as being the total number of cases of 29,000 since 25th June.
  22. Better still have/sacrifice a full state banquet at Stonehenge and get rid of them all!
  23. Sorry but I think you boobed there. He can see his first and second loves at the same time as he devours one and fondles the other!
  24. Stone me ya old flint! You will be saying it was all reduced to rubble by some masons some time ago!
  25. Why don't you turn your wench around so that she uses her hand in the other direction to tighten your nuts or do you just have a screw loose! PS; Oops I see you are talking about a mechanical wrench!
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