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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. I totally agree with you regarding the staff. It is nothing to do with the staff, they are following their management's instructions/guidelines. My only point is that given the choice of two shops/establishments I will choose the non mask enforcement shop/establishment. It is up to the customers to choose to enter with/without or for the owner's to bar the potential customer's entry without the mask! Each to their own! I now no longer carry a mask and will not enter a place that demands the mask! My choice
  2. I have visited and been served in two 7/11's today where I did not wear a mask and the staff were. A number of nationalities came into the store, some with and some without. Nothing was said about masks. I believe that shop staff will continue to wear masks as a mark of respect/show willing etc to their customers while I will decide if I wish to patronize an establishment that insists on my wearing one. The answer is I will NOT wear a mask in a shop that demands them, I will just shop elsewhere! it is now OUR choice whether to wear and the shop's choice whether to bar us!
  3. I suggest you try reading your own post and my quote! But since that simple task seems beyond you I will repeat it for you; "Or breaks a leg walking into airport. " I totally agree that the chances are slim of him having a problem. But if he applies for the extension and gets it or even is rejected and is given a 7 day notice to leave which covers his departure date he is "quids in"! Peace of mind all round for the cost of one extansion application!
  4. And the police arrive, see the person is on overstay and off to the IDC for them if no tea money available! Just not worth the risk. Get the extension.
  5. That would make it dive well with all the extra weight but surfacing again? Oh wait, we don't expect it to surface all that often anyway!
  6. Nobody seems to have cottoned on yet but there are still a few loose threads needing to be knitted together before the wool is finally pulled over the fabric of this over all story!
  7. Don't let yourself get hemmed in!
  8. Since you asked "Can anybody recommend an agent " one assumes you were asking about an actual place and not a postal address which of course you could have asked for specifically!
  9. There are "official" walkins in both CM and BKK (with appointments)also agents where you can walk in in various regions! I recently walked in and did mine in CM. No post used (by me)!
  10. Thanks very much for the link. It worked first time. Fantastic! I did not know that facility was available. Nor does it appear did any of my Thai or Farang friends.
  11. Bought a DTAC SIM card online. However I am nowhere near a DTAC Office. I am told I might be able to register it at a BIC C or 7/11 with my passport. Is this true or is there somewgere else I can register ir. Do I need anything other than the SIM card and my passport.
  12. It would help if you said where you are!
  13. Extremely out of date "news" as the article was first published in 21 December 2020; Quote from the article; "Published : December 21, 2020 By : The Nation"
  14. Sorry I seem to be missing the thread here, can you come again please!
  15. She was not under oath for the documentary!
  16. I think they will buy their desks locally! ????
  17. So they can sell coffee flavoured beer!
  18. I didn't know that potholes can discriminate between tourist, locals and hired bikes. Dammed clever!
  19. Before, after or during the "operation"?
  20. Plus; someone to drive the bike someone to hold you down. Ambulance to take you the dentist on completion.
  21. No problem with immigration letters at either the ex Panthip branch or when we were moved to the Chanklan Branch after the closure of the Panthip branch.
  22. It was your post! I assume you must have been a lawyer at some time either in your past or in your fantasy land as your ability to admit fault without including a disclaimer to nulify the fault is utterly amazing. Why can't people when they are cought out not just say "oops, I got it wrong" or better still "sorry"! As the old saying goes; When you are in a hole stop digging! Good night!
  23. Thank you for your post but yet again you make a mis-statement; I agree it was not a particular post you wanted removed, just all the anti cannabis ones! I quote again from where you did say that posts be removed. It is the comment which started this discussion as I am sure you must remember; "Misinformed outbursts by people quoting the tired old anti cannabis propaganda should be classed as fake news and removed.
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