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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Does that mean one can count on one to add to the conversation?
  2. Or do as god intended you to do in that place and not spout it forth from the mouth or keyboard! ????
  3. ou must be barking mad getting your snout into that t(c)rap!
  4. In my area we steal the bricks as well! We do it mostly to throw at other yobs or the Police if they bother to turn up!
  5. That yoke really cracked me up without scrambling my brain cell!
  6. Which is all the more reason to go to a temple and ask them about "so called" non Buddhist activities, their involvemnt in them, and your actions etc, etc!
  7. And she is used to playing male roles in more ways than one! PS; FromWIKI; She is both the first female and first openly homosexual officer to lead the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), or the Met, in London.
  8. Then why, when I needed to move the spirit house at my business premises, did my staff inist on the monks coming round to perform their stuff both before and after the removal of the spirit house?
  9. DezLez

    TV Mucho

    Yes. Your 7 hours a day would work! It is a rolling 50hours in the 7day period. As recordings drop off you get those hours back. I have never used that many hours at one time but I imagine if you delete a recording manually you get the hours back quicker!
  10. Nice to "read" you are back! Glad that you and your family have/are pulling through your recent health scares!
  11. DezLez

    TV Mucho

    You can still record up 50 hours of content up to 7 days in advance and once recorded keep for 7 days with the basic subscription.
  12. Maybe, but respectful tourists would abstain. Now, I agree that Thais MOST people don't need much of a motivational speech to behave like morons.
  13. Why do we need updated of your and possibly everybody's AQI readings? If anyone wants to know the AQI readings in their, or your location, all they have to do is look it up themselves. If they are reading AN then they can read their own AQI's!
  14. No you use your name and the given address just as it would appear if you owned or rented the premises. There is no company name or anything to say it is anything other than your personal address. I suggest you go to the website and read up about how it is done! I have used it for many years with no problems. Unless you need something forwarded to you there is no need for the mail company to know your actual address and when I need something forwarded I get it sent to a friends address.
  15. Thanks for you answer DD sandyf's option (UKPostbox) appears to be similar to mine (myUKpost.com). As chilly07 pointed out UK banks etc. will not send to a PO BOX or Mailbox number address. myUKpost.com give you an actual residential address which my banks etc. are perfectly happy with so suggest you make sure of the type of address your eventual forwarding company uses. Also note that using a UK based company "shows" the banks/pensions etc. that you are still in the UK if that is required.
  16. This is now the second Saturday without a Rooster weekly roundup! Has he been put out to roost?
  17. if the OP would answer the first reply (mine) he might get some helpful responses. There is nothing worse than an OP who posts for help and does not respond to questions!
  18. Where exactly in the world are you personnally experiancing this "figure" and how are you measuring/reading it it? I am intruiged given the heavy rains in CM City in the last two days!!
  19. Which country are you wanting mail "forwarded"from/showing as your "home address". If the UK I would recommend "myUKpost.com".
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