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Everything posted by DezLez

  1. Why did Thailand not use the standard Government Funded Equipment (GFE) procedures used by many Countries when buying military hardware where the Purchasing Government buys the equipment under a separate contract and then either delivers it to the builder for fitting or installs the equipment in country after the ship/submarine is delivered,
  2. Which previous years have been unliveable? I have lived here in CM for 22 years have never left the area in Feb-May and as far as I know I am still alive as are my neighbours and friends! Please curtail the hyperbole as it just makes a mockery of the rest of your post(s)!
  3. I wonder who his father/mother/etc is connected to or whether they just have a stock of large brown envelopes!
  4. Since when has the Bay of Bengal washed upon Thailand shore? Thailand's western coastline is only linked with the Bay of Bengal through the Andaman Sea.
  5. Went past the clinic today; still closed, but the signs now say " closed due to covid outbreak"
  6. I understand that money goes to charitable organisations but that does not equate to wages. I believe that they will have to increase that percentage and or find some other way to compensate the disabled sellers from their loss of income.
  7. I thought one of the reasons behind the present "paper" lottery was to give a form of employment to the disabled. What is going to happen to them if it all goes online?
  8. A bill for 40,236BHT of paracetamol takes a lot of swallowing!
  9. Not a "Shabu" restaurant but more like a "Shabby" restaurant!
  10. Did you look up the wrong word in your thesaurus? What has renunciation got to do with this subject?
  11. Express works for me on BBC iPlayer/ITV HUB/ALL4 (CH4)/MY5(Ch5)
  12. The Barbecue Store | Chiang Mai (bbqthai.com)
  13. All the more reason to ban it then and let him suffer the same as the majority of Thais who are being shafted by this so called Government!
  14. I believe that the figures for deaths resulting from road accidents in Thailand are only of those pronounced dead at the scene and do not include those who die later as a result of their injuries which means the actual fatality figures are even higher/worse!
  15. Scotland, or Japan knows good beef if as it's NOT their passion in a beef burger. As a proper steak YES but not as ground up processed cr&p in a plastic bun in an overpriced café!
  16. About nothing except beef! which is all they seem to do on this forum!
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