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Everything posted by rose33

  1. You could email Stuart Jay Raj to ask him. He would know, or know where to ask. DM, if you need his email address.
  2. Out of print, so I'm on here begging. ????
  3. If you follow a specific process, it gets approved instantly. Google around, there are some visa/law firms that have blogged about how that works. There are certain things you must do in a specific way, such as booking hotel from a particular website, providing your hotel evidence all in one page, and NOT uploading certain very popular file types.
  4. Thank you & agreed. It's a good shop. Unfortunately, they don't have my title right at the moment.
  5. If anyone in CM has a second-hand copy of this book, I'll pay up to 250 baht. Thanks team.
  6. Of course, this concern is exactly why I posted. Thank you for your honesty and for sharing your experiences.
  7. A few times now, while inspecting rental properties, I've been told things like: - "After you sign the lease we will give it a complete clean before you move in." - "2 weeks after you move in, we will install the oven/bathtub/showerhead/locks on the top drawers." Have always kept a straight face while internally dying of laughter and immediately walking away. It seems such a transparent p*ss-take. Initially thought I was being made the butt of some kind of joke, but has happened so many times now, am beginning to think it could actually be the way things are done around here. Has anyway had personal experience with this particular style of Thai promise? Did the promised improvements materialise.... Promptly? At all? Thanks
  8. If I may ask, when was that? We seem to have 2 schools of thought on this thread, re: personal effects.
  9. There's stuff in there I'd like to have with me. Childhood photos and journals. Clothes that fit really well. If I'd been travelling direct from AU to TH I just would have flown biz class and brought it all with me. But there was a bit of traveling before coming here.
  10. Yeah, from a purely financial perspective there is certainly a funny side to it. ????
  11. Thanks for questions. 1) I only found out on Friday last week that there was any problem. I have been following up regularly with the customs agent appointed by FedEx. They always said there was a delay because they couldn't figure out what codes to apply to the items. I just put it down to Thai bureaucracy. Everyone says things happen slowly here. 2). I already told them I wouldn't be paying any excess charges, because the delays are caused by them, not me.
  12. You're suggesting I seek a CC refund for the payment to FedEx, because (1) they never issued an invoice, just charged me, and because (2) here we are 2 months later and my 'overnight' air freight delivery still hasn't been delivered? That's a good idea.
  13. Because I left Australia many months before arriving in Thailand.
  14. Thanks. I'd be very grateful if you could please PM the details. There is already a 3rd party customs clearance agent (appointed by the courier) but they are the ones causing the latest set of problems.
  15. It's a 2010 ThinkPad with NO BATTERY, no wifi, and an Australian recharger. Why would they want it? ???? Very desperate indeed ???? I tried to abandon it but apparently the abandoning is an all or nothing game.
  16. There is the added complexity that I was initially (when I left Australia) planning to move to a different country (not Thailand). I made sure my shipping items met all the requirements for leaving AU, travelling by air, AND entry into Country A. I carefully read all the rules for that, packed and disposed of items accordingly, and made a detailed inventory and took a lot of photos. I also note it's not a business transaction... It's merely the transport of my personal items. FedEx have offered no meaningful support throughout the whole process. I think you're being harsh.
  17. I'm dealing with a well known international courier. Let's call it "National Prompt". Or NatPro, colloquially. I packed a few boxes of stuff in AU (books, clothes, an old laptop, knick knacks, hiking gear). I provided an accurate, signed, itemised list to NatPro. The courier company collected it from my nominated address in AU, and then immediately flew it to Thailand without any sort of prior discussion with me about the contents, import restrictions in Thailand, or the cost. Proceeded to charge my credit card whatever the hell they liked. I was expecting some kind of consensual process after they weighed and measured in Brisbane. Since then, it's been sitting in customs in Thailand for 2 months. Now I'm told it's illegal to import a used laptop to TH, and I must either abandon everything, or go through some kind of litigation with a Thai authority and pay a fine. Amaaaaaazing Thailand. Seems ridiculous that I could bring a used laptop into Thailand in my personal luggage, but not have it shipped over by courier. I get it they are either adorably incompetent OR they want a dodgy bribe for no reason. The question is, what's my next move? The most efficient way to move forward. Any ***accurate, informed and relevant*** ***guidance or suggestions*** will, as always, be gratefully received. Thank you.
  18. This is the third story I have heard about passports being confiscated from foreigners. There's always a price to get it back. I say a prayer every time mine has to go out of my possession, even for 5 minutes.
  19. https://www.thaivest.com/baan-ua-athorn-cheap-housing-shceme-set-to-expand
  20. Yes, I also saw that on wikipedia. Hence the question in here! Unfortunately I don't know how to confirm the status of specific Thai legislation (e.g., in force/repealed/amended, etc.). Someone on this forum will know how, or know someone who does.
  21. Hello friends, Thai Cultural Mandate #2, 'On preventing danger to the nation', was issued on 3 July 1939. My question - Is it still law in Thailand? (Yes, I know about the 2014 '12 Core Values'. That's NOT what I'm asking.). Thank you team
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