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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. So your friend actually did the job he was paid to do, and now he actually reads his travel insurance policy? And your lawyer, who you're paying to prepare your personal will detailing the disposal of your assets after your demise, is confirming the details of your wishes? I think the word you're looking for is "responsible."
  2. i assume the authorities entered the full 2.2 million baht into evidence.
  3. Don't know why they cut the last two paragraphs of the article. Seems like important information.....
  4. Guilty. I thought they were serving an endangered fish species. (............or a certain peace-prize winning ex-president had overstayed his visa.)
  5. What's the problem? It's his (wife's) property. Seems the owners should have some say in limiting uses for their private rental property. That's not do-goodering. He's not out marching to have all the bars closed. He just doesn't want to be involved in supporting them.
  6. I worked in China for years, accessing external internet with ExpressVPN. Excellent customer service, hundreds of international servers, with constant updates to keep track of Great Firewall software changes. Your account can be used by up to three devices simultaneously. Load the mobile app to use in cafes and shops. VPN's aren't illegal in China, but they aren't encouraged either. Businesses need a VPN to function, and have to apply for permits. Regular folks don't fall under that rule. VPN's until recently were advertised on Taobao. No longer offered there, but it's easy enough to download software, even within China. Would be advisable to set up the laptop before leaving to have it running properly. Internet access with a VPN can be problematic at times, especially during major party meetings. Expect major Great Firewall upgrades and interference with server access for a week or so around these events. Schedule credit card payments and other important things in advance. The Chinese government is not trying to completely block western internet sites, as that would be impossible. They're trying to make it frustrating for the average Chinese citizen so they'll stick to the easily-accessed approved sites.
  7. Bought a Hisense RB546N with freezer on the bottom from Tesco about six months ago. Very quiet if you ensure the unit is level, otherwise annoying ticking from the fan.
  8. Personal income tax return filing is due March 31st. tax info here: https://rd.go.th/english/6045.html
  9. If I understand correctly, you agreed to rent the apartment, and you put down a deposit. I assume this was an annual rental, not a month-to-month deal. Is there any recourse? You think the landlord could sue you for breaking the *oral* contract, demand full payment of all rent due?
  10. Why would you hand over 15K baht with no written agreement?
  11. Opening a new account will likely need a residence certificate, so another trip to the big city to visit immigration, and I'd still be wasting a whole day getting two bank letters and two statements for next extension. All this so I can get a little more interest, and claim a tax refund? I probably won't bother. The extra interest earned and the tax refund isn't worth the trouble.
  12. That is possible. I could move the 800K retirement stash from Bangkok Bank to another bank. I could hope the transfer is completed in one day with no break in time held in accounts. I could stand in line for hours at TWO banks next extension, and get TWO bank letters and TWO bank statements. I could hope immigration won't give me too much grief for having two bank accounts, both for less than the full year.
  13. I believe if you file late, you will be charged a late fee of 200 baht for each late return, so checks two years should have 200 baht deducted.
  14. Try another bank. Take a translator along.
  15. I've done it before when the interest rate was higher, and when I lived a couple blocks from the tax office and my bank. Now I've moved out to the provinces, and it generally takes 3-4 hours to reach the lone customer service desk at my bank branch. Then would have to drive an hour to the big city to find a tax office to wait in line a couple hours to file a claim. For what? My 800K earns me the princely sum of 4000 baht at 0.5% interest. The 15% tax amounts to 600 baht.............about $17.
  16. It's an anal probe. You have been abducted by aliens.
  17. Build tall concrete wall. Buy dogs.
  18. Whatever happened to that guy who swore he'd eat his own wedding tackle if bitcoin didn't hit a million by 2020?
  19. I would still advise the OP to give it a shot or three, regardless of reports. If successful, he's avoided future headache. What's the worstest that could happen? He wastes half an hour and enjoys the bank's free AC. He might get lucky, and we'd have a new report.
  20. You "may" be able to open a bank account now with your tourist visa or waiver. Why not try half a dozen large banks (not mall or supermarket branches) in foreigner-dense areas? You might get lucky.
  21. Must be an impetuous mistranslation. Otherwise a very, very strange spelling of "arrested and held in jail, charged with attempted murder."
  22. Maybe I've been here too long, but this running from the accident to hide with mom (or husband, in this case) doesn't seem out of the ordinary.
  23. Coding? Sounds like yet another unachievable public relations hub in the offing. Waiting for the announcement Thailand will be ASEAN hub of quantum coding to infinity and beyond. Meanwhile, my SIL hired a local contractor to renovate her bathroom. Last I saw of them, the crew were in the parking lot in front of her townhouse attempting to cut wire mesh for the concrete floor. With a shovel.
  24. The southern border of China with Vietnam and Laos is relatively porous, less so with Myanmar. In many places it's possible to climb a 1.5m fence or wade an ankle-deep stream. There are a number of local crossings he could have gotten through, and even some spots markets are set up directly on the border, where it's no problem to simply walk through ending up across the border. Visit the border market, admire the lovely border marker..... Hey! Those aren't Chinese flags! Oooops!
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