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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Grind'r is Buddhist? You learn something new every day.
  2. Order online...... Aspent-M [Aspirin] 81 mg [Pot of 60 tablets] ฿50.00 https://bangkokdrugstore.com/product/aspent-m-aspirin-81-mg-60s/
  3. Did they consider possibly maybe perhaps waking and asking the uninjured driver?
  4. Our local metal goods dealer has 76-cm wide roofing sheets with 25-mm insulated foam w/metal foil at 360 baht/meter. Sorry, don't know the brand name.
  5. This will end well.
  6. Who can beat Biden? Gotta be Cornpop! He's one mean dude.
  7. Mostly peaceful Chinese weather barroons.
  8. Try this online. If i remember, you need to apply for a user ID and password before you can log on. https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn24online/ For the android app, did you set the app store location to Thailand?
  9. These are historical documentaries. Where do actual facts come into the picture when all that matters is representation and inclusion and ekkitty, and telling "my truth"?
  10. The director told variety And the producer said They're doing a 4-part series on "African Queens." It appears to me she's been forced to culturally appropriate as the last Wakandan Queen in a movie turned out to be a slave trader. oops.
  11. That's good to know. I'll file that for future reference when Nick Cage is cast in a claimed historical documentary playing Nelson Mandela.
  12. Sign onto Wise. Go to "Manage Your Account". Go to "Account Details". Go to "Your Account Details" to view bank routing number and your account number.
  13. That's just one option. Maybe check cellphone settings to download from google playstore. I've read if not set to Thailand, the app won't appear in the listing.
  14. https://apkcombo.com/section38/th.go.immigration.section38
  15. Ten years? Why haven't you or your wife registered your apartment/condo/house on the sec.38 app so you can do the TM-30 yourself in seconds?
  16. I wasn't there, so won't try to contradict your claim. Did you have a copy of the rental agreement, a signed copy of the owners ID, and a copy of the housebook?
  17. The owner is the owner. You are the possessor. Either can fill out and sign the TM-30. The assistant is neither owner nor possessor.
  18. lazada https://www.lazada.co.th/products/90-4-16-5-i300580331-s517384750.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/4-16-spiral-duct-1-i300496451-s517246131.html
  19. The real question is would you step in to help a small Thai man being pummeled into gruel by his taller, younger, stronger ladyfriend?
  20. But death occurring away from the accident site, either in the hospital or the ambulance aren't counted as traffic fatalities. What's the real number of deaths?
  21. They won't cool an entire room, but if you set it up next to your recliner, you'll get a decent cool breeze for teevee watching or internetting.
  22. 1. Marinate overnight. 2. Stick in air fryer until done. 3. Consume.
  23. @Stevey Nothing you can do. You can't change their lifelong habits. If you must stay there, I suggest you partition off a small plot of the yard, build a 1-meter concrete wall, and install a DIY container tinyhome. You can live in the container home and maintain civilized standards within your compound. Honeybunny can visit as needed, and can keep her flophouse the way she likes it. Everybody's happy.
  24. C'mon, man! This ain't rocket surgery! Enough with the photo shoots and "bewareness" campaigns. Just enforce the damn laws. Is that so hard?
  25. the wire at the pole is probably aluminum also. why not use a section of aluminum cable between the two aluminum cables?
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