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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Bangkok Bank lady offered me a credit card, 50K on account, with a 25K spending limit. Seems worth it though, as they would only charge me 28% interest on my own money.
  2. No idea. You can get coverage details and an online quote here: https://www.healthcareinternational.com/ I've got the Emergency+ plan, ex-US, with $2K deductible, $1700 annual. YMMV
  3. I have a policy with them. No problems setting up the policy with automatic annual payments via credit card. No claims yet.
  4. Would be too much trouble (for me) to lug a bike through airports and train stations and bus terminals for an around-town ride. And too much worry about damaging the carbon frame under piles of luggage, or potential theft. In this case, I'd pick up a cheapish folder that could be easily transported, then donated at the end of the trip.
  5. Why upgrade components? What do you have now, and do all the parts function correctly? If you can wait to upgrade, parts should be cheaper in Canada. Spares for high-end parts likely will be unobtainium. Are you planning to tour by bike, or take your bike on trains/buses and mostly ride around towns? If touring, does your carbon frame have rack attachments? If not, carbon limits your bike-packing bag options. If stowing it in bus/train baggage compartments, expect to have sacks of produce loaded atop your bike.
  6. Be careful what you wish for! If UK with 65 million gets one vote, then China with 1455 million,........????
  7. There was a recent thread referencing a YouTuber named "Chocolate Man" recommending a visa agent in Pattaya doing cash-in-the-bank O-visas for 5000 baht. Not sure about the charge for extensions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cua_Pr79H_Q&ab_channel=ChocolateManInThailand
  8. Got it. So far, 5% (of the track length?) is built but not yet in operation. The reporter gave no indication of the completion status of the remaining 95% (of track length?) The remainder could be 95% complete, or 50% complete, or still in the planning stage.
  9. I am concerned. Consider the implications.
  10. But what exactly does a reporter mean by "5% built"? Is that 5% of the total project, however total is defined, or is it 5% of the proposed system is completed and in operation, leaving 95% in various stages of completion?
  11. I would not blame communism for slowdowns at the borders. Chinese immigration is very fast and efficient, with no "tea-money" demands. Laos is another world in that regard, but the Chinese will be enforcing the rules on the railway.
  12. This is not a problem. The high-speed rail is a separate system from the standard railway, and will be built as an extension to the Kunming to Vientiane line.
  13. Sorry, it's not an insect. It's a discarded condom.
  14. Ebikes are available thru Lazada as well as at many fine stores. https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/ebike/ If OP is coming for long time, he could bring the Ebike minus battery on the flight, and just buy a battery here. https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?q=ebike+battery
  15. Excellent news! The vaccines work. Fifteen people caught Covid, with ZERO deaths. And if these are "bikers," I'll assume motorcycle riders and visualize a group of Harley riders, not necessarily the best of physical specimens. And in all fifteen cases, the effects of Covid were reduced enough that they all could continue their tour. It's good to follow the science.
  16. You're not doing it good! Using 18 (probably matching!) screws for only 3 metal sheets? That's crazy. Learn to do it right: 3 sheets needs 7 screws in random locations, leaving 11 screws to drop on the floor before declaring "good enough!", leaving your hammer on the roof, and settling down for a six-pack.
  17. It's easy to make up reasons you think the officials want to hear, but... Congratulations! Now you're a convicted criminal in two countries!
  18. The IO won't ask for an onward ticket. You may be required to show proof of onward ticket to the airline at check-in in order to have a boarding pass issued. Depends on airline and departure airport. You could: Buy a real ticket, throwaway or fully-refundable. Buy a $15 rental ticket. Show up at the airport, hope for the best.
  19. Are you using 800K in the bank method? If so, have you had money in the bank (800/400) the entire time, or did the agent simply deposit 800K to get the bank letter, then immediately withdraw it? Not a problem for TM-30, but come extension time............
  20. Government plan at designated hospital for outpatient. In-patient Bupa (Aetna) coverage 1000+ per month.
  21. What advantage? Being trapped paying 15K+ baht for annual extensions? Retirement visas/extensions are tooooo easy. Better DIY and be legal.
  22. I sent him a link to the Youtube video where Chocalit Man recommended a certain agency. They'll do the initial visa for 4-5K with cash in the bank, but extensions don't appear to be discounted for existing bank accounts. He can contact them if he's interested.
  23. Friend will have 800K in his own bank account next week. He currently has most of that in savings with ATM card. He will put 802K into a fixed account and simply leave it there, then have a couple of savings accounts for daily expenses and to keep larger sums not attached to an ATM card. The 800K was sent in via two Swift transactions to his local Pattaya bank. No problem proving the source of funds next year. He's thinking maybe he can try immigration in Pattaya next year to renew his extension. He'll have a legitimate bank account with 800K for just over 13 months. I doubt it'll fly, as it won't fully cover his 15-month extension. He now knows his options for next year. He wants to avoid agents and their fees, so will either go for a non-O at Savannaket, or visit Angkor Wat for a week, return on a visa waiver and DIY.
  24. Thanks for that! (for realz!) 3 months from date of extension approval. And I'll assume the 2 months at the other end is before the date of extension application, not expiration of the current extension. Just as I thought, his only options are to continue with the agent, get a non-O in Savannaket, or let his extension expire, return on a waiver and DIY. He'll have the bank account with 800K when he applies for a new visa, so should be a walk in the cake.
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