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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. And this is important, the dodgy dossier was shopped around to the "news" agencies who at first did not want to publicize it, given the salacious unverifiable contents. It wasn't until it was discussed with the current (p)resident at a morning briefing, which was dutifully leaked to the press, giving them the all clear to report on it as "news." Who funded the steele "investigation" through a series of cutouts, and what was their relationship to the current administration?
  2. Why was the car taken to that specific location? when you went by afterwards, before they started work, what did you agree to? Did you just say, go ahead and fix it, and not get any details as to cost or time required? What does the insurance policy state about repairs?
  3. Our "American" lawyer agrees, as of posting 48 hours ago, no indication immigration wants to get involved in tax documentation for visas/extensions.
  4. Nah, this is easy, not a big change from the last decade or two. A good reason would be worldwide taxation.
  5. Yes, but this guy is all over the place. In one video he claims his sources in the upper reaches of immigration confirm there is no inclination to require tax filing, and in another he claims it's just around the corner that extensions will be linked to tax clearance.
  6. We cover everything in detail before she calls. I explain exactly what I want to know, and draw pictures of countries and banks with red arrows to show cash flows. Also make a written list of specifically-worded questions, leaving space for her to write the answers, preferably "yes", "no", or a number. I also ask her to explain the questions to me before the call so she knows I know she knows, you know?
  7. Did she happen to get an estimate (or two) and submit them to the insurance company for approval, before starting eight months of repairs?
  8. He got off easy! They threw a fake dossier complete with golden showers at Trump!
  9. Dunno. I get my wife to call for me to avoid misunderstandings. There's one surefire way to find out.
  10. Would be nice if TRD announced this requirement, like, in public, like, you know, before the tax filing season was half over! Fortunately, we have legal beagles like the one referenced looking out for our interests, and are more than willing to submit unnecessary tax filings and documentation............for a price.
  11. What bank statements exactly? 1. Statement Bank (January to December 2024) for pay tax This could be THAI bank statement to show the withholding tax deducted at source. Your accountant mentioned a large batch of savings brought in, and the manager brushed it off, didn't say produce bank statements. Maybe have your accountant call later and ask for details for that particular fiefdom's requirements, and then call the TRD helpline #1161.
  12. That's an awesome learning curve! 45 minutes ago you were asking what "assessable means," what are the thresholds, and what does "DTA" mean, and already giving advice. I'm impressed.
  13. So Tramadol bad, No have. But Ultracet good, have. Take 3 for same-same. Good to know, was looking for some last night, and found my pills on hand had expired in 2018. Was planning to check the local pharmacies tomorrow.
  14. Cool beans. Make it a flat tax. Everyone pays 10% of their income to sociable security, not capped. But to be fair, the benefits are paid out in line with contributions, not capped. The guy that pays $1000 into the system gets $1000 in benefits. The guy that pays $100K into the system gets $100K in benefits. What could be more fair?
  15. Would be nice if they reiterated this formally. What some official says at an interview doesn't necessarily reflect the law. He is likely oversimplifying the answer, as giving a full, detailed account would require hours to cover everyone in every situation. You also have to consider mistranslations, and the often abbreviated translated answers which are shortened interpretations by the translator of what the speaker meant. DTA doesn't mean you can't be taxed by both countries, but we like to think of it in those terms for simplicity. In the case of sociable security, that is declared exempt, as are some pensions. Other pensions may be taxed by both, with one country eating a tax credit. DTA means you won't be taxed at the standard rate by both countries on the same income. Your private pension may be taxable in your home country, then taxable again in Thailand. You may use a foreign tax credit to offset the Thai tax, resulting in not paying tax in Thailand (or the reverse if Thailand has taxing authority). That is not the same as exempt, but has the same result. I believe that is what your quote above is intended to convey - you won't be taxed twice at the full rate on the same income. That's MY understanding of DTA's. If I'm worng, please correct.
  16. In other words, 85% of the pre-selected survey respondents believe THEIR benefits should increase, but only if that means raising taxes on OTHER Americans.
  17. Tax receipt gained upon filing is NOT same-same as "tax clearance certificate" one must apply for, and which is only valid for, I believe, two weeks. You receive your receipt in person upon filing, or can download when online filing is accepted. The "tax clearance certificate" is much more involved, explained here: https://www.rd.go.th/english/23518.html No need to respond. You bore me.
  18. No, dear. I filed 2021, 2022, and 2023 returns last July. I filed 2024 return on the 4th of January. Do betta, yo.
  19. Really? I'm not aware of anyone obtaining a "tax clearance certificate." Copy of filing and TRD receipt, yes. Tax clearance certificate, no.
  20. 'Begone foul dwimmerlaik, lord of carrion! Leave the tax residents in peace!'
  21. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, so it's "this year" now. Careful, that looks like you are suggesting things COULD change next year, and that's scaremongering. Absolutely! The TRD could come out with a new directive stating all foreigners, regardless of tax residency, need not file tax returns in Thailand, no matter how much they remit. It could happen. Prove me wrong. See how that works?
  22. In Thailand, or nations with legitimate traffic enforcement? Exactly!
  23. Careful, general. Go after the wrong criminals, and Trump is liable to sanction you!
  24. Here's one for you, from your little buddy, the "American" lawyer. Immigration has no inclination to include tax documentation in visa/extension matters.
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