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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Hub of pending potential intended projected announcements.
  2. I can imagine the promotional slogans.... "Thailand, hub of durable bags made from leftover fabric"
  3. Multimeters aren't terribly expensive. You might want to buy a new one with digital readout. Are you cutting power at the main breaker or the light switch when you're fiddling with your wires? Could be the installer put the fixture upstream of the switch. Live goes into the light, then the switch is on the neutral. That breaks the circuit, but there's still always juice at the light. You have an LED voltage pencil tester?
  4. The tenant having entered into a contract, means that he will pay rent for the stated period. Oh, wait!
  5. DoHome/HomePro/Global has the small consumer units starting around 800-1000 baht, many with 4 breakers. I believe they also have DIY boxes without breakers, but cost of buying individual main and 2 breakers would be about the same as the complete set.
  6. Bingo! PEA won't hook up power to illegal dwellings, and builders don't get the lower residential rates. How much would it cost to get a pole with meters planted on your side of the road where you can control access?
  7. Will the newspaper that ran the article publishing the name of the resort face charges when this gets picked up by the western press?
  8. Yes. You signed a contract. You paid a deposit. You broke the contract. You lost your deposit. Perfectly legal and moral and ethical.
  9. This seems to be the more important info for the OP. You sent funds via WISE, and the transfer coding and documentation was acceptable for a foreigner purchasing a condo.
  10. I looked it up. Definitely questioning the logic of the argument, not the motivation.
  11. Vaccines don't stop transmission completely, but they help prevent the spread and reduce the infection rate and lessen the effects on those infected. The "it don't stop transmission" claim is a strawman that the conspiracy theorizers can knock down without getting their tinfoil in a wad.
  12. I did my research! He's a 'doctor' much like Kent Hovind qualified to call himself Dr. Dino. From what I found on the intertubes, he had a moderately unsuccessful YouTube channel before the covids, who then found pandering to tinfoil nutjob conspiracy theorists by quote-mining and mischaracterizing studies got more clicks.
  13. That's the thing. A SWIFT should be max $35, sometimes free from your broker. Thai bank deposit fee max 500 baht, potential $15-20 fee for a correspondent bank, and slightly less attractive conversion rate. WISE has the better conversion rate, but their fee increases with the amount transferred. Does it ever increase to the point that a SWIFT is a better value? I dunno.........
  14. Why not order some Chinese J-20 stealth fighters? They come with TWO engines to avoid that face-losing splash sound you hear when they fall into the ocean. If you prefer single engine, then the JF-17/FC-1 might do at only $25 million each. Discounts on major orders processed thru Alibaba, and spare parts readily available on the shelf at Harbor Freight.
  15. Maybe. Best to check the total fees and actual conversion rates to see which is the better option. Buying "land" sounds like a rather large amount. Also want to be sure to have the proper coding on the deposit to ensure it can be used to purchase a condo, unless your wife is buying land in her name.
  16. They just might. China's Comac C919 single-aisle passenger aircraft now taking orders at the Singapore air show that opened yesterday. Boing is wisely not displaying their aircraft......
  17. Why? You have paper maps and deeds and other documentation, you have rods and chains, you have markers buried in the ground. Whywhywhywhywhy always go for the impractical, less accurate, high-tech, word-salady non-solution. This operation requires shower sandals on the ground.
  18. Go seventy-leven. Buy SIM card 49 baht. True-ly simple.
  19. I set my Google Play to Thailand when attempting to download the immigration Section-38 application. The change location option is deactivated for one full year after a change.
  20. In other good news. The Navy system appears to be functioning now. I logged on with using Firefox with ad blockers and script blockers still activated, was able to access the move money page and select items from the dropdown menus. I didn't complete a transaction, as I have no spare cash in the accounts. The checking account is used solely to transfer cash from my broker as a firebreak between the moderately big bucks and Wise. I'll do a transfer test tomorrow. Sent a small amount from my broker on Friday, but today is a bank holiday.
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