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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Ooopsies! Somebody missed the announcement by the transport ministry that the Bangkok-Korat high-speed line route is being redesigned, leading to a (further!) delay of at least two years. The decision affects phase one of the scheme, a 250km section from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima. The route has 189km of Chinese-style elevated track, 54km of ground-level track and 8km of tunnels. The cost had been estimated to be $4.7bn. So far, only one of the 14 contracts that make up the line has been completed. https://www.globalconstructionreview.com/thailands-high-speed-railway-china-link/ Interestingly, the entire run from Kunming to Vientienne, thru the freaking mountains, was completed in under 6 years and cost a mere $5.9 billion, under budget and ahead of schedule. Yet here we are. Hub of "if it ain't broke, break it."
  2. Wait. What did you tell them the first or second and maybe third time they asked how long you were staying? You didn't mention then that you had a ticket out in less'n 30 days? Seems like that would've pretty much resolved the situation.
  3. No, the family members are not. The lady apparently died from an allergic reaction. But the fact that the reaction occurred 45 minutes after leaving the restaurant, and no telling how long after actually having eaten, points to something other than that specific meal being responsible. But the lawyer may be publicizing the links to Disney to get the public aware of the "facts." Juries are notoriously generous, especially when the "winnings" come from a deep-pockets corporation. Back when I lived in Alburquerque, an elderly woman got a million dollar judgement against McDonald's when she burned herself with hot coffee. Seems she went thru the drive-thru, ordered coffee with her meal, pulled up from the window, took the coffee sitting in a secure no-tip cardboard retainer from the bag, put it between her legs, removed the safety lid marked 'caution, coffee is hot', and then proceeded to drive over a speed bump and spilled coffee in her lap. The lawyer brought in barrista experts to 'testify' that McDonald's coffee was 10 degrees too hot, therefore negligent. The jury thought, "aw, poor lady, it's only a couple million, McDonald's won't miss it." And now you know why Mickey D's coffee is now sold lukewarm.
  4. She left the restaurant after the meal, and went to a second location for some reason. Enough time had passed that her husband was not in the immediate vicinity and unaware of the situation. Disney lawyers will be collecting all the evidence, including time stamps on the order and receipt and CCTV recordings showing their movements after the meal. Anaphalaxis is not a delayed reaction in most cases. A response causing death I suspect would begin immediately. They will demand any receipts for mixed drinks/snacks at the next establishment visited, and likely introduce the potential of flavored vapes containing allergens used by other patrons. *edit* It seems quite some time had passed, as she had left to go shopping, likely entering the second restaurant to seek aid. CCTV of her movements in the park afterwards will be essential evidence. From CNN: After dinner, Tangsuan went shopping in the Disney Springs area, and began “suffering from a severe acute allergic reaction” while at Planet Hollywood, according to the lawsuit. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/26/business/new-york-doctor-dies-at-disney-world-restaurant-after-staff-confirmed-food-was-allergen-free-lawsuit-alleges/index.html However, 45 minutes after Tangsuan ate her meal, she was in a nearby store alone when she started having a severe allergic reaction to the food she ate and self-administered her EpiPen. She began having difficulty breathing and collapsed before 911 was called and she was taken to the hospital. https://people.com/doctor-dies-allegedly-allergic-reaction-food-disney-world-lawsuit-8600661
  5. If you're going to blast loud music at YOUNG Germans, it better be Heino! There's nothing like traditional Blasmusik at 6am when you're hungover!
  6. Oh, really? A former (alleged) case officer would let the bad guys take out the president 'cause you don't like his positions? This is why someone needs to overhaul the intel services. Who knows what else they might get up to. They might spy on his campaign, they might sex up a fake dossier and leak it to tame journalists, or they just might sic the IRS on opposition parties.
  7. Okay, so he cut out beer and lottery tickets and hookers for 18 months and plowed the savings into paying off the mortgage. Nothing supernatural about that. How come the spirits didn't give him the lucky numbers so he could pay it off in 3 days?
  8. Shirley, we've seen plenty of threads with video of motorcycle riders hit from behind, either while riding or sitting at a red light. Also multiple threads with scooter riders mown down by truck-n-trailers taking a left turn too tight, trailer wheels in the emergency lane. I keep a constant watch behind. Out here in ruralville, pickups with hay bales sticking out half a meter to each side, flatbeds with oversize earthmoving equipment, scooter/sidecar riders in the emergency lane...............and half of them encroaching on my lane, not paying attention, or reading their facebooks. Numerous times I've had to move into the gutter, or completely into the ditch, to avoid getting sideswiped. Things in front I'm not as concerned about. I can see those coming with more warning time.
  9. I, for one, does that, regardless of what "most folk" do. Has served me well over 'bout a quarter million kilometers of riding in Thailand and China and Vietnam and Malaysia and Singapore and Myanmar and Laos and...... ....and nearly as much in Australia and US and New Zealand and Germany and Czechoslovakia and Austria and France..... and even in Italy, despite what "most people" did....
  10. I was under the impression it allowed the driver to drink more, and then claim he was sober during the accident, being so scared that he needed a half bottle of whiskey to calm his nerves. The idea being it's now impossible to prove he was drunk BEFORE he ran off and hid in mom's basement.
  11. 12,000 KM is nothing. When touring, I cycle 100-150 KM/day at 20-25 kmh. My longest tour lasted one year, 4 bags and trailer, included the entire perimeter of Australia (excluding NT). Add in rides to Alice Springs and Tasmania, that's over 40,000 KM. 33 KM on an unladen road bike takes about an hour, an easy daily training ride. Edit: Misteakenly used the coastline of WESTERN Australia as the perimeter of Australia. 60k, not 20K. Oops!
  12. You can reset the individual transaction and daily limits in the app. If you have withdrawal limit set at 50K, you likely also have transfer limit set at 50K. I suspect that's the default limit applied when you set up online banking. You can increase the limit, then reset it lower afterwards. Or just go into the bank with your passport and bankbook and collect the full amount..
  13. Surrounding countries like Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia will continue to progress, while Thailand will sink further into irrelevance. From another thread:
  14. This isn't just the Thais being mean to westernfolk, while granting visa free entry or reduced price visas to Chinese and Russians. The fees are reciprocal and mutually negotiated.
  15. Apparently tourist numbers are down, so best way to make up the difference, shirley, is by raising the rates. Somehow I'm not certain how raising the price to more than double that of a Chinese visa ($140/$210 single/double, $280 6-month multiple entry) will draw more visitors. Elephant pants are even cheaper in China! Oh, wait! China is reducing fees? Tourist visa prices will be single/double $105/$160 or $210 for 6-month multiple entry. Now who's amazing, Thailand!
  16. I feel perfectly safe here. I, for one, welcome our new overlords from the Middle Kingdom!
  17. From your link: Your chart shows radiation measured over 48 hours, measurement appears to have continued to at least 216 hours. But why extend the chart past 48 hours when That would merely condense all the pertinent data into a tiny margin on the left side of the chart, leading to conspiracy theorists claiming the scientists were trying to hide something. Note that charts 4.3 and 4.5 indicate measurements continued at least to day 9.
  18. Allow me to add my anecdote. My wife and I were living in China, Hainan Island, during the first two years of the covids. Unable to renew my retirement extension as international travel was prohibited. Hainan has a population of 10 million, had required masking and social distancing, and some locations had limited lockdowns. In the beginning, public transport was shut down for two weeks. During that time we were restricted to our condo, one person allowed out once per day to forage for vittles. The entire population was tested several times. Positive tests resulted in entire housing complexes being thoroughly sanitized, with all public contacts of the infected individual tracked via cellphone app. Over the first two years of the covids, there were about 200 symptomatic cases and six deaths on the island. Most of those cases were brought in by persons returning from the mainland. Domestic restrictions were loosened in 2022, coinciding with thousands of cases during the latter half of the year. We left in July of that year before the outbreak in Sanya in August.
  19. This is a recent change. I had used them past 6 years, in Thailand and in China.
  20. THANKS!!!!!!!!! 30 minutes to file. Sent, accepted by the bad people about half an hour later.
  21. Looking over the options at the IRS website, the system offered two options. FreeTaxUS The final option is TaxSlayer. Gosh, you'd expect a terrorist organization that demands tribute from any and all income galaxy-wide, regardless of physical location, would make it possible to e-file......
  22. Hello, American expats! Looking forward to paying your tribute for 2023? Have you been using freefilefillableforms.com for online electronic filing? Ha! Not anymore ya ain't! Now searching for online alternative for electronic submission to avoid printing and mailing hardcopy. Any suggestions?
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