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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. If the Myanmarinarian aircraft did indeed unintentionally enter Thai airspace, it would likely have only been for a few seconds. Given that it should take 10-15 minutes to get a wunderweapon into the air, no wonder the the intruder had vanished.
  2. Who's a lame duck? lame duck noun 1. An elected officeholder or group continuing in office during the period between failure to win an election and the inauguration of a successor. 2. An officeholder who has chosen not to run for reelection or is ineligible for reelection. 3. An ineffective person; a weakling. Biden ticks the box on all three.
  3. Are you planning on paying for a gym membership? Why? In Bangkok, I used the fully-stocked and recently renovated weight room at the National Stadium (Ramkhamhaeng) for 40 baht/day. Running track, swimming pool (fee) and other facilities were available. In Chiang Mai, the stadium just north of the moat has a weight room under the bleacher section at the running track, similar cost a decade ago.
  4. Good question! Is there no longer a (p)resident in the WHite house? Haven't heard much from him lately, nor the border czar............
  5. It won't be a lie or deceptive until.......
  6. Yeah, that's better, just what we want. The government run by tarot card readings. 'splains a lot.................
  7. What's an alleged Thai woman doing just north of Frankfurt? In 1989, before the military drawdown?
  8. Sum ting no add up! Rady no loofied. If you've been roofied, you might instantly feel very drunk and sleepy. due to its quick-acting effects, Rohypnol is sometimes prescribed The onset of roofies is very quick, which means victims may feel excessively drunk as though from nowhere. Rohypnol The effects are typically felt within 30 minutes GHB The effects of GHB start in about 15 minutes. Ketamine begins to take effect very quickly
  9. How does that work? There's something there, or there isn't. If your test for x can detect it, x is present. If no test had positive results, it's inconclusive.
  10. And that will be ALL your gains, with no offset for losses.
  11. Why? It can't be for the juicy 1% interest on savings..... Park it in an offshore brokerage account, only bring in what you need. As to rental income, I believe there are larger deductions and allowances for expenses on that particular category.
  12. Sorry, I have no links, just what I recall from looking into condos a couple years ago. What is found online appears to be mostly ridiculously overpriced luxury villa condo developments aimed at foreign buyers.
  13. I got my TIN in Bangkok in 2017, pink ID and ol' yeller in Korat last year. Not the same numbers. May have something to do with where issued, or perhaps tax and ID systems have been merged, so new issues will be the same number. Earlier this year, visited my local district tax office because the online system no longer recognized my TIN. Was told my pink ID number was now my tax ID. My TIN was cancelled. Was told to use pink ID number to file tax returns. District office had to call the main provincial office to have the pink ID number activated for the online filing system. YKMV
  14. If worldwide income taxation ever goes into effect, then 6 months elsewhere may be beneficial for some. I'd be looking at minimum US$10,000 tax liability to Thailand, each and every year. Just two years of Thai tax payments would buy a decent condo in Cambodia. With the current change in interpretation, we're putting off major purchases until we know how this will be implemented next year. Now only bringing in savings within TEDA amount, spending down Thai bank accounts, and will get a couple more years use out of the Hilux with 400k on the clock.
  15. The same government that can't build a bicycle path?
  16. they still haven't cleaned up the broken glass from the fatal accident, in the median between the double yellow lines.
  17. ***UPDATE v2.0*** Just drove past the salt factory. This was about 6pm, in the dark. Streetlights on, but not particularly well lit. There was a loaded double-trailer rig doing a U-turn at the spot of the recent fatal accident, trying to negotiate the newly installed barrier posts. Hub of untrainable.
  18. But then neither is that Stillwagon grifter. Not a medical doctor. He has a degree in practical Phrenology. Any real doctor would not make this misteak. Edit to correct name spelling. Do not want to impugn honour of the Stillwater family.
  19. Lemme get this straight............. On one side of the argument we have all of science. On the another side we have a quack. Well, okay then!
  20. Follow the bio......... Dr. Kevin Stillwagon Retired chiropractor/airline captain, science communicator, educator on the immune system, inventor, author, lecturer, do it yourselfer, freedom fighter. https://substack.com/@drkevinstillwagon?utm_source=about-page You're getting your vaccine science from a chiropractor? Allow me to guffaw. bwaahhahahhahhaaaaaaahahhahhahh;aa bwaahhahahhahhaaaaaaahahhahhahh;aa bwaahhahahhahhaaaaaaahahhahhahh;aa
  21. Wife's mother has big land and 5 children. Puts single chanote in sister-in-laws's name for convenience. 5 children build houses. Now they want to separate into 5 individual plots each with chanote. They must decide on how to split the property and have it surveyed. Then they have to apply to have single chanote split into 5. Your wife's house/land chanote put in your daughter's name. You get a usufruct, with your name entered on rear of chanote.
  22. "1-9-1, what is your emergency?" "uhh, yeah, well, this car drove by and it had antlers on top!" "this is serious! what's your location, sir? we'll deploy the entire fleet of BMW smart cars immediately!"
  23. Super-secret stealth operation......with bright flashing lights, m'kay?
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