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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. I believe that's the "rental" fee for the meter, either electric or power. Variable rates may either be due to days in billing cycle, or more likely due to government rebates or reductions.....plus tax.
  2. Your insurance could run around $2k/year......under 6000 baht/month. For example https://www.healthcareinternational.com/annual with lifetime renewal and repatriation. i'm sure you can find a decent small house for under 10k baht. Rent a furnished efficiency for much less than that.......temporarily. Spend six months scouting out the area to find where you want to live. Our electric bill runs about 1000/month, water about 50-100. Internet and phone and TV package is 500/month. (Thai TV package for the wife)
  3. $2000/month? In Thailand? How do you plan to spend 70,000 baht/month, considering booze and women are not essentials? Rent a small house, hang out at the beach, eat decent food. You should be fine with half that. Your internet business will cover your medical insurance. Coverage at your age around $2K/year.
  4. Thank you for your input. It is truly appreciated. Consider me enlightened.
  5. It's hypothetical. Doesn't have to be a bank. Could be a hospital, or a 7-11, or a car dealership, or a food court. It's about situational awareness.
  6. It's not pointless at all. If you decide to visit a bank or office where the customer service staff wear masks and expect you to do also, and you want.......customer service........then just wear a mask. On the another hand, if you want to be ignored, given minimal attention, or possibly asked to leave, then go ahead and stand up for your "rights."
  7. Of course, lady with silly makeup is blaming the "microsleep." Next up, cowperson tatooist blames "brake failure" on the part of the tattoo gun.
  8. I read that the aspirin restrictions were due to people treating Dengue fever with too much aspirin.
  9. A Google search comes up with this: https://apkcombo.com/section38/th.go.immigration.section38 Section38 APP Application provider of Immigration Bureau - According to section 38 of the 1979 immigration act, "House owners, heads of household, landlords or managers of hotels who accommodate foreign nationals on a temporary basis who stay in the kingdom legally, must notify the local immigration authorities within 24 hours from the time of arrival of the foreign national via Mobile Application But might be better to go directly to Google Play for the download onto your cellphone. You might need to set your cellphone location in Google Play to Thailand.
  10. Well, of course. You move into a residence, you need to report it. A visa application usually goes thru an embassy outside of Thailand, so immigration in Thailand may not necessarily be notified. Regardless...........how many people who fill out those forms, like the former TM6, decide to change plans upon landing at the airport?
  11. Of all the things to complain about in Thailand - the banks, the drivers, the police, the double charging, the ever-fluid extension of stay requirements - I really don't see how submitting a simple form when you - as a non-Thai - take up residence in Thailand. The hotels and guesthouses are set up to batch process the TM-30 submissions every evening, with no effort on the part of the guest - other than asking for a copy if needed for immigration. We've got the Sec.38 application on which any house/condo owner or renter can register as possessor, then submit their or their guests' TM-30's. Takes all of a minute to file a report. "Oh, the draconionanity!"
  12. No problem, really. You have your house registered with the Sec.38 application. Your wife can do your daughter's TM30 on her cellphone during the 30 seconds it takes you to load your daughter's luggage in the trunk of your car at the airport.
  13. My understanding is that all foreigners staying in Thailand must have a TM30, submitted by their host/landlord/hotel/guesthouse, or by themselves - done online, in person or by mail. It's the TM6 entry card that was done away with. It's a requirement that's not always enforced. It's not a problem NOT to have one, unless you have business with immigration.
  14. No covid problems in China affecting shipping. I ordered several items over the past month, shipped from China. When orders were accepted, was given a 1-1/2 to 2-week delivery window. By the next day it was packed, following day picked up by a Chinese delivery service (cainiao) and sent to China customs. Clearance took two days, next day air shipped to Bangkok, two days customs, and two days later delivered. Delivery is by Kerry or Flash or Ninja. You can follow the progress on your orders page.
  15. Have you daughter register her house using the Sec. 38 application. She can file your TM30 online.
  16. First report says Rolex AND 50k in cash. Second report says Rolex WORTH 50k. Haha! Stupid crooks! Mugged a Canuck and all they got was a fake Rolex.
  17. There's a Bangkok Bank branch at the Hua Thale intersection, at the U-turn north of Home Depot (HWY 224), so on the way to immigration. Don't know if this branch is immigration-user friendly, but have noted it as a possible option for next year. https://www.google.com.au/maps/search/Bangkok+Bank/@14.9576159,102.1192092,16z
  18. I wouldn't try to identify a medication by the plastic bottle. Those are generic items made in one factory, and could be sold to multiple pharmaceutical companies. Why not request a complete transcript of your records from your eye doctor. Surely that would include all medications prescribed.
  19. Instead of filling out the PDF, scroll down one option further, "File Online FBAR." Dropdowns work - Firefox, no VPN.
  20. That's fine. These Chinese and their friends and acquaintances and the millions that will read all about it on WeChat (with names named!) will stick to zero-dollar tours in the future, unless they bypass Thailand altogether.
  21. I've used this free service for years: https://www.freefilefillableforms.com/home/default.php Easy to use, has all the forms I need - 1040, schedules B and D, schedules 1 and 6, forms 8949 and 2555. Accepts foreign addresses and foreign income without W2.
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