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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. Separation of powers? DOJ = executive branch FBI = executive branch DOD = executive branch DOE = executive branch State Department = executive branch Treasury = executive branch Plus 9 other departments. CIA = executive branch And EPA, and NASA, and FTC, and SEC and...................... Remind me again where the buck stops?
  2. Supply and demand. Street price affected by legal repercussions. In areas where grown, cheap as Thai lives on a major highway. In western countries, costs an arm and a leg. In Singapore or Qatar, only a head. In Japan $269/gram. https://www.dailydot.com/irl/cocaine-around-world/ 760 grams = about US$200K USD:JPY = 152.84
  3. This one....... Driving that train High on cocaine Casey Jones you better Watch your speed Trouble ahead Trouble behind And you know that notion Just crossed my mind
  4. That makes no sense. Biden is a lame duck. His handlers removed him from the campaign, thus he is not a resident-elect. But I agree, we as 'Merkans should apologize to our neighbors to the north for the tide of progressive filth abandoning the US, washing up on their shores.
  5. Hub of merging vehicles not yielding right of way.
  6. Excuse me? Since when is a $20 million debt a "goose egg"?
  7. Irrelevant. The man is on the ground and handcuffed. His heart stops beating. Subordinate officers inform Chauvin, and want to render aid. Chauvin prevents this. That is his crime.
  8. 12. Git off'a muh lawn, ya young whippersnappers!
  9. No, not wrongly convicted. Regardless of Floyd's background and drug habits, once he's handcuffed and in custody, the arresting officers are responsible. Floyd went into cardiac arrest. Subordinate officers informed Chauvin, but he refused to let them render aid, sat on him long enough apparently to ensure Floyd stayed dead.
  10. My Nebraska-made Kawasaki Concours had more US-sourced components than my dad's 'merkan i-run Harley. No "jap-carp" for him, no sirree, bob!
  11. They should put a chick in it, and make her lame.
  12. Amazingly, the survey indicated almost all spending went towards healthy foods and children's school clothing. Less than 0.003% was wasted on gambling, alcohol, yaba, more alcohol, prostitutes (which do not exist, of course!), and weed ..... combined! Hub of success!
  13. She knows this how? The ghost told her?
  14. They also pass buses with 6 extra illegal gas cylinders hidden in the passenger compartment...... I don't understand why the tech went to the trouble of scotch-taping fender flares to the truck for the 5-minute inspection.
  15. Got the pickup NGV tested and inspected +tax +insurance today. While waiting for inspection, another pickup rolled up, this one with ueber-wide tires. Absolutely illegal, extending out beyond the fenders. No pass? Too much trouble to switch wheels for this formality. Inspection tech stepped to the back of the shop and brought out a set of thick plastic loaner eyebrows that would extend out to just about the edge of the tires. The tech even brought out a roll of clear cellophane tape to install them with! Hub of traffic safety!
  16. While many people think CPR directly “restarts” the heart, its primary function is to maintain the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and other vital organs, preserving intact brain function during cardiac arrest. By applying chest compressions, CPR mimics the heart’s pumping action, ensuring oxygen delivery to these essential areas. While CPR can sometimes trigger a heart to start beating on its own, often an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) or professional medical intervention is needed to restore a regular heart rhythm. https://www.cprclasses.org/the-beat-goes-on-how-cpr-can-restart-a-heart/
  17. Things have certainly changed. Just twenty years ago, China was a cash society. I used to accompany my girlfriend visiting businesses collecting payments for her landscaping firm. Sometimes we'd walk out of the client's office with a hundred thousand RMB that we'd walk to the BoC to deposit. Nowadays many shops and cafes won't accept cash, WeChat only.
  18. Should be a law that someone jaywalking at 1am and damaging someone's transportation and source of income be held responsible for paying back all the costs to auto insurance and repairs and loss of income for the innocent driver. Maybe even require them to pay for rehabilitation therapy for the traumatized victim of their careless act.
  19. Sure, complicated. You bought 100 shares in 7 lots over 10 years. You sold 40 shares, some for profit, some for loss, total $5000. You remitted $3000 to Thailand. Which shares, which lots, what basis? Cost basis, including dividends, or NAV Dec 31, 2023? How much of the $3000 is assessable?
  20. Yes..........."money" in the "bank." Depends on interpretation. That same section of the tax law also makes reference to the percentages of initial capital and capital gains, and that any recognized accounting method can be used to remit funds, if used consistently. How that works in the really world is unknown. We still self-determine what if any remitted funds are assessable, so until someone reports being audited and required to prove funds as of Dec 31,2023, and reports on how prior capital and gains are calculated and taxed, we're still guessing.
  21. These aren't the folks who run a website masquerading as the Thai embassy...........
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