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Everything posted by NoDisplayName

  1. There are others. Just do a search on Lazada or Shopee for "hot-cold kitchen faucet." I'm not recommending that one, just pointing out that style is available. Can't be exceptional quality for only 600 baht.
  2. "Chocolate Man in Thailand" is a popular Youtuber retired in Pattaya.
  3. Shirley, you realize the point of my comment. It was not that the stunning and brave defenders of the realm let other lawbreakers slide while dealing with one threat to national security. You can figger it out, Shirley!
  4. Silver hot and cold pull out faucet kitchen faucet pull out kitchen faucet sink faucet see video: https://lazvideo.lazcdn.com/psp/20230916/6f5ec3e5-2cfa-4a0c-83f8-7c6bea08d130@@hd.mp4?auth_key=1735499243-0-0-02b090df140591525dcb93ba65e018a0
  5. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/-i4874048810.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.2.418366eenCJJCy
  6. Now we know where all those hawk-tuey coins disappeared to.
  7. Ummmmm..............who is (p)resident and will sign the bill? That would be lame duck Biden. Trump is just a private citizen, presumptive president elect, although not official until the electoral college votes are certified in January.
  8. Shirley, that's where all credible, nobel prize winning papers are found!
  9. In other news, Maralago management is still calling local police to arrest and remove trespassers and burglars, while still inviting in paying customers. Oh, the hypocrisy!
  10. Did he get a ticket for not wearing a shirt in public? That's illegal.
  11. Is that illegal? Don't you have 30 days or so to pay the fine? Anyhoo, great video with hordes of helmetless motosci riders riding by unmolested, including the family of four with two young kids who paused at the crossing to gawk. (2:52)
  12. Biden was forced to accept it. Will work out for Trump in the end, as planned. Didn't raise the debt ceiling? Gosh, guess we'll just have to cut spending. Bigly!
  13. As requested, proof that weed kills.
  14. Even more time required to intercept then. 15 minutes to get in the air, then flight time to cover 240km to the border at Myawaddy would add another 15 minutes. By the time the Thai F-16's reached the border, the Myanmarianese pilots would already be on their third round.
  15. Enlighten us, unburden us from what has never be'd. Seriously? You think the entire term is a lame duck period? No, it's only the final transition period. You should Make Another Google Attempt
  16. Daily Rate Alert The exchange rate at 01:59 GMT on December 20 was 1 USD 34.56 THB Send money
  17. Did you even bother to read the article you linked to, and posted a portion thereaponof? "...the president-elect could run for a third term in 2028,..." The author is speculating about the time between the 2028 election and the end of January 2029 when Vance will be sworn in, meaning Trump will be ticking box #2 following Vance's landslide victory. He in no way says or implies that Trump will be a lame duck throughout his entire second maganificent term.
  18. Ezzacktfully! You could refer to President Trump as a 'lame duck' in 2028, when Vance will be the President-elect.
  19. You don't seem to understand that "lame duck" refers to a (p)resident who lost an election (or in this case dropped out), and has limited power/influence in the remaining months in office before the transition. The term does not refer to the incoming President. DUH, indeed.
  20. Ignorance? A White House official says the CIA will no longer use vaccine programs as cover for spy operations, answering health experts' complaints that it had hurt international efforts to fight disease. The CIA famously used a vaccination program as a ploy to gain information about the possible whereabouts of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. That effort didn't succeed, and the doctor involved was sentenced to a prison term. But the revelation had immediate effects — particularly in the fight against polio. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/05/20/314231260/cia-says-it-will-no-longer-use-vaccine-programs-as-cover
  21. If the Myanmarinarian aircraft did indeed unintentionally enter Thai airspace, it would likely have only been for a few seconds. Given that it should take 10-15 minutes to get a wunderweapon into the air, no wonder the the intruder had vanished.
  22. Who's a lame duck? lame duck noun 1. An elected officeholder or group continuing in office during the period between failure to win an election and the inauguration of a successor. 2. An officeholder who has chosen not to run for reelection or is ineligible for reelection. 3. An ineffective person; a weakling. Biden ticks the box on all three.
  23. Are you planning on paying for a gym membership? Why? In Bangkok, I used the fully-stocked and recently renovated weight room at the National Stadium (Ramkhamhaeng) for 40 baht/day. Running track, swimming pool (fee) and other facilities were available. In Chiang Mai, the stadium just north of the moat has a weight room under the bleacher section at the running track, similar cost a decade ago.
  24. Good question! Is there no longer a (p)resident in the WHite house? Haven't heard much from him lately, nor the border czar............
  25. It won't be a lie or deceptive until.......
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