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  1. Try Sudocrem .
  2. Do Thailand Post deliver on Sundays?
  3. It is very sad nowadays when someone has to worry about providing proof that their money was honestly earnt. ☹️ Why don't you transfer it in small amounts over a period of time? Say 50,000 Euro a time.
  4. Why is he carrying 55 rounds?
  5. I have a well on my farm about 9m deep and I want a solar pump for it. I prefer a submersible, if possible. Problem, all the solar pumps I see on Lazada say their cables are 10m long which doesn't give enough length to run from the pump to the solar panel. Or am I missing something here?
  6. I had Covid about 2 months previous with hardly any symptoms.
  7. I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago by Laproscopy. Cost me 165,000 Baht in a private hospital in Central Thailand.
  8. Does anyone here suffer from Long Covid? I have suffered for about 4-5 months. Symptoms are Nausea, Lack of Appetite, Diarrhea and Tiredness/Lack of Power. I have been checked out at a private hospital a couple of months ago and came back with a clean bill of health! Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with it?
  9. Give them a bottle of whisky to keep quiet.
  10. Is that the price nowadays?
  11. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/colmans-english-mustard-100g-i2680687689-s9657067139.html?clickTrackInfo=undefined&search=1&spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.i40.34e640c09qDDE6
  12. UK State pensions are paid out on a 4 weekly basis not monthly.
  13. 300 posts in 3 weeks? Are you bored or something? ☹️
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