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Posts posted by Chris.B

  1. 59 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

    Mrs just returned moments ago from our local community hospital. Fortunately, my Mrs knows staff there and they allow my Mother-In-Law to jump the queue (today by 110 people). 

    Unfortunately for the other 110 patients!  ☹️


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  2. 29 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Germany stepping up...........


    Germany to supply Ukraine with air defense and radar systems


    Berlin will be delivering the IRIS-T SLM air defense system to Ukraine, which experts say is significant because it will offer the country modern high-range missiles that it urgently needs to protect its troops, cities and infrastructure against Russian airstrikes.

    “It’s the most modern air defense system that Germany has. This will enable Ukraine to protect an entire city from Russian air raids,” Scholz told the German parliament.

    However, Kyiv will likely still have to wait until the fall for the air defense system, as Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock told lawmakers that the delivery would take “months.”  ☹️  Politico 


  3. 5 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Ukraine has identified more than 600 Russian war crime suspects and has started prosecuting around 80 of them


    Iryna Venediktova is in the Hague where she has been meeting her counterpart from the International Criminal Court and other officials to discuss war crimes charges. The list of suspects includes "top military, politicians and propaganda agents of Russia", she told a news conference earlier. She added that Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia had decided to join an international investigation team in Ukraine.

    source BBC


    Currently in, the largest team of experts and investigators in the history of @IntlCrimCourt @KarimKhanQC is working, conducting an independent investigation. They gather evidence for the court directly at the scene of war crimes. There are also plans to create a field office.

    source Iryna Venediktova



    The "suspects" all seem to be low hanging fruit so far, what about the ones who give the orders?


  4. 20 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    The vendors that you meet on the street have done nothing to themselves, It's agents above them in the feeding chain who had been jacking up the prices by illegally selling them to unauthorized dealers. 


    You need to read the full article in Thai TBS world to get the picture.

    I understand the intention of the lottery was that poor people and the disabled would sell the tickets to give them an income. However this has been corrupted by others.  ☹️☹️


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  5. 16 hours ago, nikmar said:

    I had a hernia op in a government hospital, my wife sorted the bill and requested it in English for the insurers. I paid up front as well and the insurance co. reimbursed everything.


    you may need a medical certificate from the doctor as well



    How much did it cost? What method did they use to repair the hernia?


  6. Biden says the U.S. will NOT be sending Ukraine any missile that can hit Russia


    President Joe Biden announced on Monday that the U.S. will not be giving Ukraine long-range missiles that can reach into Russia after Moscow warned that such a move would cross a red line.

    Kyiv has repeatedly requested U.S. Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS) that can fire missiles hundreds of miles as it fights for control of its eastern Donbas region.

    Last week, reports surfaced that the weapons could be part of the next package of aid, expected to be announced this week. Daily Mail


    • Sad 3
  7. Ukraine: Troops told to flee for their lives from major city as Putin's army advances

    UKRAINIAN troops are being told to prepare to fully retreat from Severodonetsk in order to evade being captured, the governor of Luhansk has said as Putin's army advances further into the Donbas.

    In a post on the Telegram messaging service, Serhiy Gaidai said: "We have enough strength and resources to defend ourselves. However, it is possible that in order not to be surrounded we will have to retreat.





  8. Ukraine may be forced to retreat from Donbas as Putin gains ground in east

    UKRAINE may be forced to retreat from the eastern Donbas region to avoid being captured, Kyiv said on Friday.

    It comes as Russian forces are rapidly gaining ground and Ukrainian troops are now limited to pockets of resistance in the Luhansk region. A full Ukrainian withdrawal would bring Russian President Vladimir Putin closer to his goal of capturing the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.




    • Sad 3
  9. Russia readies SIXTY-YEAR-OLD tanks


    Russia's armed forces have begun deploying sixty-year-old tanks to the southeastern regions of Ukraine, raising questions over the extent of Putin's losses after three months of bitter fighting and countless strategic blunders.

    A long line of T-62 tanks, which began production as early as 1961, was photographed at a train station in Ukraine's southeastern city of Melitopol on Wednesday, just days after footage emerged of the aged armour being pulled out of storage across the border.

    Russia has around 2,900 of its more modern T-90, T-80 and T-72 tanks currently in service, according to the International Institute for Security Studies, with up to 10,000 more tanks from different generations in storage.   :cheesy::cheesy:




  10. Second 'pensioner pilot' to come out of retirement for Putin is shot down in Ukraine: Air force colonel, 63, is 'hit by friendly fire'


    A second 'pensioner pilot' flying for Vladimir Putin's air force in Ukraine has been shot down and killed.

    Nikolai Markov, 63, a retired air force colonel, died when his Su-25 bomber was shot down over the Luhansk region of Donbas on an unknown date. 

    There are conflicting reports about how he died. Some claim he was killed by friendly fire while flying low to the ground, but Ukraine says he was shot down by one of their Stinger missiles.


    Daily Mail


  11. 15 minutes ago, Rimmer said:

    Russia Deploys 50-Year-Old T-62 Tanks To Ukraine


    Numerous Cold-War era Russian T-62 tanks have been photographed at Melitopol railway station in southeastern Ukraine near the current front lines of the three-month-old conflict in the country. Whether the tanks will be used by Russian forces or turned over to local separatist groups is currently unclear, but their presence can only raise questions about Russia’s depleting armor reserves after months of significant losses



    Desperation, they are throwing everything they have got now. They will make good practise targets for the Ukrainians.



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