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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. Ahhh, now I understand.... 99 Thai nationals married to Ukranians.
  2. Op, they sound like a bunch of layabout losers to me.
  3. That would make a nice, big, fat target then for a Taiwanese cruise missile then!
  4. Agreed and removal of all troops from the Ukraine borders! + 90 day notification of all Russians living in the Ukraine. ????
  5. Yes, a fine impartial publication is the India Times.... Are PRC tanks able to travel across the sea bed of the Taiwan Straits then? That would be a major feat! ????????
  6. 1,000,000 men and women who want to fight the invaders against 3,000,000 conscripts who want to go home. As for tanks, there aren't going to be major tank battles in Ukraine. It will be street to street, house to house where tanks will be of no use.
  7. 7 minutes ago.... Kharkiv is completely under control of Ukraine. - ZSU, National Police, Teroborona are cleaning the city from the enemy. - The enemy is demoralized. They throw away the equipment, they surrender themselves to a group of 5-10 people. Source: Land forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
  8. .... and the UK evacuating dog charities from war zones. ☹️
  9. Also, unlike Afghanistan, his men are staying to fight with only the women and children crossing the borders as refugees.
  10. I would guess the internet is extremely important for Ukraine to keep in touch with it's civilian militia and other armed civilians.
  11. Russian special forces? Sure, it's all those sausages and cabbage they eat. ????????
  12. You think a bunch of burly men with no homes or jobs to go to and speaking different dialects would not be noticed in the neighbourhood? Would they have brought food with them or did they pop out to the nearest Kiev transport cafe while there?
  13. Caught! Russian saboteurs pulled from a basement by Ukrainians. See video. Russian Saboteurs mil.gov.ua/ministry/sklad-zbrojnix-sil-ukraini/suhoputni-vijska.html
  14. Clearly, Thailand is not for you! I think your ex-wife seems a bit unreasonable. I got some dog bowls for 20 baht each in the 20 Baht shop in Lotus. ????
  15. Again, why should there be retaliation from Nato? Ukraine is not in Nato.
  16. What do you mean "the toothless Nato" did not react? Ukraine is not a member of the alliance so why should they react?
  17. What should make sense is that Ukraine should be neutral and be a buffer state between Nato and Russia.
  18. Assault on Kiev: Russian helicopters swoop above Ukraine's capital as Putin launches all-out invasion from north, south and east, with cruise missiles hitting airports and military bases, tanks rolling in and scores killed Russia has invaded Ukraine in a massive attack coming from south, east and north, both by land and air Helicopters have reached Kiev where they have seized an air base, and taken a power plant on the Dnieper Russian tanks broke through lines at Kherson, near Crimea, and were driving freely towards Dnieper River But Ukrainians were putting up a fight around Khakriv, where Russian tanks and armour were destroyed Volodymyr Zelensky branded Russia 'evil and vowed to fight back, promising a gun to every citizen willing to have one while calling on them to donate blood to treat wounded soldiers Boris Johnson branded Putin a 'dictator' while vowing a 'massive' package of sanctions targeting Russia Daily Mail
  19. No need to live alone. There are plenty of lovely looking, middle age, Thai ladies out there looking for an old farang to look after. Just sign the marriage papers so they get your possessions when you pass on. You can't take it with you. ????????
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