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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. Go to Immigration and get a 'certificate of residence'. A residence certificate is a document made by immigration to certify where a foreigner lives. That document can be used for many things: getting a Thai driver's license buying a car, getting a bank account. Any place that will request a proof of where you live.
  2. Maybe he wants to spend his remaining days on this planet with her? He wants to make a commitment that she will receive all his worldly possessions in the event of his demise. Or maybe he wants to take her to his home country and needs a visa. Or maybe she has told him "no hanky panky, not until we are married". Whatever it is the Op doesn't need a village wedding. However a state marriage should be fine!
  3. Especially in Thailand! ???? Should have paid. Can the Op send in his TM28/30 by post? Copied and registered by EMS of course. Otherwise do it online or in the smartphone App.
  4. "I changed my residence within a same province. I went to a immigration office of this province for TM28 application. An officer told me to pay money with no receipt, I think you can guess what type of money..... I refused to pay and the officer returned application without finishing my TM28 process." How much did they want? ????
  5. But in your story, you were behaving but the drunk Thai neighbours were banging on your gate and shouting insults at you. ???? So that cannot be the moral of your story?
  6. So the moral of the story is, don't rent a house unless the owner is related to the province's governor? ???? ????
  7. Chris.B

    Good tv series

    What is tvchaos uk ? Haven't hear about that one?
  8. The Thai weddings and funerals I see upcountry all seem to be early in the day and everything packed up by early evening. ????
  9. You are right and the clock on the wall says 12.10am? I wouldn't want to be living next door to that noise! ☹️
  10. If the Op pays maintenance towards the child, then why should the wife be uncooperative?
  11. I would agree with that and other close family members. ????
  12. You don't need to be physically close to a Thai language school anymore. There are many online classes you can attend using 'Zoom' on your smartphone or laptop. i.e. https://learnthaiwithmod.com/online-group-lessons/ Are you fifty years old or more?
  13. Not necessarily, some agents are secret and have numbers prefixed with double '0' but I don't think they do visa extensions.
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