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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. Is that 55,000 baht including hotels? I used to spend more than that in my partying days in Pattaya circa 2001.
  2. Well there you are, a plausible peace plan. Why is no one discussing it? ????
  3. You are correct and Taiwan doesn't even have to win. If they inflict massive casualties and damage to China's military machine, China could be deterred.
  4. I think, in this case it is Nato who is expansionist. Nato has no business in being in Ukraine. Ukraine should be a neutral state between Nato and Russia, safer for everyone. ????
  5. I don't think so. I think most of these guys are living on their own, lonely.
  6. The key word here is "fall" or "jump"? I don't think many do fall, I think most jump. I also think most jump because they have run out of money. PS. In the UK I believe balcony heights are 1.1 m.
  7. Is that exercising your left hand or your right?
  8. Normally, 2 or 3 cans of Leo does the trick for me.
  9. Melatonin? 5mg or 10mg doses is best?
  10. Chris.B

    Booster shots ?

    The 6 month wait after a 2nd Pfizer only applies to the free Pfizer vaccination supplied by the Government. As you paid for the booster, you must have obtained it privately.
  11. Chris.B

    Booster shots ?

    In Thailand, the free booster vaccines provided by the government, need to be 6 months after previous Pfizer shots. If you had AZ its 3 months only.
  12. Chris.B


    The translator's should be certified and stamp their translations with their name. Costs anywhere between 150-500 baht per page.
  13. There is a lack of traffic law enforcement here. That is not the policeman's personal responsibility. It could also be added, there is a lack of police training as well.
  14. The death of this Doctor and loss of her expertise, is a loss to everyone who lives in Thailand. ☹️ Put a value on that.
  15. Do you remember promoting crypto investments? ????
  16. "Special Weapons and Tactics - known as S.W.A.T - are now part and parcel of the Royal Thai Police. " To protect and serve?
  17. I doubt very much that an educated Thai family needs advice for a foreigner on matters of Thai law.
  18. Are you referring to him or her, as she is showing a nice bit of leg under the table. ????????????
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