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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Have you got 'skin in the game' - lol
  2. i can do it - 40K
  3. Your 'forays' mirrors what others ( including myself ) are saying, a certain member just can't accept it due his doom and gloom posts that have not come true.
  4. Who's numbers? Anyway, you're boring me again now - thanks for playing, off you go and look for a balloon on soi 6 to get a free spring roll. Tara.
  5. I'd need to go back and check all the notes i took during the day of 29/9/19 to confirm numbers, oh hold on a minute........i'm normal and don't actually do this.
  6. Pre-covid, happy now? Pot / Kettle / Black
  7. why do you speak in riddles?
  8. lol - shot down well and truly.......again.
  9. Yawn. Do you review statistics all day and night, it's all you mention. If you cannot see that Pattaya is busy again ( during the quietest time of year ) then i think there's little hope for you.
  10. Several. I know they're in Pattaya, unlike you though i don't comment on what i don't know about.
  11. How do you know where i've been?
  12. Seriously........ you should give it a rest, Pattaya is coming back to life after a once in lifetime pandemic that we'll likely never see again and you think a slow high season will have an effect - lol. Comedy gold - love it.
  13. Are all the places you mention the only thing you use to determine how busy Pattaya is - lol........ you don't go far do you? Are you suggesting you know everywhere in Pattaya that's busy and not - lol. How is this possible? Based on my recent visit to Pattaya then, yes it's very busy. LK - busy Bukhow - busy Soi pot hole - busy Soi 6, 7 and 8 - don't go there Walking street - don't go there
  14. If the Ford Escape is one of the V6 versions i'd forget about is, fuel consumption is brutal.
  15. The excitement would have been inbearable - lol.
  16. PJ71

    Seahorse Ferry

    You never answered my question.
  17. I've very recent experience in noticing Pattaya nightlife in Bukhow area is very busy, for some reason you have a hard time accepting this...
  18. They are not very strict, mainly as you board only. You'll be left alone in biz class.
  19. PJ71

    Seahorse Ferry

    Are you suggesting the price of beer onboard 'could' determine whether or not you use the ferry?
  20. I always get to the airport 3-4 hours before my flight, hate having to rush about. Biz class i'd say from check in to lounge max 30mins at Survanphum, i fly with Qatar once a month - <deleted> lounge.
  21. Are you suggesting i should be familiar with all music played in all bars in Pattaya, are you?
  22. Are you suggesting i suggested all mid 50's men like electronic music, where was that? Can't stand soi 6, dregs of pattaya hang out there IMO.
  23. Just out of curiosity, how can you tell that?
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