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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. It's you that seems to be getting bent out of shape about it but when (if) i do see the green helmets in use i'll be sure to send you a photo. In the meantime, i hope you have a great day.
  2. Not a joke at all. I hope it's a success and i see all children with these helmet but, well, i've been here a long time and heard a lot of great plans, most of which never came to fruit after the press and pretty photo shoot tp promote one politician or another..
  3. I've done the online video about a month ago. Just stumble through the Thai, there is an Australian man and woman later that speak later on.
  4. OK, let's see what happens then...... Send me a photo when you see all the helmets in use..........lol.
  5. How are you making the comparison? Do you have the exact numbers, do you have the business finances? Your negative perception may be completey different to 'normal' people if it's just based on visual observations. Although you don't like it coz it's something positive, the main bar areas in Pattaya are generally packed these days, deal with it - lol.
  6. Do you think all these sophisticated x-rays, sniffer dogs etc catch everything? It's very likely they've been succesful for some time or do you think this was their first attempt?
  7. Exactly, many of them not even old enough. It's very dangerous, they've no idea how to position themselves on the roads and with most of the nation driving so fast everywhere, well, we know how it ends...... Nothing changes.
  8. Why? all he's done so far is had a nice photo shoot. They've been talking about the helmet wearing for many years. Sad as it may be can't see it happening in the provinces.
  9. They don't miss a trick this lot - lol.
  10. Good for them, when in rome...... They picked some nice spots to visit.
  11. I'm always happy. Good bye buttercup.
  12. I would suggest the company name might be a give away? Ignore list - goody, as you don't sound like much fun to converse with.
  13. So you will share - lol. Classic.
  14. Same, last 2 entries nothing additional required.
  15. Oh i am, don't worry about that. Currently trying all the different outlets i can find. 200baht per cookie, delivery 2 days for 100 baht. Happy days.
  16. Why, would you run them down? really? Another hard man - lol.
  17. But there's many many shops advertised online that sell all sorts of goodies...
  18. Many.....
  19. Why the cloak and daggers, there's multiple places that sell them online delivered direct to your house inter-province.
  20. Almost identical experience with CBD oil. Starting eating cookies ( with THC ), much better results and a nice buzz to boot.
  21. I was n't speaking to you.
  22. It's not a patch on what they get up to in their home countries albeit in cars. They're not the only ones that do this, happens all over thailand with the locals.
  23. Are you a regular at 'clap' clinic?
  24. Is it just me or do a lot of these ropey incidents seem to take place in Suphan Buri? Nonthaburi is another that's commonly mentioned.
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