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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. So now you know what my Thai friends think? Why would you doubt it?
  2. Perhaps at the start of the pandemic before mass vaccination, not now tho. How long will you continue like this, forever?
  3. Congratulations finding the photo's - well done, however i'd hardly class that as a confined space the same as an aircraft, would you? Apples and oranges.
  4. They're becomming popular here, see more and more about now.
  5. 1. But are the airport staff in a small confined space with hundreds of other people for multiple hours? 2. That's great.
  6. Do the airport staff actually get on the planes with 300 other people and then onto another connecting flight with another 300 people, pls confirm? Do you also suggest that every person that's caught covid multiple times have not taken care of their well being? Are you the only super hero that correctly knows how to take care of their well being?
  7. Some might say it's to be expected if travelling regularly before mass vaccination.
  8. I never said you stayed at home. You're comparing apples and oranges, big difference going to your 'local' than travelling on planes with hundreds of people in a confined space. How do you know you've never had it btw? Out of the 3 times i've had it i've had very mild symtoms only once so unless going through regular testing ( for travelling ) i'd have never known.
  9. Did miss the bit i wrote about travelling a lot? From the very onset of the pandemic i travelled a lot, before the vaccines were out. It's not rocket science for people to work out it would be inevitable to get Covid. For people that stayed home scared then yes, it would be strange for them to have got it.
  10. Only careless people catch covid, really? Wow - you're very naive
  11. I travel all the time and have tested positive at least 3 times, guess wot........still here.
  12. I have a mask with me but will only wear it if asked to. I've not been asked many times recently tbh.
  13. I must know someone, surely.....
  14. I don't know anyone that bothers to pay attention to this anymore.....
  15. So do it, but not at kitchen staff and the likes - lol Customers in bars / traffic / people in malls, pretty obvious innit?
  16. Maybe Thailand is not the place for you?
  17. I don't go out to count staff..... how very unusual.
  18. There's no benifit with an appoinntment, you still need to Q same as a 'walk in'. All that completing the online course achieves is eliminating the need to watch the video in a classroom for 2 hours.
  19. Yes. Just make sure you have a screenshot of completing the video training online. I'm not 100% but i think it's only allowed 1 year for expiry, you might need to go back to square one, not sure...
  20. Totally agree, i've had 2 x primary and one booster, if i was not travelling regularly throughout the pandemic at it's peak i'd have not got any.
  21. No. I did renewal 2 weeks ago, did the online video ( 1 hour ) got license in one visit. Not Pattaya but i've done it there in the past with one visit also.
  22. It was tongue in cheek, you think the agent can go there and have photo taken for client - lol.
  23. Interesting, thanks for that. The Conures i have are like dogs, they want to go out for a look around each day, good at sleeping ince covered tho.
  24. I thought love birds could onlny survive as couples?
  25. cool video, is it not a Golden Conure?
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