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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. I'm not concerned about this happening.
  2. I've not tried them and you're possibly correct. Another reason people tend to stick with Apple products is they're reluctant to learn a new operating system or new function(s) on phones.
  3. A lot of people do buy them for the reasons you mention but most people that are serious about photography or video editing use them for a very good reason.
  4. I've been here very long. Not all of us live in an urban jungle. It's funny you ask about locking my doors, they don't even take keys, the doors at my house are never locked but i live pretty remotely. I would not live somewhere if i felt bars and padlocks were needed - no thanks.
  5. This reply annd previous ones are an epic failure. Still hanging on to your doom and gloom - brilliant.
  6. Sounds like a prison.
  7. Very nice dogs. I've had pit bulls for the last 15 year ++ in Thailand, they make lousy gaurd dogs although in most cases the sight and reputation is normally enough.
  8. This will be fun for people who have no hotel bookings. Or staying with friennds / family and not familiar of address.
  9. don't have any more pics to share? - lol.
  10. He should leave Thailand ASAP. Free operation - happy days.
  11. We certainly don't hear so much from him now ( thank god ), i think that says it all - lol.
  12. You love to twist it anyway you can.....comedy gold.
  13. Surprised this is not more common with all the 'rubber neckers' here.
  14. Would strongly suggest still having a will(s).
  15. So you know better?
  16. You're very welcome. It was a suggestion, it's one of the many benifits CBD oil is used for, i don't think there's any need for you to get bent out of shape about it - lol.
  17. CDB oil will help.
  18. If Banngkok, try Nana Plaza.
  19. What on earth are you on about?? You should see a doctor ASAP. Bi Bi.
  20. Oh so we're speaking about Covid now are we? Thought it was to analyse blood works. I rest my case - there's little hope for you.
  21. Oh dear, there really is little help for you. Google 'headache' and see the range of conditions it comes back with. Good luck, sounds like you'll need it....
  22. If you have tooth ache where do you go, a mechanic?
  23. What's wrong with BKK / KK? I went there for hand surgery, thumb was hanging off and they did an amazing job, 28 stitches in surgery and 3 years later can hardly see the scar. 4 days in patient and surgery 160K. Nothing like heart surgery i know but i was impressed with treatment, i turned up at 2200 at night and they mobilised a surgeon immediately.
  24. The UK is basically a 3rd world country these days - shambles.
  25. And if you're out of range it's off to hospital you go where i'd expect they'd want to run their own tests to verify with the aim to extract maximum bahtage.
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