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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Yeah, it's somewhere about there, if i remember correctly, it's pretty non descript and easy to miss.
  2. there used to be a sony service centre at the Suk and S pattaya road junction, not sure if it's still there but they'd be able to help.....maybe?
  3. Have you been on the wacky?
  4. but is next month not May?
  5. How does one do this? Thanks
  6. 1,000,000 baht interest.
  7. Yes, i agree. The Mac D's breakfast McMuffin is the only fast food i eat, it's ok IMO.
  8. Don't even know what that means bubblegum.
  9. Dicky, is it possible to get an accurate overhead view from 53ft to help us further analyse the root cause of this accident? Also maybe the year of manufacturer of the Swiss mans vehicle and the rogue SUV.
  10. I see you're stalking me again Tranny, bored are you old chap?
  11. The bank requires nothing from me. In theory i'm tax domicile, not a uk resident but holding a uk address.
  12. For some of them, yes...... She only threatened them, no attack, right?
  13. That's a bit naughty..... But yeah, i agree - lol
  14. Risk it? All you need to do is cut them just off ground level and they'll die. Some of those climbers ( vines ) can have a lot of strength againstcables etc, more risk by not cutting them IMO.
  15. I don't pay the tax. It's nothing to do with the banks, you're suppose to declare it, which i don't.
  16. yeah, i'd be cutting those 'climbers' as well.
  17. The nets we have here are only about 1m from the top of a approx 10-12m pole.
  18. Yeah thanks, i'll speak to some people in the uk about it.
  19. I don't want to send the funds to thailand as they're getting 5.5% interest in the uk which returns me approx 1m per year.
  20. Ok, so then where does this translation of Thai certificate need to get presented in uk, or it's just filed along with UK will?
  21. Sorry, but a translation is needed for what exactly?
  22. Any excuse....... Winter - reduction in eggs coz chooks too cold...... c'mon!
  23. Is there any benefit to doing this? I have a couple of bank accounts in uk but no property, should i make a will in UK ( i have one here with all Thai accounts and assets ). Would it be easier for wifey to get the UK assets with the marriage registered there? Been married for 20 years here, wife giving me OBE whilst sleeping very unlikely. Any input appreciated.
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