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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. How am i a BS-er? Just coz you say so? doesn't work like that tranny....
  2. You're a FBer........say no more Tranny, that's just confirmed what i thought.....sad
  3. Tranny, finally awoken from a Chang buzz, did you find yourself in a doorway? You remind me of a jack russel. ps i don't drink, weed is my drug of choice - you're welcome.
  4. Wrong. Renewed my vehicle December last year with many many outstanding tickets, no fine.
  5. What's getting clobbered got to do with anything, you on your 3rd Chang or something Tranny boy?
  6. Amusing as always Tranny. You just sound like another cloned sheep - yawn.
  7. Why would i tell porkies? Why do you find this hard to believe, is it coz you only got to Makro and Lotus once a week and that's the only time you're out, oh and maybe for a couple of Changs? A better way to look at it is about 1 ticket per 1000kms ( ish ) Some of my trips i accumulate 5+ per day, have you been out of Pattaya lately trans, there's cameras everywhere now, it really doesn't take long to rack up a few. Bear in mind there's probably a few that don't work as well.
  8. Correct, Highway dept are not connected to the DLT dept.
  9. Oh Trans They've been talking about fines being settled when taxing the vehicle for many years, i'm surprised you've not heard this. I would estimate i get between 75-100 per year, it would not bother me if i had to pay this as i like to drive whatever speed i feel like. I qualify as a dodgy geezer for not paying fines, do you have your own ranking system for this?
  10. But it does not make any difference whatsoever if one pays up or one just throws the tickets in the bin. Only difference is you're out of pocket, or Mrs Tranny is.
  11. What about hospitals, variety of accommodation, transport, banks etc? Or you just self destructing? Why don'y you move there?
  12. Ok, that's nice for Mrs Tranny, sounds like a great day out....
  13. Hey Tranny, you don't hang about do you. Believe what you want buttercup......
  14. Who told you they fine you when pay tax, have you experienced this first hand? I must have hundreds of tickets i've never paid, never been questioned whilst taxing any of my vehicles, not once.
  15. Thanks for clearing that up Tranny, have to say i don't see many Ford Escorts over this way. Used to like the RS turbo, an icon of it's time.
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