i used to have the snake issue and then PEA installed these net like funnels on the poles, no issues with snakes since then.
Power still goes off now and then tho - lol
Sorry this doesn't help but i have a condo ( not in CM ) and the fees are reasonably high ( 50k p.a ), i often wonder where this and all the other fees go....... seems a lot for an office girl, pool boy, maid and gardener.....
Coz of the name?
Have you seen all the British 'Iqbals / Mohammeds / Hamza's / Rishi's.
It's impossible to tell someones nationality these days by name alone.
Surprised there's not more reports of situations like this, a lot of that water getting sprayed on people and possibly ingested is totally disgusting, filthy!
I find it hard to accept you're not having AC on during this heat?
Your house must be roasting, don't care how many windows or doors are open or how much of a breeze you have.