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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Petrol, forgot to mention, my bad.
  2. Sorry this is off topic but looking for a chainsaw to buy, perhaps 10" or 12" blade, say a few at the local farm shop for about 4K. Any recommendations or brands to stay away from? Thanks
  3. LOL - are the toys out the pram now Mr expert? It's like all the car wreck stories, you 'think' you're an expert in that field as well by your own admission, but like this subject, you're not. Bi bi.
  4. My expertise is based on first hand experience of the breed, you have no first hand experience. I have zero interest in governments, is this another area of your expertise? Yes you do.
  5. My interest is how people think they're experts about something that they quite clearly know nothing about.
  6. Oh my goodness, are you still harping on about this..... Do you think licensing will happen in thailand, again you're showing your naivety.... No interest in children at all, zero.
  7. People say this about their children, would you accept full responsibility should your child commit murder, drive drunk and kill someone etc etc. Or would that be "reckless stupidity"?
  8. Oh my soul..... IF your child kills someone are you accountable, are you liable? yeah, did n't think so.
  9. Yes - that's what i said. Won't happen. I only have control of my own life not others, therefore i'm not concerned about things i have zero control over.
  10. Liability for something in Thailand - lol This shows your naivety.
  11. This total nonsense. I travel through this airport all the time and have never been processed in 45 seconds, even during covid, total lies.
  12. A lot of people i know have a regular long time driver they use for safety reasons, even tho it may cost a little more it's well worth it.
  13. Absurd comment, you have no idea what they think, how could you? Again, another absurd comment, i wonder why all people don't drive a Prius, i wonder why all people don't drink Leo, so on and so forth. Are we not allowed a choice? Are you from N Korea? Are you one of the guys that defends people driving Harleys?
  14. Fair comment Just coz they do not like people does not mean they attack, if they were to 'attack' i'd imagine it would be a leg or possibly hand, throat and face are to high for pits unless the 'victim' is horizontal. I have plenty experience with untrained ones, i've taken 2 in the past that panned out to be great animals.
  15. Much more to do in Kan. As the other guy mentions a trip up to Mon bridge is worth it for an overnight stay, last part of the ride is good and a couple nice places to stop and see on the way up or back. Agree with Kan city on the river, very mellow and some nice hotels to relax at.
  16. I have big land and do not live in an urban environment, one reason is so i don't have neighbours like you. Also, just so you sleep better if i do take my pits out they're always on a leash. Stay safe out there, it's a jungle!
  17. No, a comment from a Pit Bull owner for the last 20 years ++, that's what my comment is based on. I don't comment on things i know nothing about, a rule of thumb perhaps others could follow.....maybe yourself included. Normally when people meet normal well trained Pit Bulls their opinion of the breed is instantly changed due to their nature, maybe you'd like to come by and meet mine, doubt they'd like you tho... Don't worry i've heard all the comments many times before from 'experts' that have zero experience with Pits.
  18. Usual comments from people that have never owned these dogs. Generally Pit Bulls are only dog aggressive. There's plenty incidents of other dog 'attacks' but generally most unreported due to lesser damage than pit bull attacks. I've had 3 pit bulls, no problems at all, great dogs that get a bad rep. Of course there is idiot owners that do not train them properly. Hope the dog does not get put down.
  19. Can you not read, i forget how many times i've told you why i think that. Coz they've been speaking about it for the 20years + i've been in Thailand.
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