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Everything posted by PJ71

  1. Too much jibberish, way too mutt.
  2. If you're talking about the meet and greet off the plane and then Biz class lanes through customs then no, it's not running again yet. This was with BFS, checked and tried to make a booking about 3 weeks ago
  3. I'm gonna put this out there but i think i'm superior to 90% of thais, much superior. This is based on my observations over 20 years +. Scarey thing is, i'm not even that smart - lol.
  4. I don't care about any of the things you mention. Did you poke your nose in other peoples business in your home country or just since arriving thailand?
  5. I'm a 'legitimate expat' and could n't care less what people do to get visa's, it's none of my business, or yours.
  6. PJ71

    Best tv price

    i bought a 75" Samsung from Powerbuy for about 28-30K, good TV.
  7. My bad, you may be correct. I recall people having to transfer money out of thailand and then back to get the FET.
  8. Only if you want to send the money back out once property sold. If you have money in country already then, of course, you may use that for a purchase.
  9. google 'afterdark' in Chang Mai, they have what you're after.
  10. Very important piece of info..... What a horrible story tho.
  11. are you suggesting they will be insured? that's funny....
  12. Totally agree. I used to go years ago with the wife but it was more torture than anything else, painful.
  13. yeah, better get jab number 7?
  14. Wouldn't want to be old with no money, here or anywhere else.
  15. I make very good money when i work, as soon as i think i have enough till i die, i'm out!
  16. Totally agree - madness.
  17. that's great but i bet you'd have quit each one of them in heart beat if you could.
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