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Posts posted by jope

  1. I guess, only a few people around here and the rest of the world will care, but „Intruders“ came to an end last night. BBC has not decided about a second season, yet. The humble ratings would probably speak against a continuation. But the show still has to air in Britain. So, maybe, the BBC will postpone a decision until the British audience will (undoubtedly smile.png) confirm that „Intruders“ is a great show!

    I liked it right from the beginning, although, admittedly it started rather confusing. But step by step, episode by episode, the fog cleared and with the finale we now have a rather good picture of how the „Revertii“-universe works. So, even without a second season the story came to a good ending that leaves room for more episodes but that can also be seen as a decent closure of an interesting fantasy story. Anyway, I am hoping for more!

    For me, the first episode was so confusing that I never wanted to watch it again and I didn't.

    Somehow, I was caught by the atmosphere and then I became more and more curious what it is about. But there is no way around it: it started without orientation and structure. So, I don't blame you! smile.png

  2. 3 episodes into Homeland, and some observations. The series has gotten a lot more realistic feeling, the location shooting seems very realistic as Islamabad (streets, cars - old VWs, newer Honda Citys & US embassy Chevy Captivas), though I know they shot it in S. Africa. This year has a more film quality feel to it, and is very high quality in terms of scripts and story so far. The pace is not as quick as prior years perhaps, but seems very tight and good arc.

    They keep inserting Saul into the story, which is a bit awkward, but is ok, it works. Claire Danes is really carrying the whole series on her back more than ever, and she is up to the task.

    And I was wondering which South-Asian looking country would be safe enough to shoot a show like "Homeland". I would not have thought of South Africa.

    I am glad that Saul is back. I find him to be the most likable character of the show. Hoping to see more of him. And I am glad that Carry's baby is more or less out of the picture (sorry). I found the resemblance of Brody rather disturbing. Is that Damian Lewis' real child?

    And another question: is there an explanation why episode 3 is available through the usual sources although it has not been aired in the US, yet?

  3. I guess, only a few people around here and the rest of the world will care, but „Intruders“ came to an end last night. BBC has not decided about a second season, yet. The humble ratings would probably speak against a continuation. But the show still has to air in Britain. So, maybe, the BBC will postpone a decision until the British audience will (undoubtedly smile.png) confirm that „Intruders“ is a great show!

    I liked it right from the beginning, although, admittedly it started rather confusing. But step by step, episode by episode, the fog cleared and with the finale we now have a rather good picture of how the „Revertii“-universe works. So, even without a second season the story came to a good ending that leaves room for more episodes but that can also be seen as a decent closure of an interesting fantasy story. Anyway, I am hoping for more!

    • Like 1
  4. The "Gotham"-scenery is rather well created. First, I thought they let it play in the 1930s but cars, fashion and mobile phones told otherwise. It took me some time to get used to this atmosphere.

    Cat-Girl (definitely not a woman, yet) looks rather cute. Her "cat-walk" is ridiculous, though. Young Penguin is as over the top as one can expect, all in all, not a bad impression (pun intended, he is bad).

    At the end, the story became slightly more interesting when James Gordon finds out that not all is black and white when you are in the Gotham Police. Furthermore, there is something wrong with his fiancé and her past. That may have the potential to develop, we'll see. Well, it is a comic. So, I did not expect many intelligent dialogues and character depth anyway. At least, it does not look cheap.

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  5. Speaking of „in between“: one of „The Inbetweeners“ (Simon) plays in „Fresh Meat“, a British Comedy following six rather lopsided characters (three male, three female) who are students at Manchester University. They share a house and naturally their lives consist of studying, going out (partially with each other), parties, booze, social life.

    It is like „The Inbetweeners“ on a higher level. Whoever liked that show will most probably like „Fresh Meat“, too. I certainly did. BTW, Channel 4 has given it 3 seasons so far.

    • Like 1
  6. I used this dreadful time between midseason and fall to watch season 3 of „Rev.“.

    Reverend Adam Smallbone is transferred from the countryside to London to become the new Vicar of St. Saviour, a church that is situated in a less fancy part of London with a parish less enthusiastic about church matters. The crowd showing up for Sunday services is manageable, so to speak, with regulars more distracting than contributing.

    Furthermore he learns that he is now working in a strict hierarchical organization with a clear chain of command and a management that regards „spreading HIS word“ more or less as a given and expects a certain focus on effective administration, increasing the congregation and funding, i.e. pulling donations.

    The whole thing is light entertainment with some ironic views onto nowadays church problems. Nothing too serious with a good cast (is there a British TV-show without Olivia Colman playing in it?) and enjoyable stories with sometimes hilarious moments. I was hooked from the beginning and would like to see a fourth season but the BBC stopped it for the time being with the option to return sometime in the future.

  7. For good sake, he's 93 years old, stop talking about all this ww2. Hunting old people. He's properly already on the way to the die.

    Strange reply, because if the German bloke is found guilty about those killing matters in the Auschwitz concentration camp then regardless of his current age he should be given the appropriate legal sentence.

    I don't see the reply as strange. Hunting a old man for something he maybe has done for 70 years ago. When is this going to stop

    That is easy to answer: when the last murderer is dead. That is the time everybody can move on, not one day earlier.

    • Like 1
  8. While I share the view that forgiveness is desirable I nevertheless think that it is up to the survivors and victims' families to actually grant that forgiveness (as was pointed out before).

    How can forgiveness be possible if there is no remorse? I think first admitting to the crime and then asking for forgiveness is a requirement.

    A research on the activities of a Cologne Police Battalion in occupied Poland and Russia revealed that those very, very few who did not want to take part in the murdering spree were not punished, did not even get a slap on the wrist. So, generally, "order and obedience" are not an excuse. BTW, the research also showed that they targeted almost exclusively people of Jewish believe.

    The "Waffen SS" is the only Nazi-organisation that is not forbidden in Germany. That is why our few Neo-Nazis always shout "glory and honor of the Waffen-SS". They actually mean NSDAP. Legally, there is nothing the police can do about it.

    All crimes against humanity should be punished. And yet the holocaust sadly stands out because the mass murder was perfectly organized to an almost industrialized level of effectiveness. Even "the fasted genocide in history" (Rwanda) falls back compared to that horror (no difference for the victims, though).

    Has he had nightmares during the last 70 years? Possible, but I doubt it. I assume, we all would be unpleasantly surprised, if we asked him.

    The level of his involvement will be determined by the court. Although I doubt that it will come to a trial due to the age of the accused.

    While I understand and share the disgust towards this person and while it makes me cringe that he will end his life peacefully I nevertheless do not think that he should be tortured or even imprisoned, simply, because I do not want to be like "them".

    The crime should be investigated and it should be made public, if only to show that nothing is forgiven and nothing is forgotten.

    • Like 1
  9. Just watched the first episode of "Blackish". It was, hm, yeah, well... I don't know, it is a 20-minute-format but it does not play in the league of "The Mindy Project" or "New Girl" or "Welcome to Sweden" or "Modern Family" or "In the Middle". They tried to ironically exaggerate both the sides, "I don't see color" and "I am proud to be black", but it seemed more like forced fun to me. I cannot say that I completely disliked the show but it was not enough to be enthusiastic about it. I will probably give it two or three more episodes before I dump it. I hope for more, "The Mindy Project" and "New Girl" became a lot better only after their first episode. Perhaps "Blackish" can turn it around, too.

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  10. just downloaded

    Thunderbirds....seem terribly dated.

    I watched the complete series as a kid, then had to rewatch the complete series on rerun 22 years ago in London when my son was 4, and there ain't no way I'm watching those space puppets again. However I will say one thing:


    Are these the predecessors of "Team America"? smile.png

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  11. Various sources report that there might be a third season of "The Dome".

    It seems, that CBS announced s02e13 as "season finale" and not as "series finale". That is interpreted as a hint for a season 3. CBS has not taken a decision, yet.

    But so far, it seems clear that season 2 will end in a huge cliffhanger. And the writers have already announced that they stretched the original story over 5 (!) seasons hoping that CBS will play along. I guess, If it comes to that, the Oxford Dictionary will give the word "surprise" a new definition.

  12. Boardwalk empire, season 5, just started.

    Just finished the 1st episode..

    Hopefully will get better, didn't really jump out of the blocks but more set the scene..

    Except for that one bit in Havanna when Nuckys new companion intervened and picked his trophy afterwards. I find this scene rather typical for the show. Suddenly out of the blue something electrifying happens. I did not see that coming.

    Otherwise, I agree, they were just showing which main characters are still in the game and at what point of their life they are. I guess it will speed up now. Waiting for former Agent van Alden to appear. There is always blood and violence around him. Interesting development of the character.

    Spoilers aside, that was the highlight, the trip down memory lane (not a previous season recap) was boring tongue.png

    I thought the crazy ATF-Agent-turned-Hoover-salesman-turned-thug-turned-bootlegger-turned-whatever he became was knocked off last season? Or did he do a Houdini and got out of dodge?

    Well, he was in the season 5 trailer (even a few times). And in one short scene one can see what his current status is. smile.png

    I'd say, this and everything else is vague enough to not count as spoilers. But if anybody disagrees, please let me know.

    • Like 1
  13. Boardwalk empire, season 5, just started.

    Just finished the 1st episode..

    Hopefully will get better, didn't really jump out of the blocks but more set the scene..

    Except for that one bit in Havanna when Nuckys new companion intervened and picked his trophy afterwards. I find this scene rather typical for the show. Suddenly out of the blue something electrifying happens. I did not see that coming.

    Otherwise, I agree, they were just showing which main characters are still in the game and at what point of their life they are. I guess it will speed up now. Waiting for former Agent van Alden to appear. There is always blood and violence around him. Interesting development of the character.

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