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Posts posted by jope

  1. Four episodes in, I got used to Rectify again. I forgot how slow-motion works but the show reminded me that it does not have to be „rush rush“ all the time. To be honest, I think it is not really necessary to explore the characters much further. Concentrating on the crime might be an idea, though? And I had the impression that, recently, the Sheriff showed up more often…

    • Like 2
  2. Entourage - The boys are back next year.

    Just love Ari Gold.

    Watched this one recently.

    Usual stuff, gorgeous woman and crude jokes.

    I loved the series and thought this was pretty good.

    Although quite a few people told me that Entourage is a good show, I never brought myself to watch it (even have the first season on DVD). So, I thought watching the movie is the ideal way to get into it. Unfortunately, I found it somehow a bit disappointing. I mean, it was not crap either but all in all the characters did not seem very appealing to me, somehow featureless I'd say. Though, I did like one thing: all these well known faces with their brief appearances, they were rather amusing. I guess, first the movie, then the show, is simply the wrong order.

    • Like 1
  3. Wayward Pines is over - at least for this season. I thought it was really good. They were smart to let the audience know what was going on pretty early, instead of getting weirder and weirder like so many modern sci-fi shows like The Leftovers or The Dome.

    I still have to watch it. BTW, Fox did not renew Wayward Pines for a second season. And most importantly: I really really liked the Leftovers and I would NOT call it weird (I do unterstand, though, that other people might classify it as such smile.png )

    • Like 1
  4. Gives me impure thoughts about Anita....cheesy.gif

    Nicely put. smile.png

    Unfortunately, Anita is the only "thing" that I found interesting. I have no problems with good science fiction but the idea of robots having real feelings did not do it for me. Gave up after the first episode, which, I read, was a huge success in Britain with a few million viewers. Do not know how the numbers developed, though.

    • Like 1
  5. Best Government I've seen here in 30+ years.

    Long Live the Junta !!!

    If you don't like it, go live in GREECE, they have an Elected Government there.

    and demonstrations and freedom of speech and a prime minister who does not have absolute power, all these bad bad things that lead inevitably to chaos and civil war.

  6. True Detective: Just went to the next level! From a meandering walk in the park to the Olympic 100m final! Intense...

    Wow, what a crime scene. Feeling sorry for the one in charge for collecting the evidence. But how does it all fit in? I am more confused than ever. Looking forward to more (every second episode with a shocking finale?)

    • Like 2
  7. Watched this movie some time ago, it's Korean with subs & directed by Lee Kwang Dong.

    Really enjoyed it. smile.png

    The korean filmakers in recent years imo are the 'cutting edge' of cinema.


    Try the Korean historical series "Jumong". I watched a couple times on Dramafever.com. It's 60 hours long! I think it's the greatest story ever told. My subscription is only 5 dollars a month and you can watch thru a vpn connection.

    Chuno is another great drama series.

    This guy is in amongst my fav directors liked all but personal favs were' bad guy and ' 3 iron'' truly amazing story telling https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Ki-duk

    Ps gentle warning his later films , and this is NOT AN EXAGGERATION, do strongly challenge moral boundries


    Now I am curious! smile.png

  8. Another show that I expected to get the chop that has done a Lazarus: "Murder in the First", don't get me wrong, I didn't mind the show but I didn't expect it to go a second time 'round..

    5 episodes in, I think it is better than season 1 (and I found season one absolutely acceptable, not great, but alright for a boring Monday). Rather complex with various story lines somehow interwoven.

    But I admit, I was also a little bit surprised that they made a second season.

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  9. It seems that there is an expert opinion claiming that the weapons were not properly demilitarized. Now the prosecutor has no choice. She is obliged to investigate, otherwise she would commit a crime herself. If the old man actually gets convicted (we are not talking about petty theft, this is a serious violation), he will certainly not go to jail due to his age and because he seems to be a first time offender (I am assuming that he did not fire that bloody thing when he made his little excursions).

  10. Saw the first episode of Zoo. Animals jointly attack humans all over the world. My guess is, the phenomenon will probably be explained by the theories of a scientist who was a complete nut job but whose crazy ideas will later turn out to be right. This scientist was also the father of one of the main characters. No shit!

    Although there were already a few killings, it is still, lets say, rather family friendly with no blood splattering around. There were brief moments of excitement, maybe with more to come in the next episodes. Otherwise, I found the acting rather poor, which is, I think, the real reason why PETA already demanded to cancel the show and not because the show uses real instead of computer animated animals.

    For me there is not much to watch on Tuesdays, so, I guess I'll stick with Zoo for a while, but with low expectations.

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  11. Seriously? We are comparing numbers now? "My genocide is worse then yours"? For the victims there is probably no difference.

    But I see this difference (as mentioned before in this thread): when there is a report about the mass murder of Armenians or Ukrainians, no one will show up and claim that that was either somehow their own fault or that it was not that bad or that others had to suffer even more. Only when it comes to the holocaust, people offer these disgusting "opinions".

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