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Posts posted by jope

  1. Tragic events with the 3 Israeli boys but as usual the Israeli response it out of all proportion and is indeed murderous and hateful. I'm glad people are protesting this.

    Did you forget about the ROCKETS? facepalm.gif

    Yeah I agree nothing wrong with protesting Israeli government policies, and yes, they are happening in many places in the world today.

    But so many of these protests are downright racist.

    Here -- the Jew hate posters.

    In Seattle, more Jew hate posters and a picture of a Jew eating a small child.

    In Frankfurt, Islamists and Neo-Nazis gathering together, shouting Jew hate slogans, assisted by the local POLICE (who provided a loudspeaker)

    In Morocco, a rabbi on a walk brutally attacked, asking for help, nobody helped.

    I am a bit late but I found your claim that the Frankfurt Police assisted in providing hate speeches so absurd that I had to look it up. And according to various newspaper articles (from conservative to far left) the police actually did provide a loudspeaker! One of the participants of this "demonstration" told the police that he could persuade his cronies (the demonstration had already turned violent) to turn around and go back to the starting point. He was so convincing that the police let him use the loudspeaker of one of their patrol cars. First, it worked and the demonstration turned around. On their way back the man suddenly shouted "Kindermörder Israel" ("child murderer Israel"). Literally everybody in Germany (except for the few usual suspects) is shocked and disgusted. Frankfurt Police (as an organization as well as individually) are devastated by shame. Frankfurt Police have already started an investigation ("Volksverhetzung" = "incitement of the people", the mans name is known). There will be political and disciplinary investigations. Literally everybody in Germany agrees that we do not tolerate anti-Semitic slogans, particularly when they are blared through a loudspeaker of a police car. In short: a disastrous misjudgment of the situation. It will not happen again.

    And while we are at it: I completely agree with your position on this forum (but out of likes).

  2. I hear that question again and again. As if it was somehow outrageous that a politician is in charge of the police. But actually it is the most normal thing to do: they either belong to the Ministry of Justice or Interior for oversight. Some free countries find it suitable to put formed police units under the command of the Ministry of Defense in times of war but particularly Northern European states would never mix military and police matters. So, of course a politician is in charge, how can it be otherwise?

    The Gendarmerie Nationale in France is under the control of the Ministry of Defence.

    My understanding is that the Gendarmerie Nationale in principle is under the command of the Ministry of Interior (responsible for crowd control and policing outside of cities) but can be deployed as combatants under the command of the Ministry of Defense, if the need arises. I know, that Spain and Italy follow similar principles. But please, correct me, if I am wrong. Anyway, they are under the command of the Ministry, i.e. a politician.

  3. Just watched s02 e01 of The Bridge. It starts off featuring what at first seems to be a Lyle Lovett music video, starring the Weird Cowboy Crooner himself. It took reading another review to remind me that he plays a small town lawyer serving the cartel. The overall strangeness gets jacked up right off the bat, and quickly gets right back into the bizarre cross-border (El Paso/Juarez) nightmare, with a vengeance. The atmosphere and cinematography in this show is different from anything else on TV right now. A new character is introduced, played by the excellent German actress, Franka Potente.

    This is going to be a wild ride. 9-1/2, with a Bullet.

    Could not agree more. A great start, I liked it even better than the first episode of season 1, a season that provided some great TV but also some disappointments (still, all in all a good show). It seems that they will stay within the "ordinary" range of organized crime this time (which would be a good idea IMO). So, I am rather optimistic that they will keep up this high level over the whole season. Anyway, I am hooked (again).

  4. Some light entertainment: Welcome to Sweden (20 min format). An ordinary American moves to Sweden to live there with his Swedish wife. The characters are more or less stereotype but likable. There is one exception: the mother in law, in her forties, rather attractive (I'd say) and this woman is pure acid. I fell in love with her immediately. So, if you are bored between two great shows, this could be some intermission joy (good for a few laughs). BTW, a second series is already commissioned (and for a strange reason no Swede I know is like the people in this show).

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  5. Why the need for the defence PS to be on the commission? This is an inappropriate move, although many will say it's necessary inorder for the military to keep the police under control. I agree with what is happening to the police in the interim, but in the long term, no, - no control of one arm of government by another, totally unrelated arm. This is not how I envisage democracy.

    The RTP are the 4th branch of the Thai Defence Forces, it has little or nothing to do with the Army maintaining a hold over the police. The Defence PS obviously has all 4 branches in his portfolio.

    Well either way its wrong. One of the major problems in Thailand concerns limiting and understanding the role of the army.

    The police should not be the 4th arm of anything and the army should definitely not be involved in running it.

    So you think that the army should not be involved in running it?

    What do you think of politicians being in charge of the police then?

    I hear that question again and again. As if it was somehow outrageous that a politician is in charge of the police. But actually it is the most normal thing to do: they either belong to the Ministry of Justice or Interior for oversight. Some free countries find it suitable to put formed police units under the command of the Ministry of Defense in times of war but particularly Northern European states would never mix military and police matters. So, of course a politician is in charge, how can it be otherwise?

  6. "We agreed to the Egyptian proposal in order to give an opportunity for the demilitarisation of the (Gaza) Strip - from missiles, from rockets and from tunnels - through diplomatic means," Netanyahu told reporters.

    So, the deal is you give up all your home made weapons, and we will have a ceasefire, but then we can start bombing you again when we feel like it, and you will have nothing to defend yourself with. What a deal !

    The rockets aren't really a defense. They're a provocation intended to get a predictable reaction from Israel, arguably an overreaction. Then Hamas gets fresh dead Arab baby pictures to parade to the world for their anti-semitic propaganda purposes. Israel doesn't want the land of Gaza. Hamas wants the land of Israel. The militaries are unbalanced but so are the intentions. While not acting like Israeli policy is faultless, keep in mind that Hamas knew FULL WELL before starting the rocket attacks using human shields the result would be dead innocent Arab civilians ... so why don't they accept a lot of the BLAME for that? They never will.

    But this didn't start with rockets from Gaza, it started with the dubious kidnapping of 3 Israelis, then the murder of innocent Palestinians the illegal arrest of 100's and demolition of family homes. What do you expect?

    Interesting choice of words: the kidnapping of three Israeli youths is "dubious", their murder not mentioned, and the despicable murder of that Palestinian youth is included in "innocent Palestinians" (to make it sound bigger, I am assuming). At least, you made clear how HAMAS will explain their rocket attacks to the world.

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  7. After she has eleminated all competitors in her party it may be a trick to make her party evaluate that there is no alternative to her in order to strengthen her position. I cannot find any other clue if this article is real.

    "Spiegel-Online" sees Minister of Defense Ursula von der Leyen as a possible successor (if she survives that position, I would argue).

    I agree, it could very well be part of the political game.

  8. I don't usually do negative reviews, because I could alienate another member who thinks that show is great. However...I just tried out s01, e01 of a mess called Graceland. Picture this: Some drug dealer's fabulous "Socal" beachfront bachelor pad is confiscated under the very flawed RICO law, and is turned into what amounts to almost a frat house for young studs and a couple of stud-ettes from: DEA, FBI, ICE, and maybe one other tentacle of the National Security State I've forgotten. Everybody's got their own room, they're all undercover (except to each other, of course), and they've got an older "Charlie's Angel" type boss, played by the unpopular flaky detective from The Shield. Daniel Sunjata, the worst actor from the great show Rescue Me, is the star. (you remember, the one ladies would wet themselves over, as he spun lines like, "Ah'm Porta Reekin', you godda problem wid dat?") He's sort of a heterosexual Sal Mineo who spends a lot of time surfing, "scoring", and hitting the gym. He's a burnt out FBI guy who flipped out in some case, but he's so cool and brilliant (hah!) they let him do his own thing. A fresh young Quantico recruit is sent out to be mentored by him, but has secret orders to spy on him. Think: Training Day, or that other movie where Ryan Phillipe spies on the mole played by the great Chris Cooper.

    Ridiculous on every level. Made even more so as they claim in the opening credits that there was or is such a house or houses in California, where such cartoonish characters reside, as roomies. If this is your favorite show, please don't be offended. There's a nut for every bolt.

    I prefer cop shows where the cops all have deep problems, like the old Hill Street crew, or Helen Mirren (sigh) in Prime Suspect, David Tennant in Broadchurch, or any of the cast in Line of Duty. World weary, getting old, dealing with budget cuts, finding that the world is now barbaric beyond understanding. Somewhat like real life.

    Liked the summary and characterization! I am a bit relieved. I watched the first episode and later came across some comments about the show (all being very positive) and I thought: "Am I the only one who thinks this is, lets say, not a very convincing concept?".

    What a contrast to "Line of Duty"! That is what I would call an interesting and multi-dimensional and even realistic cop show (although I partially hated the characters in series 1 for what they did to the suspect). Series 2 I liked even better as the right person went down this time. I was pleasantly surprised that the BBC commissioned two further series of this show. Highly recommendable IMHO, but I agree: others might see it exactly the other way round.

  9. From the original source (Spiegel Online, the article is in German only, I tried my best to translate the headlines, corrections will be highly appreciated smile.png ):

    "Possible Resignation: Merkel-Aides expect that she will voluntarily step down

    A possible defeat in elections is not supposed to determine her fate: Angela Merkel is determined to be the first Kanzler since 1949 to voluntarily step down one day."

    No mentioning of any specific date in the near future or a timeline. But noting that 2016/2017 the posts of the UN Secretary General and the President of the Council of the European Union will become available for suitable candidates. She might send in her Curriculum Vitae then.

  10. Looks like Rachel is going to be on more prominent display this season. Hope she spent some time at the Actors Studio while the show was on hiatus.

    Rachel is just so much more than merely her acting skills.


    OK, I'll cut Rachel (Meghan Markle) some slack. Could be she is a terrific actress with lots of range and depth, but that's not what's called for in this role. She only needs to be semi adorable and pretty and vulnerable and all torn up all the time with the highs and lows of being with Mike. Looks like some plot elements are being introduced in the new series that will require more of her.

    I like watching the snappy interplay between Louis and his assistant Katrina. (Amanda Schull) She's sort of a mini-version of Sheila, who must be brought back, I demand it.

    Now, when we're considering who are the great young actresses of today, I think first of Tatiana Maslany, who came out of nowhere (well, Canada) to blow our minds playing eight distinctly different clones on Orphan Black. Also most impressive is Adelaide Clemens (Australian, how do they do it!) , who is so fine in Rectify. Then there's Diane Kruger, former fashion model from Germany, who was so good in "Inglourious Basterds", now playing a spaced out Texas cop on The Bridge.

    Is Meghan Markle in this league? We shall soon see.

    "She's sort of a mini-version of Sheila, who must be brought back, I demand it."

    Sheila is played by Rachael Harris. But Harris is a regular on "Surviving Jack" (is that still on or did they cancel it already?), so she might return for later episodes or season 5? All she has to do is telling Louis that she is willing to bear his children, Louis will be overwhelmed with joy and voila: she is back in the show. smile.png

  11. Never thought as being Dutch supporting the "die Mannschaft" but bad ( football) feelings/memories from the past have faded and Germany is IMO the best TEAM in this WC.

    Especially with a coach who looks like a Schlager singer they have my support LOL


    How soon everybody forgets that Low is a serial booger eater.bah.gif

    Whaaaaaat? I did not know that.

    In case there is video-evidence, please do not post the link. I could not endure it.

    And the German team will be relieved that I nevertheless support them (not that optimistically anymore, though).

  12. Never thought as being Dutch supporting the "die Mannschaft" but bad ( football) feelings/memories from the past have faded and Germany is IMO the best TEAM in this WC.

    Especially with a coach who looks like a Schlager singer they have my support LOL


    Great that you support the German team. And for all the right reasons! biggrin.png Honestly, now that you mentioned it I can actually see him holding a microphone singing a really cheesy German Schlager in front of middle-aged German ladies. biggrin.png

    Anyway, last time literally all Germans stood behind the Dutch team. If it is the other way round this time (except for the slightly disappointing resultsmile.png ) I can't find it anything but amazing. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png
  13. Just watched Extant ,could work out well, also just watched the second episode of series 2 of the dome ,oh God its utter crap ,especially when they all clapped when he landed that plane suprised they didnt all form a circle and praise the lord ,but i have to find out what the dome is for . i'me so sad

    Normally, I would totally agree. But I am still very embarrassed. So, I'll give you and Bookman simply one of my rare "uber-likes" instead.

    And now for something completely different (if I may): a few people mentioned "The Honorable Woman". I just saw the first two episodes and I think this is high quality British TV. Great opening scene, some realistic action, too. The whole scenario slowly unfolding and developing. I particularly like the British MI6 agent (can anybody be more British restrained than this character?). A great spy drama and worth watching IMHO.

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  14. Chicago, New York all of the major cities in the US have extremely tight gun control laws. In NY the new mayor stopped the stop and frisk rules for the police and murders immediately went up. I am from the US and am very familiar with gun control, the criminal control is the problem. We let these gangs come in from different countries and they control the streets. If you look into the cause of street violence that is what the problem is. The problem with the mass shootings if looked closely enough is that most of the people do not take into consideration that all were on some type of drug prescribed by doctors. Also most used stolen or someone else's guns.

    I cannot believe that people that do not know about the law's of the USA comment on our problems mainly caused by inept politicians, and there feel good attitude towards crime, immigration and drugs. I am in Thailand and I do not know the laws here about ownership of guns but is see gun violence daily in the news. are everywhere in the world and it will be always be so, guns are everywhere.

    Almost all the gun violence in the OP was black-on-black. They were not from different countries...but you are most likely correct that most of the firearms were stolen. Maybe the thing to do is to make harsher sentences for gun owners who allow their firearms to be stolen.
    Gun owners who allow their property to be stolen should be punished? That's rich. You must be in politics.

    Germany: up to 10.000 Euro fine or up to 3 years imprisonment for failing to secure weapons against theft. If your gun is actually stolen, you are in deep trouble. We are rather happy with this regulation (but would preffer a no guns at all except for the police policy). I am surprised though that US laws alledgedly do not have such regulations. Are you certain?

  15. Perfectly right. If the German team makes it to the penalty shoot out, I will go to bed, no excitement left, outcome as usual (since 1976). smile.png


    I particularly referred to the penalty shoot out. "If" (big if) "the German team makes it to the penalty shoot out...". Then I arrogantly dare to predict a regular outcome: Germany will win. The last penalty shoot out that Germany lost was against Czechoslovakia in the finale of the European Championship 1976. But in 2002 Germany lost against Brazil ordinarily (if I may describe it like that). No extra time, no penalty shoot out.

  16. And there in a nutshell is why Germany will win. Whilst the Brazilians will try to be magical the Germans will be ruthlessly pragmatic.

    Somewhere along the line they will win a penalty shoot out. This could be it.

    Perfectly right. If the German team makes it to the penalty shoot out, I will go to bed, no excitement left, outcome as usual (since 1976). smile.png

  17. I dont remember who said that old school was good ,but i have only one thing to say to you after watching the first episode ,sod you ,now i have yet another series to watch , really good ,love it , and while i am at it ,just watched under the dome politicaly correct two mums one black one white rubbish ,but shit i'me hooked again.

    Whaaaaaat??? You do not like old school? But you watch "The Dome", which is definitely light Sunday afternoon entertainment for children (except for the cow that was cut in halves in the first episode)? Alright, I admit that I watch it, too. But only to find out what this bloody dome is about!

    Just found out that I completely misunderstood (I mean, really completely misunderstood). Please, everybody pretend that I did not write anything... at all. Thank you for your understanding (I'll do better, promise!) wai.gif

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  18. If the reforms are successful and yields results, he will have the thai peoples backing, even if he is in a double role. Thailand needs to copy Singapore's model of success, which was pragmatism through HONEST authoritarian rule. It is no better way.

    Why can't Thailand issue an international arrest warrant for Thaksin through Interpol? That's what other countries are doing when reign in their fugitives. We can understand why the last government didn't do it, but I can't understand why Abishit didn't.

    An international arrest warrant does not mean that the arrest and the extradition will automatically be executed all over the world. Instead the arrested person will go through the legal system of the country he was arrested in. In the case of Dubai I assume the verdict would be "not guilty under Dubai law" (if it came to an arrest in the first place). The sytem makes sense. Before the iron curtain fell East Germany issued international arrest warrants for "Republikflucht" (fleeing from East- to West-Germany). What a sad joke.

    Furthermore, I doubt that anybody wants Thaksin in a court room anyway. At least not now when things are running smoothly and everybody is a good boy and loves General P. soooo much XOXO. Giving the north and the norteast a martyre is probably the last the military wants to do. Well, that is how I would explain it. Pure speculation of course (not the first part, though).

    If Thaksin is in Dubai the courts will do whatever the ruler of Dubai tells them to do. The only moderating factor on him is the Abu Dhabi royal family who prop Dubai up.

    Most countries have a process for deciding if an extradition request will be complied with, taking HR issues etc into account. They can't re-try someone and declare them not guilty. However, they can claim all sorts of reasons to deny the request or seek assurances of the individuals treatment on return first.

    Emphasis on "under Dubai law". It would not be a re-trial. It would be a trial in regard of the arrest warrant and the extradition.

    Of course, it depends on the legal system of the respective country. I do not know how it works in Dubai (I agree, probably an order by the ruler of that country, whoever that is). It was just an example how it could work. In some countries they face a complete trial (would the arrested be sentenced in our country, if he had done the alleged crime here?) and the outcome would determine the extradition, also taking into account human rights. Other countries might just put him on a bus and load him off behind the border. What I am saying is that there is no automatism and that Dubai will hardly follow up on an international arrest warrant for Thaksin.

  19. I dont remember who said that old school was good ,but i have only one thing to say to you after watching the first episode ,sod you ,now i have yet another series to watch , really good ,love it , and while i am at it ,just watched under the dome politicaly correct two mums one black one white rubbish ,but shit i'me hooked again.

    Whaaaaaat??? You do not like old school? But you watch "The Dome", which is definitely light Sunday afternoon entertainment for children (except for the cow that was cut in halves in the first episode)? Alright, I admit that I watch it, too. But only to find out what this bloody dome is about!

  20. If the reforms are successful and yields results, he will have the thai peoples backing, even if he is in a double role. Thailand needs to copy Singapore's model of success, which was pragmatism through HONEST authoritarian rule. It is no better way.

    Why can't Thailand issue an international arrest warrant for Thaksin through Interpol? That's what other countries are doing when reign in their fugitives. We can understand why the last government didn't do it, but I can't understand why Abishit didn't.

    An international arrest warrant does not mean that the arrest and the extradition will automatically be executed all over the world. Instead the arrested person will go through the legal system of the country he was arrested in. In the case of Dubai I assume the verdict would be "not guilty under Dubai law" (if it came to an arrest in the first place). The sytem makes sense. Before the iron curtain fell East Germany issued international arrest warrants for "Republikflucht" (fleeing from East- to West-Germany). What a sad joke.

    Furthermore, I doubt that anybody wants Thaksin in a court room anyway. At least not now when things are running smoothly and everybody is a good boy and loves General P. soooo much XOXO. Giving the north and the norteast a martyre is probably the last the military wants to do. Well, that is how I would explain it. Pure speculation of course (not the first part, though).

  21. But Jope you are correct this is an internal Thai problem to deal with. And yes the German police are quiet trusted but I do remember in Osnabrook to put some deuce marks in my driving licence in case of speeding, O the good old days when Germany had its own money and didn't need to bail out the rest of the EU (except the UK of course)

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Alright then, a last remark, if you allow me: I personally cannot see that the UK will leave the EU. And to be honest, I really do hope you will stay in (look at my profile motto smile.png ). If not, I guess, it will be interesting to watch... Let's hope for the best. smile.png

  22. I am really impressed with the writing and acting on "Rectify", which is now in its second season on US TV (Sundance Channel). I guess you could call it "Extreme Family Drama." Guy gets let out of prison after almost 20 years on Death Row, temporarily exonerated by DNA. The original prosecutor, now a state senator about to run for governore, is leaning hard on the new prosecutor to bring the case back to trial. The hero's mother has remarried, to her dead husband's partner in a tire business.

    Every actor in this series is top notch, and the scripts give everyone a chance to shine. Completely different from anything else I've seen lately. For many viewers it would be too slow, but I'm hooked. Not a lot of laughs, though.

    Coming up on the 8th and last episode of the great Australian show, Old School. Hope they do another season. It's really fun watching Bryan Brown and Sam Neill go at it it.

    I saw the first episode of "Rectify". Did not like it that much. But I might give it another shot now.

    Absolutely agreed on "Old school". Although it is rather conventional and, lets say, "harmless" (almost family tv entertainment) I think it is good fun to watch (reminds me a bit of the British "New Tricks"). Would not be surprised, if they did a second series of "Old School" with a different case. But so far no word from abc (at least I could not find anything).

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