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Posts posted by jope

  1. Anyone still following 12 Monkeys? gets confusing with the date swaps alll the time, not sure where its going now, I even wonder if the writers do

    So far, I'm good with the time swaps but I have been watching the last episodes back to back over the weekend. I guess, that makes it easier to follow. I am rather curious how they will continue. The ending of the show will not necessarily match the ending of the film and with a second season to follow I am assuming we must prepare for a nice cliffhanger. What a mess...

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  2. Just downloaded ,secrets and lies from kickass , its set in a British car showroom ,i watched half of the first episode and to be honest did not like it ,but many of you may ,it just was not my cup of tea. ,on thursday a new series of inside no9 starts ,very dark ,the first series was very good.

    Secrets & Lies set in a British car showroom? i claudius, surely, you jest...

    I was sceptical at first of the show as it had already been done before. But I've got a bet running now with my mother as to who did it, so it's worth watching. My money's on the wife... Juliette Lewis bugs the shit out of me every time she opens her mouth, it's almost like she's trying to be robocop sans robotic exterior...

    I think it's the best friend.

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  3. A few of us on here, Frank James in particular will be happy to read this.

    ‘The Fall’ Picked Up For 3rd Season With Gillian Anderson & Jamie Dornan


    Well, this is surprising but welcome news!

    At the risk of being accused again, the following statement might be construed as a SPOILER! GO NO FURTHER! How's that?

    It certainly appeared to be "over" at the end of the last episode.

    Anyway, there can never be too much Gillian/Stella.

    Yes, totally agreed. I was very surprised when I read that Anderson gave an interview speaking of enough material for a further season. And then it actually happens. Good news and thanks to Will for posting it. smile.png

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  4. Stumbled upon iZombie. Something like a medical student who is a zombie working in a morgue and eating the brains of deceased people to survive. Once she eats the brain she acquires the memories of the killed person and with that knowledge she can help the police. Whaaaaaaat??? Seriously?????

    It is supposed to start on 17.03.2015. Oh, and BTW, it is announced as a comedy.


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  5. T minus 2 days to House of cards Season 3. Great writing and acting. Kevin Spacey No1

    I will watch series 3, just to watch the great Spacey strut his stuff. I must say, however that things took a very dark turn in Season 2, right from the very first ten minutes. I have a very hard time thinking of such an evil man ever becoming President of the United States. His wife is even worse. She makes Angela Lansbury in the original Manchurian Candidate look like an angel of sweetness.

    The thing that made this series so enjoyable for me was Underwood's wry observations to the camera about the uses of power. Then the felonies started happening. Then the 3-way with the security guy. Not that such things could never happen at such a high level, but the cynicism is cranked up much too high, in my opinion.

    But I will watch it, if only to see the inevitable impeachment.

    season 3 is just depressing in my estimation. i gave up on episode 2

    Well, who said that being the President, or becoming the Chief of Staff or being the President's wife is easy? smile.png

    And agreed, the whole atmosphere is rather sinister, but the backstabbers are as exciting as before.

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  6. After watching the trailer of Dig I thought this could become something good or it could go terribly wrong. After watching the first (one hour) episode I have only slightly changed my mind. The show is about a 2000 year old conspiracy playing in Jerusalem. It seems to have some Indiana Jones elements in it, too. Story and action are alright, but not really "holding-your-breath" alright. The filming in Jerusalem is great. The show is definitely made professionally. As far as I know, it is only a four part mini series. So, I'll stick to it, hoping it becomes somehow more gripping. If not, no real waste of time but probably not worth remembering, either.

    Wow. Looks very interesting. I'll definitely watch this one. I like the main actor and of course Anne. This movie is a bit of fluff, but the actors are some of my favs:


    Right about this time is when Anne left Steve Martin for Ellen DeGeneres. Too funny. I'm sure Steve got a lot of grief for that! LOL

    I was wrong. I just read that Dig is actually a 10-part series (first order for 6 episodes, then 4 more). Sorry for that!

  7. After four episodes of The Slap I am facing the same effect, that "The Affair" had on me: although both shows are utterly boring I cannot stop watching. I must know what is happening next, which is mainly...nothing. I think "The Affair" becomes interesting by the way the story is told ("he said, she said") and by the incident that may or may not be a crime. But I do not know what makes "The Slap" work. Maybe that each character receives their own episode and that the narrator gives a deeper insight into each persons mind? I am not looking forward to the episode that will "explain" the mother of that slapped child. Describing her as "weird" is an understatement.

    Good news for those who do not like "The Slap": contrary to "The Affair" it will not be renewed for a second season.

    I watched episode 3 of The Slap today and was not very impressed. I liked episodes 1 and2 though, so won't give up on it yet.

    And I thought that I am the only one still watching it. smile.png

  8. After four episodes of The Slap I am facing the same effect, that "The Affair" had on me: although both shows are utterly boring I cannot stop watching. I must know what is happening next, which is mainly...nothing. I think "The Affair" becomes interesting by the way the story is told ("he said, she said") and by the incident that may or may not be a crime. But I do not know what makes "The Slap" work. Maybe that each character receives their own episode and that the narrator gives a deeper insight into each persons mind? I am not looking forward to the episode that will "explain" the mother of that slapped child. Describing her as "weird" is an understatement.

    Good news for those who do not like "The Slap": contrary to "The Affair" it will not be renewed for a second season.

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  9. House of Cards, Season 3

    Just finished watching all 13 episodes. I have seen the whole series from the beginning, and what began as a serio-comic look at hardball Washington politics, has become a descent into irreversible darkness, cynicism, and despair. I think they made the last episode as a possible farewell to the series, and if so, that's a good thing.

    The acting has been superb by every cast member, but the dark side has taken over. It's time for Mr Spacey to devote his considerable talent to a more worthy project.

    The show seems to be a huge success for Netflix. That alone is probably reason enough to think that they will continue the show. Additionally, they made two seasons out of the first part of the British original. So, I guess the second part ("To Play the King") will also have two seasons (BTW: so far it is only very loosely based on the original). And if that is received as positively as the first two seasons, they might also "redo" the third part of the British original ("The Final Cut") and close the whole thing down with a decent ending and without any cliffhangers.

    My prediction: three more seasons, which would mean that Mr. Spacey will not be available for other projects for quite some time.smile.png

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  10. A number of posts and replies in violation of the following have been removed:

    11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

    Wow, people did that on a what movies are you watching thread?........Amazing.

    This thread is not normally like that. It's usually fantastic but every now and again

    a peanut drops in.

    Fantastic, indeed! 149 pages, but who is counting?

    Besides, "who wants to throw the first stone" an' all. I certainly don't.whistling.gif

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  11. Just finished a 3 parter,by j k Rowling the casual vacancy,about an English village,don't expect Harry Potter, terrific acting and not in any way "nice," but great from beginning to the end

    Nice one. Just finished it. Not bad. I vaguely remember that Rowling wanted to continue writing after HP. If that is what comes out of it, I will not complain (although, some critics seem to have noted that the story is a better drama than a book). Next on Channel 4's menu: "Poldark", let's see what that is about...

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  12. Prison Break was great in it's day way back then. as was 24 and Dexter. I loved them all.

    We seem to discuss more up to date films and series here.

    DCI Banks - first episode of Series 5 tonight was great. And i can't wave my hands in the air too much for Indian Summers.

    Oh, and Season 14 of <deleted> Gordon Ramsay's Hells Kitchen has opened it's doors!!

    yeah indian summers has so.far, been disapointing.

    Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Regarding Indian Summers I agree with Patsycat. First I thought this is Downton Abbey in colonial India. For the first half of the first episode I only stayed with it because the filming and the scenery were so great, I mean big-screen-cinema-worthy great. I became more invested after a certain scene ("Hm. Lucky girl. Wash your hands before dinner!"). Obviously, this isn't the BBC but Channel 4. Still, hints of sex and violence are shown only very moderately, but I think the whole story is a bit nastier and more exiting than in Downton Abbey. After three episodes I find it rather enjoyable and I hope for a final deadly clash of all characters. smile.png

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  13. After watching the trailer of Dig I thought this could become something good or it could go terribly wrong. After watching the first (one hour) episode I have only slightly changed my mind. The show is about a 2000 year old conspiracy playing in Jerusalem. It seems to have some Indiana Jones elements in it, too. Story and action are alright, but not really "holding-your-breath" alright. The filming in Jerusalem is great. The show is definitely made professionally. As far as I know, it is only a four part mini series. So, I'll stick to it, hoping it becomes somehow more gripping. If not, no real waste of time but probably not worth remembering, either.

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  14. Anyway, I was hooked again after the first minute of the first episode. Watched the entire season over the weekend. T

    I did the same last year. From memory I think you did also.

    With the Netflix and Amazon series that is an issue. I binge for one or two days and then i have to wait a full year for the next.

    I see only one solution: Netflix and Amazon must bring us at least 2 extremely good shows every week. That would ease the pain of waiting. smile.png

    But who knows. Maybe in the future this will become a regular thing even for the major TV companies (at least once in a while)? Viewer habits might change thanks to Netflix and Amazon (and isn't Hulu also producing their own shows???) I am all for it. Complete shows have two clear advantages IMO: they can't be cancelled in the middle of a season and they can't be broken up into who knows how many blocks. I'm currently watching "The Good Wife" (I know, I know, but I'm a huge fanwub.png ). After 12 episodes interrupted by the christmas break they stopped for a few weeks and give out two more episodes now without letting anybody know when the rest of the season will be aired (it is probably not even produced yet). So, for me, waiting for a whole year is the lesser of two evils (and also I am simply too curious and I have no self-discipline biggrin.png ).

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  15. Bosch, bosch, bosch and bosch. What a good excuse to lie around in me jammies and watch a good <deleted> well made crime drama thingy.

    I am on tenterhooks for series 2.

    Indian Summers - the new channel 4 ten part series. Lovely.

    Is the pilot episode from 12 months back episode 1?

    Yes the Pilot is episode 1. A bit unusual but understandable as it is the start of the whole story. Most series when i was growing up were one story per episode.

    I imagined Bosch looking alot different but Titus does a really good job.

    BTW: That (the pilot being episode 1) was not the case with "Babylon", as far as I remember. The pilot was episode "0" (so to say). I was very confused, when Episode 1 started with the summary of a previous episode.

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  16. Have now watched the first four episodes of Bosch. As I expected, Titus Welliver IS dead-on perfect as Harry Bosch, and Jamie Hector does a fine job as Jerry Edgar, his partner. Now Jamie doesn't have to worry about getting trapped forever in his Marlo Stansfield (The Wire, of course) persona, as he was recently on Person of Interest. This show makes the City of L.A. a major character, with some outstandingly good location shooting, particularly the aerial views.

    Michael Connelly's great series of novels has finally made it to the screen, with a first class production. Well done!

    NINE, with a drink at Musso & Franks.

    started to watch the pilot and thought the script was terrible, just corny and frankly at times cringable,did you find that early doors and it got better ?

    If I may offer my opinion: I saw the pilot last year and found it rather conventional and I doubted that the show would make it into a series. But I watched it anyway and was surprised to see a rather enjoyable show. I watched all 10 episodes back to back. By episode three the original case becomes more complex and interesting. The police investigation is "real" and followes evidence and logic without impossible conclusions based on "a feeling" or a sudden inspiration (at least I did not notice any logical mistakes). All in all I would agree with Frank and Patsycat. Maybe not a 9 for me (too many awkward Harry Bosch private life scenes), but a solid crime show and good enough for a second season I'd say.

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