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Posts posted by jope

  1. I tried to watch the new Mad Max movie too, but it did not seem to have a plot, so I fell asleep after a while. I need a strong plot and interesting characters to reel me in.

    I am not really a fan of Mel Gibson ,but compared to the guy who played Max in this piece of crap he would have been an oscar nominee.


    I loved this movie. It was just a great, over the top, action movie, done with originality, humour, randomness and flair, avoiding over sentimentality and political correctness. It doesn't take itself seriously...Just when U think the story/movie is coming to a close, it turbo-powers back on itself for another quarter hour of mayhem.

    I'd also be happy to see the mad max franchise engage a serious and dark story line. The setting is there and it cold be a terrific franchise also...

    Still....The franchise was always a bit far fetched in story line and this was no different.

    P.S This is a movie that should be watched on the big screen

    Glad you liked it,if we all liked the same thing it would get boring.

    I wonder who added this emoticon: tongue.png ? It is so ... perfect. biggrin.png

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  2. I also liked the first episode of Ballers with Dwayne Johnson as a likable (of course) former football player who tries to now make it as financial manager for other players. One can see a lot of very expensive houses, offices, cars or nightclubs. The whole environment is rather pleasant. And often there are some nice looking girls around. A very realistic setting, so to say smile.png.

    The story how Dwayne Johnson is trying to get along seems to be rather harmless but easy to watch. I somehow like it. Let's see what they make out of it.

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  3. In The Brink Jack Black, Tim Robbins and Pablo Schreiber (the prison guard with the pornstache in "Orange is the New Black") try to prevent a third world war that is about to start after a psychotic soldier took over Pakistan.

    The show is off to a good start, Jack Black as the usual looser who somehow makes it, Tim Robbins as an alcoholic and womanizing politician and pornstache as a fighter pilot with a tiny little drug problem. There are more well known faces and some good looking girls in the show. I very much liked it and will certainly continue watching. If you are not that much into Jack Black, then give it a miss. It is more or less the typical humor one can expect from a show that he plays in. And I must admit that I find that rather amusing ( and I will not justify myself for it smile.png ).

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  4. Movie - The Gunman

    Was expecting a bit more from this one, so found it a little disappointing.

    Still think the IMDB rating of 5.6 was a tad low IMO.

    I'm a Sean Penn fan so would rate it a seven.

    IMDB: A sniper on a mercenary assassination team, kills the minister of mines of the Congo. Terrier's successful kill shot forces him into hiding.

    Returning to the Congo years later, he becomes the target of a hit squad himself.

    Looks good, will definitely watch it. I also like Sean Penn as an actor, he looks rather intimidating.

    Strangely, the first thing that pops into my mind when his name comes up somewhere is that he was Madonnas husband and that he beat her up once in a while.

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  5. Sense8

    A new 12 episode sci-fi style series available from Netflix. I'm not sure what to make of this one yet having only watched the first episode but it holds some promise and I'll watch a few more. Below is a review from indiewire

    Review: If you value originality in your entertainment, it's hard to not root for "Sense8." The brainchild of "Babylon 5" creator J. Michael Straczynski and the legendary Wachowskis, Netflix's newest series (and maybe its first true genre effort, especially if you ignore "Hemlock Grove" the way most people do) features a young, talented cast and metric tons of ambition.Here's the deal: Eight strangers, living very different lives in very different places all around the world, find themselves suddenly linked together. A Mexican movie star blinks and finds himself looking at a Korean businesswoman. A Chicago cop is suddenly in the same room as an Icelandic DJ. A transgender hacker finds a bus driver from Nariobi in the driver's seat. An Indian scientist sees way more of a German criminal than she ever wanted. They don't know why, or how, this is happening. But there's an evil corporation who wants to track them all down, and they'll need to work together to escape it.

    And that, right there, is the best I can do when it comes to explaining this show in broad terms. Because "Sense8" feels, at times, deliberately complicated. The concept of creating a larger mythology out of nothing is always exciting, but the key to doing it successfully involves a lot of world-building and rule-making. Meanwhile, "Sense8" is so stripped down that some of the fundamentals become hard to grasp. It takes a while for the details to sink in, about what is happening when and where, and what it means for the people involved. http://www.indiewire.com/article/review-why-sense8-season-1-is-netflix-most-baffling-series-yet-20150605

    intresting premise becomes mauldin, self indulgent and just plain dull about 5 episodes in. i gave up.

    and the transgender actor simply cant act. simply put, i like very few of these people, regardless of sexual orientation.

    Completely agree. I made it to episode 7, I think. I cannot say that I gave up, that would mean that I took a conscious decision. My interest simply faded away and I did not think of continuing. And I was always waiting for the bad guy to show up and bring some more action into the "we are so really really honestly meaningfully deeply in love"-atmosphere until from a certain point on I came to the conclusion that that would not happen before season 2.

  6. Just saw the final episode of Game of Thrones. Found it very exciting and to be a fantastic set up for the next season. They certainly spilled some blood this time. May be not the best season so far, but the best tenth episode.

    Not what i wanted to see..but a great episode... such a long wait!

    But did Cersei not look great even with short hair? Looking forward to her next move...next year. smile.png

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  7. Yeah Im 2 episodes into series 3 and all I'm watching is virtually the same storyline as series 2 as I said.loved series one and liked 2 but series 3 barring an audience 'upping of empathy' for charecters cultured by the writers, I'm seeing no plot or development of interest. Still out of respect for series 1& 2 i'll watch more, how many ? Not sure.


    They haven't made me care more about the characters yet in this season, possibly less. I'm so done with the Diaz and What's-His-Name story, as is the warden, I see.

    It's just one series in its third season, by the way. :-)

    Don't the Brits call a "season" a "series"? smile.png

    (But please correct me, if I am wrong!)

  8. I do not mind Science Fiction shows, if they are of good quality. Unfortunately, Dark Matter does not fall into this category.

    A group of people (diverse, the hot girl shows, of course, the best leadership quality and can beat up men) wakes up on board of a space ship without knowing who they are and why they are in space. They make it to a planet, which is under threat of being attacked by an evil corporation that wants to steal the resources of the miners.

    The special effects are trivial, the setting is rather poor IMHO. I find the whole show mediocre at best (emphasis on "at best").

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  9. Well I decided to bring out on HBO's "True Detective" - Matthew McConaughy and Woody Harrelson's baby... Both taking lead roles in the first season..

    Bloody hell, not a half bad job.. Twisted as.. But compelling watching..

    Season 2 is kicking off soon with a host of other Hollywood A-listers (Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughan, Rachel McAdams) taking over this season..

    I did not know about the choice of actors. Are they not more in comedy than in drama? Interesting!

  10. well finally binging out on 'better call saul' and i'm enjoying it, even

    laughing out loud in someplaces. on to the last episode today. is there a further series there.? suppose where it ends on ep 10 might have a say, as one assumes walter shows up. if u aint already its worth a look.

    Right on!

    Season 2 is supposed to start in early 2016 (13 episodes). No surprise, I'd say.

    But there is this question that this critic asked some time ago and it is bugging me since then:

    "Would you watch the show, if you did not miss "Breaking Bad" so much?"

    I don't know. Would I ??? Anyway, I am looking forward to the second season.

  11. Survivor

    This is truly a stinker of a movie. I like this style of movie. 'Spy/thriller/action, brilliant young agent foils terrorist plot against all the odds.'

    The first BIG problem of the movie is the lead role Milla jovovich (Resident Evil Series) She is awful. Impossible to take seriously and believe. Next is the script. This is a mish mash of story lines borrowed from a dozen different movies. The script writers have searched high and low for every conceivable cliche and worn plot line that is available and inserted them here. Each minute brings a new one. There is nothing original here. I could envisage crowds of cinema goers leaving the cinema to buy rotten tomatoes and come back inside to throw them at the screen.

    What further infuriates, is the re-hashed plot lines have been borrowed from movies 10-15 years old! It is like the group of script writers got stoned and watched a week long marathon of action/spy/thriller movies from the 1990s, then wrote this movie in half an hour.

    This could be destined to become a classic for being one of the most awful Spy/thriller films of all time

    0/10 from me.

    Glad to hear that I am not the only one who can be lured into a (film-) trap. tongue.png

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    1. The Whispers
      Episode 1 just out. A new Spielberg work about Aliens coming to invade earth. Not sure what to make of this one yet.
      When children across Washington, D.C., all start talking with the same imaginary friend named Drill, who persuades them to play dangerous games, the FBI calls in child specialist Claire Bennigan -- whose deaf son has been speaking to Drill, unbeknownst to her -- to investigate. Meanwhile, the defense department sends Wes Lawrence to the Sahara Desert, where he encounters a strange geological phenomenon. As puzzle pieces come together, creating a frightening picture, humanity must wage a battle against unseen forces if it hopes to survive.

    Liked the plot, disliked (parts of) the execution.

    I mean, do mothers really have to be Über-moms all the time? And does the music always have to be loud and dripping of emotion? But the "games" were rather evil, I must admit.

    It can still go down the wrong path but all in all I think they threw in a sufficient amount of mysteries and puzzles to wonder how it is all connected.

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  12. this weeks 'game of thrones', best of the series so far for me

    Amc's 'halt and catch fire' returns this week with the start of a second series,, liked the first series, lets hope the second builds on it.


    Weird, is it not? Usually, episode 9 is the one with the action. Does that mean we can expect even more in the next episode or did they change the routine to confuse everybody?

  13. Just finished watching Kingsmen secret service, a really cracking movie,a must

    see,the best action picture i have seen for ages.

    regards worgeordie

    Agreed! But I think, it's actually Kingsman - The Secret Service (sorry for being a smart-arse smile.png ).

    Found it to be light and good fun. It's a bit embarrassing, but I even enjoyed the church massacre scene. Most surprisingly: I liked Jack Davenport in his brief scenes. And Samuel L. Jackson was hilarious as the villain. A solid 8/10 from me!

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  14. Stumbled across a BBC-Worldwide co-production. The Refugees: 3 Billion people from the future land in our presence, because they had to flee some danger they must not talk about (paradoxes an' all). Sounds like SciFi/Mystery. But so far (3 episodes in), the time travel of a few billion people provides more or less just the background to a crime and family drama. Slow-paced, solid work, it kept me interested. Additionally, I am "between shows" so to say.

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  15. The final episode of American Crime showed a few turns and surprises I did not expect. But the whole thing came to a good ending I'd say (at least for some of the characters). Only one question remained unanswered. But I guess like in "The Leftovers" the answer is of no significance for the development and closure of the show. Glad that they renewed the show for a second season, with a completely different story, though.

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