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Posts posted by jope

  1. Who limited it to just 1 company? Suthep. Need I say more?


    Suthep who was minister of police at the time tasked a committee of senior policeman to look into what was needed and arrange the work to be done in the best possible way.

    That committee after due deliberation put a report, no doubt a hefty document as it covered a lot of work, on Sutheps desk at the completion of their investigations.

    This report would have contained the recommendation that the work be given to a single company with the explanation as to why they came to that conclusion.

    Whether he questioned them on this is anyones guess and if there is an inquiry that will no doubt come out, however he obviously trusted their decision and singed the contract that they put before him.

    He could not be expected to go through the report and contract word for word himself for as with any organization the boss must trust those who he delegates to.

    Sure he signed the contract but he was not the one who made the decision to have only one contractor.

    Now answer : Why did the Yingluck government extend the contract 3 times ?

    "Whether he questioned them on this is anyones guess and if there is an inquiry that will no doubt come out, however he obviously trusted their decision and singed the contract that they put before him."

    "He could not be expected to go through the report and contract word for word himself for as with any organization the boss must trust those who he delegates to".

    I'm sure you'll keep that in mind next time you comment on Yingluck Shinawatra and the Rice Subsidy Scheme whistling.gif

    Completely different and I am sure you know that.

    One is a contract for specific work while the other was an ongoing scheme.

    Yingluck is being accused of negligence by failing to oversee the scheme.

    She put herself in the position of chair of the committee that was supposed to keep control of the scheme and failed to attend the meetings.

    While Suthep was the minister and not on the committee that had to investigate the specific contract, his only part was signing off on the contract.

    As you know so much about your beloved PTP then you may be able to answer : Why did the Yingluck government extend the contract 3 times ?

    Is that a joke?

    Whatever went wrong during the PTP "reign" is pinned on Yingluck personally. S. Thaugsuban signs a huge contract that ends up in a mess and the explanation is that he was wrongly advised, case dismissed?

    No doubt, Yinguck must be seen as politically responsible for whatever her government did. If things went wrong, she obviously failed to keep her house in order. But the same applies to the government before the PTP took over. So, of course there will be questions and of course the minister who signed the contract must be asked about it (did he choose the right people to advise him?).

    And regarding the extensions: looking around in Germany, I see quite a few projects, where companies ask for extensions for various reasons. It is not really unusual. The problem with projects of this extend is that once a certain point is reached and a lot of money has already been paid, there is no turning back (to abort would be more expensive than to continue) and a government is stuck with this company for better or for worse. There is plenty of room for speculation what the (real) reasons for these extensions were. If I was the owner of that company, I would probably claim that floods and riots prevented me from finishing in time. But again, room for speculation.

    • Like 2
  2. Well, that's politics, right? And yellow supporters jumping onto these allegations and demanding clarification would be a bit much to ask, so off course, only people against him are interested in hearing something about it.

    Still, S. Thaugsuban collected a lot of money and obviously is trying to continue this behavior (I know, I know, for good deeds only, no doubt, not the slightest bit of mistrust on my or anybody's side, just curious). Well, the yellow supporters reached their goal, so most of them will probably think that it was money well spent and if S. Thaugsuban spent a bit of it on private matters, so what?

    You forget that the sponsors were not just 'yellows' but people from all over the social divide. Furthermore you keep on 'suggesting' that even if something was wrong with a 'win' that doesn't matter to those who sponsored. Following some character assassination on someone who doesn't need help in that.

    All in all it seems only Pheu Thai spokesmen and farang posters seem to want to be proven wrong. Well, as the saying goes fools can ask more questions than wisemen can even fantom to answer.

    I disagree. If in Europe a politician publicly made a connection between donated money and a rival politicians family member buying land there would be reactions from all sides. It would not simply be dismissed as politics (what this actually is). In a country well known for "reliable accounting" and, lets say, "strong family ties" it should be even more important to at least look at the matter.

    But this is Thailand we talk about you know rolleyes.gif

    Yes, and is it supposed to stay like that forever? smile.png

    On a more pressing matter and completely off topic: football tonight? smile.png

  3. When the Pheu THai spokesman Prompong accused Suthep of using donated money to buy some property and demanded he prove the accusation incorrect, it was suggested that he was trying to drive a wedge between wealthy sponsors and Suthep/PDRC.

    It would seem till now the only ones who make suggestions or insinuations on these matters are those who might be against Suthep/PDRC.

    Well, that's politics, right? And yellow supporters jumping onto these allegations and demanding clarification would be a bit much to ask, so off course, only people against him are interested in hearing something about it.

    Still, S. Thaugsuban collected a lot of money and obviously is trying to continue this behavior (I know, I know, for good deeds only, no doubt, not the slightest bit of mistrust on my or anybody's side, just curious). Well, the yellow supporters reached their goal, so most of them will probably think that it was money well spent and if S. Thaugsuban spent a bit of it on private matters, so what?

    You forget that the sponsors were not just 'yellows' but people from all over the social divide. Furthermore you keep on 'suggesting' that even if something was wrong with a 'win' that doesn't matter to those who sponsored. Following some character assassination on someone who doesn't need help in that.

    All in all it seems only Pheu Thai spokesmen and farang posters seem to want to be proven wrong. Well, as the saying goes fools can ask more questions than wisemen can even fantom to answer.

    I disagree. If in Europe a politician publicly made a connection between donated money and a rival politicians family member buying land there would be reactions from all sides. It would not simply be dismissed as politics (what this actually is). In a country well known for "reliable accounting" and, lets say, "strong family ties" it should be even more important to at least look at the matter.

  4. Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

    Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

    Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

    Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

    Back under the bridge with you.

    Hm, 1 Billion Bath (23 Mio. Euro) would also sound a lot. But I remember vaguely that there was this Bangkok Post article about some honorable persons and companies that supposedly donated a bit more than the ordinary 100/500/1000 Bath that the ordinary yellow supporter gave. So, it sounds a lot, but impossible?

    While Yingluck and the rest of her family were under the thumb of Thaksin (would not argue that) S. Thaugsubans son is an independent person, doing his own little thingy here? Possible, but for a strange reason I doubt it.

    And the PDRC money was managed by whom? A committee composed of independent bank accountants? I have no idea. Does anybody know? I would not be surprised, if the lines between S. Thaugsuban and the PDRC were at least blurry. But again, I would not know.

    When the Pheu THai spokesman Prompong accused Suthep of using donated money to buy some property and demanded he prove the accusation incorrect, it was suggested that he was trying to drive a wedge between wealthy sponsors and Suthep/PDRC.

    It would seem till now the only ones who make suggestions or insinuations on these matters are those who might be against Suthep/PDRC.

    Well, that's politics, right? And yellow supporters jumping onto these allegations and demanding clarification would be a bit much to ask, so off course, only people against him are interested in hearing something about it.

    Still, S. Thaugsuban collected a lot of money and obviously is trying to continue this behavior (I know, I know, for good deeds only, no doubt, not the slightest bit of mistrust on my or anybody's side, just curious). Well, the yellow supporters reached their goal, so most of them will probably think that it was money well spent and if S. Thaugsuban spent a bit of it on private matters, so what?

  5. Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

    Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

    Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

    Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

    Back under the bridge with you.

    Hm, 1 Billion Bath (23 Mio. Euro) would also sound a lot. But I remember vaguely that there was this Bangkok Post article about some honorable persons and companies that supposedly donated a bit more than the ordinary 100/500/1000 Bath that the ordinary yellow supporter gave. So, it sounds a lot, but impossible?

    While Yingluck and the rest of her family were under the thumb of Thaksin (would not argue that) S. Thaugsubans son is an independent person, doing his own little thingy here? Possible, but for a strange reason I doubt it.

    And the PDRC money was managed by whom? A committee composed of independent bank accountants? I have no idea. Does anybody know? I would not be surprised, if the lines between S. Thaugsuban and the PDRC were at least blurry. But again, I would not know.

  6. Let's bring this thread alive again in 4 years time, and we will see the exactly same discussion about Football in USA, as the football world has had the last 30+ years.

    You won't need to wait even four more years. If the Germans run up the score and drop the US out of the second round, all the "going crazy" will disappear in a second. Frankly, I don't think there are too many "going crazy" right now. Hard to go nuts over a single win and a tie in a tournament where the biggest news is one player biting another.

    But were the biting news not fun?

    Otherwise, I think the American "World Football" ( smile.png ) could aim at becoming popular enough to attract managers from South American and European clubs to canvas American clubs for talents. But even that will be difficult to achieve (good luck, anyway).

    Regarding the match tonight: of course, Germany will not beat the USA (did you not read my previous post?), it will be a draw and it will be a scandal like the match Germany-Austria many years ago when both teams agreed to not hurt each other so both teams could go to the next round. Two risks, though: the German team might be motivated enough to kick out the German US-Trainer Kliensmann (just for the fun of it) and the US-Team will see a good opportunity to present themselves for contracts in Europe, where the real money can be made.

  7. You guys have your work cut out for you, LOL. smile.png

    NFL most popular for 30th year in row

    By Darren Rovell | ESPN.com January 26, 2014

    Pro football is the most popular sport in America for at least the 30th straight year.

    That's according to a survey taken this month by the Harris Poll, which has been asking adult fans, ages 18 and over, about their favorite sport since 1985.

    In 2014, 35 percent of fans call the NFL their favorite sport, followed by Major League Baseball (14 percent), college football (11 percent), auto racing (7 percent), the NBA (6 percent), the NHL (5 percent) and college basketball (3 percent).

    In 1985, the first year the poll was taken, the NFL bested MLB by just one percentage point (24 to 23 percent), but since then interest in baseball has fallen while the NFL has experienced a huge rise in popularity.


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  8. I wouldn't bet on it either. But over time, as soccer gains in inevitably Latino dominated USA, Americans are going to become tired of hanging on to the English yoke of the word soccer. It will become a matter of respect. Many Americans already call soccer football ...so we're going to have two major sports called the same thing. OK, it's silly to call American football American football in America (in France a French kiss is just a kiss). Perhaps soccer could be called world football.

    Couldn't care less how Americans call it. But "world football" is actually not that bad of an idea, i must admit. Like it!

  9. I think the Americans are relishing the fact that they can be competitive in an outdoor team sport that has international appeal as opposed to just gridiron and rounders.

    They deserve a place in the last sixteen.

    a little sour grapes, your boys going home for the second time with the tail between their legs,

    Not gonna happen! German Foreign Ministry decided that it has to be a draw! smile.png

  10. He will be the first of many many people to face justice for their part in

    the rice scam. I never thought this day would come, I am happy beyond words.

    Prayuth has done more for this country in one month than the " leaders"

    have done in twenty years .But I guess when all your time is spent in

    figuring out new ways to loot money from the government, must not be

    a lot of time left over in help improve the lives of the common people...

    Next up ??? The big fish, Yingluck.... Too bad Thaksin is beyond

    the reach of the Thai courts, as I believe he is the one that set the

    whole scam up.

    I have this question: why is that verdict the result of Prayuths activities? Did the police investigation and then the prosecution start immediately after he "took over"? I am assuming that a crime of this proportion needs quite a bit of investigation and the preparation of the prosecution is not done in 30 minutes (at least when it is supposed to meet certain standards of justice). Furthermore the Thai courts have not been known for being fond of Thaksin, have they? So, Prayuth successful?

    You raise an interesting question. Hard to say where the hand of Prayuth reaches. But I do know

    the progress against corruption in the last month while he has been in power has been nothing short of astonishing . Maybe with him in power, all the cases that have sort of simmering on the back burner due to fear of the reach of Thaksin, have been brought to a boil. So for 6 years nothing happens, and with Prayuth in power suddenly this case is solved....Go figure.

    Agreed. The case could have been held back to be presented at a "more suitable" time. So, indirectly it might be Prayuths doing.

  11. He will be the first of many many people to face justice for their part in

    the rice scam. I never thought this day would come, I am happy beyond words.

    Prayuth has done more for this country in one month than the " leaders"

    have done in twenty years .But I guess when all your time is spent in

    figuring out new ways to loot money from the government, must not be

    a lot of time left over in help improve the lives of the common people...

    Next up ??? The big fish, Yingluck.... Too bad Thaksin is beyond

    the reach of the Thai courts, as I believe he is the one that set the

    whole scam up.

    I have this question: why is that verdict the result of Prayuths activities? Did the police investigation and then the prosecution start immediately after he "took over"? I am assuming that a crime of this proportion needs quite a bit of investigation and the preparation of the prosecution is not done in 30 minutes (at least when it is supposed to meet certain standards of justice). Furthermore the Thai courts have not been known for being fond of Thaksin, have they? So, Prayuth successful?

    You don't think that some Thai courts would think twice when issuing a verdict when the defendant's friends are the government?

    Emphasis lies on "why Prayuth?". "Traditional Thai customs" may apply to lower courts, probably not or less to higher courts. In the current environment I assume that even lower courts have nothing to fear (unless they let a red one go, even if it might be the right thing to do).

  12. He will be the first of many many people to face justice for their part in

    the rice scam. I never thought this day would come, I am happy beyond words.

    Prayuth has done more for this country in one month than the " leaders"

    have done in twenty years .But I guess when all your time is spent in

    figuring out new ways to loot money from the government, must not be

    a lot of time left over in help improve the lives of the common people...

    Next up ??? The big fish, Yingluck.... Too bad Thaksin is beyond

    the reach of the Thai courts, as I believe he is the one that set the

    whole scam up.

    I have this question: why is that verdict the result of Prayuths activities? Did the police investigation and then the prosecution start immediately after he "took over"? I am assuming that a crime of this proportion needs quite a bit of investigation and the preparation of the prosecution is not done in 30 minutes (at least when it is supposed to meet certain standards of justice). Furthermore the Thai courts have not been known for being fond of Thaksin, have they? So, Prayuth successful?

    • Like 2
  13. Thais long to appear that they are controlling flow of drugs and laundered money. But the Thais have failed to ever arrest and bust a Thai Mr. Big or a Thai banker. Rather they shield the bankers from any effort to expose money laundering transactions and instead "ask the to explain."

    Now the PT Government is out of the picture and their (thinkers) hand picked police chief is sitting at his new inactive post then it would seem that the shields are being removed.

    This is month number one give it another and then we will see who is running for the border.

    The senior police certainly have good incentive with so many already gone and if you look at the video now doing the rounds on facebook it looks very much like another police general is on his way.

    Just do a search on TVF. Plenty of busts reported for 2013. Just business as usual (congrats anyway). But if the thought that the arrest was made due to the new old order makes you happy (currently a very fancy word), please, be my guest...

  14. The police should seek a good PR Company or just keep quiet. This type of nebulous, non-definitive and weak statements make them look foolish in the public eye. Here is a tip - Don't say anything until it is done and then make a clear and strong announcement on how well the arrests were executed.

    I am rather certain the police would like to do that. But it cannot work that way. The police are constantly approached by media representatives, organisations or other "interested parties" and asked for information. Staying mum would immediately rise suspicion (cover up, incompetence). So, they must provide at least some information (weak, though).

    I think the most interesting bit of information in their statement is the word "several" instead of stating "all" or "most". One could come to the conclusion that they actually investigate into all directions. Well, we will see about that then.

    And regarding the murders: What else is there to say then produce the evidence and bring them to justice (sort of). "Red" murder is worse than "yellow" murder? "Yellow" murder is worse than "red" murder? I don't think so.

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  15. They have evidence, so likely they know who is involved in some of the cases, all they need is to round up a few of them and make them squeal, which they certainly will do, and I hope it ends in an almighty domino topple and leads right to the door of the UDD leaders.

    We all know that they have been implicit in all these murders, and we also know on who's word.

    Let's all hope that as I suspect, the names Jatuporn. Thida, Nattawut, Surapong and Chalerm come out in the wash... The biggest bonus names will be Thaksin and Yingluck.

    The UDD is deffo going to become an outlawed organization, and I doubt they will be able to just reinvent themselves under a new name.

    Would also be nice if certain police are named as being involved in both the actions taking place and the cover ups and who ordered the investigations to be stifled.

    The 'red shirts' are coming to their end.


    The bbc's Jonathan head seems to think not, articles a bit old but it gets the point a x http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-27735992

    I just read the article. And indeed, the reporter neither comes to the conclusion that the red shirts are at their end nor that they are scum (nor anything else for that matter). Nevertheless, yellow shirt supporters can read the article with joy. He describes the current situation, which is obviously not very promising for the foreseeable future. So, reading the article will contribute to the party you're having right now. Have fun!

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  16. Chooka

    Thanks to the U.S for single handedly saving the world whislt the rest sat on their ends and did nothing. Don't forget that the U.S didn't come in until the enemy was already on it's knees thanks to allies but the U.S as usual claims all the credit.

    Do you not realize that they are talking about the second world war. When Germany was capturing North Africa they already had captured Europe and had England on the ropes until the States enter the war and turned it around.

    In the Pacific the Japanese had pretty well control over the whole Pacific Ocean Australia and New Zealand along with Hawaii was the only thing they didn't have control of. If they had not entered and turned their industrial power on to combating the Germans and the Japanese the rest of the nations would have lost it.

    Did you get your history lessons in a Thai school?

    I cannot believe it, I actually agree with you (completely even). I know, I know, not that you care. Anyway...

  17. "found themselves added to a nations such as Iran, North Korea and Syria" cheesy.gif


    You are actually rolling on the floor and laughing because of that?

    How old are you?

    You don't have to be very old to know and laugh at the thought the U.S. are fools to be suggesting a box around any country for anything when they should judge themselves or better still another watchdog agency check on the U.S. Abuses of their own people. Does Mexico come to mind and the Rio Grande. Quite a good match for the so called slaves coming into Thailand. Quite laughable REALLY.

    This I am certain of: if a credible human rights organization like Human Rights Watch will claim that there are serious human rights problems in the US, the answer will not be "but it is worse in Thailand, mind your own business."

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