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Posts posted by jope

  1. German newspapers reported that somebody believed to have seen Salah Abdeslam, a suspect in the Paris terrorist attacks. Police approached the man who was accompanied by two women only to find out that it was not Abdeslam. In the afternoon police arrested four more persons, but Abdeslam was not among them. I guess, all that does not count as "ethnic profiling".

    BTW: All persons were released later that afternoon.

  2. Just watched the first episode of the man in the high tower,unfortunately when after 30 minutes I found myself reading messages on my phone and reading a news story I realized I must be bored ,so switched off,shame I had looked forward to it

    Yes, saw the trailer at the time and did not find it convincing nor entertaining. BTW it's "High Castle" but who cares smile.png

    • Like 1
  3. Tv Series - The Last Panthers

    A really promising start to this new 6 part UK/France series.

    IMDB:Independent claims specialist Naomi (Samantha Morton) is given the job by her boss, Tom (John Hurt),

    of recovering stolen diamonds... no matter what it takes. Also on the trail of the diamonds, from a different direction,
    is police officer Khalil (Tahar Rahim). The investigation takes them across Europe and into a world where shadowy figures control events.

    Promising indeed. And very French. And rather violent. These Serbs mean business. Hope the police do, too.

    I like it!

    • Like 1
  4. The was a historically significant act of war of Islamists against the entirety of western civilization.

    Charlie Hebdo could be "explained" and more marginalized as revenge against a provocative satirical magazine and also the usual Jew hatred (muddied by conflating all the Jews in the world as active soldiers of the state of Israel).

    So the general public could still feel, well it's only about "them" those others that provoke the Islamists and of course Jews who are widely hated anyway.

    They could choose not to provoke the Islamists with cartoons and Jews, who really cares about Jews?

    This is different. Bigger. This is a message for ALL of us in the world who are NOT Islamists.

    I think this change in tactics was intentional and this message was intentional. It's not only about free speech cartoons, it's not only about Jews ...

    they're after ALL of us.

    Message received.

    Brilliant post!

    Only if by "Islamist" he means "Islamist terrorists" rather than all Muslims.

    Even if he does, it's a shame that he spoils his argument by implying that no one cared about the Charlie Hebdo murders because we are all anti Semitic!

    Particularly as Charlie Hebdo is not a Jewish magazine, nor, as far as I am aware, were either of it's founders Jewish. The magazine describes itself as secular and atheist!

    So, that is the new "unmentionable", the Jews? Mentioning Jews next to other victims is "spoiling" an argument? The Charlie Hebdo murder victims were real, the others to be ignored, or what???

  5. The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

    Agree, let isis take over a city then nuke them. It may be the only way.

    I posted in the other thread, nuke the whole middle east, muslims, christians, Israel, the lot. Nothing but trouble.

    Wonder if I sound radical enough for some posters on here. But I do believe it is the only way, the whole lot, gone.

    Not as easy as it sounds. The middle east is too close to Europe, that would suffer the affects of the fall out. This is why Germany wasn`t nuked in the war.

    1.) blink.png

    2.) facepalm.gif Germany had to give up before the first bomb was ready to be dropped. That is the only reason why Germany got away. Targets were already marked on the map. (off topic, I know, but too wrong to be left unanswered)

  6. The effect that ISIS wants is to bait the west into fighting them in the Levant. It's working. What choice?

    Agree, let isis take over a city then nuke them. It may be the only way.

    I posted in the other thread, nuke the whole middle east, muslims, christians, Israel, the lot. Nothing but trouble.

    Wonder if I sound radical enough for some posters on here. But I do believe it is the only way, the whole lot, gone.

    It took me a second.

    Unfortunately, there are people on this forum who would actually believe that you meant what you said ... and would applaud.

  7. Started watching Agent X. First impression is not too bad. Somehow, it has this absurd, slightly over the top, James Bond Style. Could be fun...

    You're a braver man than I am jopes.

    When I read that sharon Stone was VP of America, I just couldn't

    bring myself to watch ittongue.png

    Well, I did call it absurd for a reason.smile.png

    But for me Sharon Stone is no problem, Katherine Heigl would be.. (she's not playing, is she?).

    I seem to remember Ronald Regan played the president of America in a long running soapie.

    I gave the first episode a watch and it was okay. A few well known faces. Basic plot.Super secret organisation protects America and its freedoms. One individual super hero agent saves the day. ..I am presuming again and again and again.. Episode ends well for the Hero's side...not so well for the baddies.

    Ronald Reagan had a brief appearance in the last episode of Fargo (played by Bruce Cambell = "Ash" from "Ash vs. Evil Dead"). Not the "Evil Empire"-speech, so it took me a few seconds until I realized who was talking. Found the meeting in the men's room rather funny. Frank Underwood couldn't have done it better.

  8. Started watching Agent X. First impression is not too bad. Somehow, it has this absurd, slightly over the top, James Bond Style. Could be fun...

    You're a braver man than I am jopes.

    When I read that sharon Stone was VP of America, I just couldn't

    bring myself to watch ittongue.png

    Well, I did call it absurd for a reason.smile.png

    But for me Sharon Stone is no problem, Katherine Heigl would be.. (she's not playing, is she?).

    • Like 2
  9. i'm a German who was taught major constitutional issues in school. and i consider sidesteps such as "Islamic conquerers" and "Sharia Law" as ridiculous. they don't compensate for ignorance.

    Germany has since years a Muslim population of 4.5 million (5.5% of the population) and there is less Sharia talk and/or derogatory statements than in Britain (4.5% of the population).


    It boggles the mind having to read most of them "refused registration" because they did not like to have to live in Hungary (agreed, it's way from pretty there). To my mind it's like that:

    If you cross the Hungarian border without the necessary visa and papers, you either are a criminal illegal immigrant, or you are an asylum-seeker by virtue of stating so. And if then you

    refuse registration there should be half a dozen of police pouncing on you and TAKE your finger-prints or lock you up while they grow back after you singed them off.


    I know that the police of at least one state in Germany do exactly that when they come in first contact with a refugee: they file a criminal report (illegal entry, §14 AufenhG), take fingerprints and a mugshot. It's part of the registration process so to say. I assume, police in all other states of Germany do it as well, otherwise they would commit obstruction of justice. What the prosecutor and the courts make out of it might be a different thing (considering the circumstances, most cases will probably be dismissed, I guess).

  10. I have loads of things to watch ,so I was really hoping that I was not going to like Ash vs the evil dead as I was so so on episode 1,just watched episode 2 ,damn,lucky its only 29 minutes long, wonder how many episodes to go ,LOL

    I don't know. Ash's humble comments show some wit. But the generous splattering is sometimes killing the otherwise light mood, I'd say.

    Anyway, it's the Saturday... Let's <deleted> follow this one to it's glorious ending. smile.png

    • Like 1
  11. Saw this new Netflix comedy Master of None. It's with Aziz Anzari (I think, that's the one from "Parks and Recreations"). It's a bit like "Louie" and also not funny.

    Why do they so often categorize a show as comedy when it is clearly not? In case somebody watches it and makes it to episode 2, could you please let me know whether it becomes better (doubt it, though)?

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