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Posts posted by jope

  1. Some people may find this disappointing, but Germany will not collapse. It will cost a lot of money (again), certain problems will arise but in the end Germany will manage and solve this crisis. But the refugee pressure will continue with or without Merkel's "welcome". And then it will be interesting to see how other European countries will position themselves. Some nations already showed that they see the EU as an ATM and nothing else. At a certain point even Germany will be overwhelmed, not this time, though.

    Germany will collapse but not now, of course. for Roman Empire it took generations to fall. now history passes faster.

    those "refugees" need some time to feel themselves at home in Germany and start to fight for Sharia law.

    They will raise many kids ("The wombs of our women will give us victory.") on German taxpayer's expense, do whatever it takes to relocate all there relatives to Germany. They will get some representatives in Bundestag - thy will cry like crazy about "anti-Muslim German regime oppressing peaceful Muslims"

    Germans will pretend like nothing happens, hide crime statistic until one day Muslims will say

    come on, we are already a majority there! so now we will tell you how to live, what to believe into, what to wear, what top eat etc.

    and no one in the world will raise voice in support of German minority on Germany.

    do you know why?

    because they fully deserved everything they got and will get in the future.

    karma is a bitch, as some TVF members like to say

    Sorry (am I?), not gonna happen. It would take some time to turn a nation of 80 Mio. people into a minority. And Germany is not sitting idle. I would not say that I am not concerned, as many are right now, but the first measures are in place. Other EU member states will be convinced that they have to show solidarity (one of the saddest sentences I haver ever said) and there will be a European solution. That is the bright side: a crisis forces the EU to reform and to develop. And for those who think they can make it on their own without the European Union: good luck with that.

    Just out of curiosity: with this "fully deserved", do you actually hope for Germany to fall?

  2. Some people may find this disappointing, but Germany will not collapse. It will cost a lot of money (again), certain problems will arise but in the end Germany will manage and solve this crisis. But the refugee pressure will continue with or without Merkel's "welcome". And then it will be interesting to see how other European countries will position themselves. Some nations already showed that they see the EU as an ATM and nothing else. At a certain point even Germany will be overwhelmed, not this time, though.

  3. Fargo: Watched the final episode of this last night and thought it capped

    of a really good series.

    Kept me guessing right up until the end and Biily Bob Thornton

    was still as good as in the first episode.

    Highly recommended.

    Season2, episode 1 is available now.

    Nice late 70s atmosphere (most terrible fashion ever). Very individualistic characters. Great "shit happens"-case. The making shows some similarities to season1, which I think is a very good thing. But what was the opening scene about??? Anyway, the drought is over. We have a great show back, I'd say.

    • Like 2
  4. Fargo: Watched the final episode of this last night and thought it capped

    of a really good series.

    Kept me guessing right up until the end and Biily Bob Thornton

    was still as good as in the first episode.

    Highly recommended.

    Season2, episode 1 is available now.

    I can't take the wait between episodes …. so trying a new strategy…gonna wait for the entire season to wrap and then do a binge smile.png

    Wanna bet? smile.png

    • Like 2
  5. Hulu produced a new comedy: Casual. Something about dating. That is some weird stuff. A psychiatrist moves in with her extremely cool and obviously wealthy brother (extremely cool, obviously wealthy) after her husband cheated on her. She also has a 16-year old daughter. They all go out (brother and sister sometimes together) to find sex or love or whatever. First I found it confusing but I got sucked in anyway. Again: really weird. And somehow also amusing. I like it.

    • Like 2
  6. Earlier I posted about an American "comedy" called Dr Ken, and shall we say slated it ,well I just downloaded another series called another period,,who do they get to write these series ,10 year olds with learning difficulties?,see I can be PC, on a scale of 1 to ten its minus 100,don't watch it unless you have a death wish

    Watched the first few minutes when it came out and tried to forget it since then. Now it's back again. How do you un-see something?

    • Like 2
  7. BTW: I forgot Dr. Ken in my previous post about new comedies. Do not watch it! Seriously, don't! Well, maybe. If you are 12 years old or younger. But even then...

    I didn't mind Dr Ken, thought it filled that mildly amusing Saturday morning viewing spot quite well. It's not prime time viewing that's for sure.

    Well, sometimes, one is on different sides of the fence. I will remember that when I enthusiastically talk about "The Leftovers", which started yesterday with season 2. I can already see all the raised eyebrows. smile.png

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  8. Some new comedies, all in all rather disappointing:

    Grandfathered: A successful womanizing restaurant owner meets his 26year old son whose existence he was not aware of. The son has a child. And so the story begins with jokes that are suitable for the whole family. That says it all.

    The Grinder: An actor who played a successful lawyer in a TV-show that has ended helps his brother who is a real lawyer but not successful. Silly and completely over the top. A few amusing moments, nevertheless.

    Benders: absurd problems of some friends who play ice hockey together. Boring as hell.

    But that's just me..

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  9. Watched the first episode of Blood and Oil. It's sort of a Western movie but with trucks and mobile phones. The good characters are annoyingly optimistic and lucky. The bad characters are cliche bad and losers. The role of the elder successful down-to-earth oil man suits Don Johnson (yes, the one from "Miami Vice") surprisingly well. I think it is not as bad as it just sounded. It has some action and plays otherwise in the tradition of "Dallas", I'd say. Hm, on second thought, maybe, that's a bit too much. Anyway, I will continue watching.

    • Like 2
  10. The EU Commissioner is right.

    European economies are built around "success" and a killer mentality to be successful.

    Your economy killed people from the "third world" in the old ages, and now you're afraid they come over to kill your so-called "society". There's nothing more disgusting than whining Imperialists who suddenly cry for religion when they feel their time has come.

    Do not get your hopes up too high. The problem will be solved and we will shoulder it without abandoning our European values. The "society" you so desperately dream of will not come in the near future. But you really made a point for all the haters. Posts like yours will make people, who do not hate but who are simply concerned, change sides into the far right corner.

  11. I am concerned, but I am not panicking. I am certain that we will solve the problem without giving up our European principles.

    How about this: FRONTEX is "upgraded" to a real border police department under the authority of the commission (or the council, if that makes everybody happy). This department would have police powers at all EU-borders and the department could send personnel where it is needed. But of course, that would mean, that member states have to give up a bit of their precious sovereignty. And for that sacrifice the crisis is currently not pressing enough (don't they all want to go to Sweden and Germany, so, why bother with solutions?).

    Well, let's just wait for one or two more years. I doubt that the figures will decrease...

  12. Let's split!

    Always a good idea. All the good things will stay the same, only the bad big brother cannot force himself onto the smaller one any longer.

    Catalans will continue to have freedom of movement within Europe, money transfers from the European Union will come whenever needed, import and export will continue without these bad bad EU-regulations, the currency of Catalonia is a strong lighthouse in stormy economic weathers, the other European nations will show their solidarity in every way possible, ... oh, wait....

  13. I started watching the British "TheFixer" but after the first two episodes I landed in episode three of The Fixer US by mistake. Contrary to the British Fixer, the US Fixer is a four part mini series with a lot of "Boom". The Captain from "The Last Ship" and the blonde detective from "Murder in the First" are the heroes in this terrorist conspiracy action drama. Not great, but watchable. Explosions galore.

    BTW: I will now continue to watch the British Fixer. No terrorists but an absurd plot where someone is forced to "fix" problems with criminals that the state cannot get hold of through the ordinary justice system. Luckily, it's more about the characters then the "fixing" itself. I think the series is from 2013.

    • Like 2
  14. Hey guys, thanks to this thread, I am only at page 32, I have learned of many movies and TV series, otherwise unbeknownst to me, that I will be watching.

    I would like to give something back and recommend a series titled, "The Hand of God".

    Its stars, Ron Perlman, and Andre Royo (The Wire) and supporting cast play their roles very good. The script takes a unique slant and each episode leaves you wanting more - and the cleverly crafted finale......I won't give away any spoilers away only to say that you must watch the last episode all the way to the very end and into the credits.

    I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did!

    I am assuming that you mean this specific sound at the end? If that is the case, I do not know what to make out of it. Everything is possible including a second season (I definitely hope for it).

    Hand of God

    Spoiler Alert!

    I can't believe you didn't 'get it'! facepalm.gif

    That 'sound' was the sound of PJ flat lining after that scene-ending, miraculous breath of life, which is a fitting end to the emotional roller coaster ride of the season finale: The loss of PJ, next-in-line blood heir, is (to be?) replaced by the birth of Tessie's baby? Stay tuned!

    Off course I got what sound that was. But what does it mean? They wake him up, they let him die? Is it even PJ? How does that influence a possible(?) second season? That's why I called the ending "debatable" in a previous post (and because I found the wake-up scene rather cheesy).

    Ah, not worth it. I'll see...

  15. Watching the movie Pixels yesterday, I was reminded of an excellent documentary from a few years back:

    The King of Kong: A fistful of quarters


    Good hint. I found Pixels moderately amusing. More a children's movie I'd say. But not too bad. So, let's see what the real masters of the universe did at the time (BTW never liked Donkey Kong, but I was really really good at Dig Dug smile.png )

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  16. Hey guys, thanks to this thread, I am only at page 32, I have learned of many movies and TV series, otherwise unbeknownst to me, that I will be watching.

    I would like to give something back and recommend a series titled, "The Hand of God".

    Its stars, Ron Perlman, and Andre Royo (The Wire) and supporting cast play their roles very good. The script takes a unique slant and each episode leaves you wanting more - and the cleverly crafted finale......I won't give away any spoilers away only to say that you must watch the last episode all the way to the very end and into the credits.

    I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did!

    I am assuming that you mean this specific sound at the end? If that is the case, I do not know what to make out of it. Everything is possible including a second season (I definitely hope for it).

  17. The Player is a new show with a lot of action, it is rather fast and the plot is not to far away from "Person of Interest". It is acceptable, if one can see it as a comic book made into a film (scenes and dialogues come from the book "Action Shows for Beginners - All the templates you need for scenes and dialogues", $1.99 at amazon). I might watch it once in a while. But I think, it really should not take itself seriously.

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  18. Some upcoming Zombie movies.. Navy Seals is available now.

    Navy Seals V Zombies


    Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse



    Well known for my prejudices towards zombie movies, I would assess the second movie as comedy and the first as unintentional comedy (that Navy Seals thing is really really bad, I am almost considering to watch it smile.png ).

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