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NanLaew last won the day on November 11 2017

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  1. so you are saying if there faith is ok with it its ok to abuse women?? There are many faiths that abusive behavior is justified by a faith, which in my eyes is no excuse to batter women, its just being a coward and mental heath needs looking into ! Where did I say that I condone faith-based abuse of females? Maybe pay attention to my punctuation? "?"
  2. click... click... click... click... etc., etc.
  3. My comment was directed towards your criticising another member's post as stupid, not your subsequent comment about culture, where I agree with you. However, maybe their faith does?
  4. Sorry, but that's classified. I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you. Regards, 22 not out in Isaan
  5. Talking out of your ar5e more like So says the chap who's first comment was "Gofund me !!!"
  6. Bump. Anyone renewed in 2025 yet?
  7. Once again, unless your own friends and family are being burdened by this, and assuming that you have never and will never use government hospitals, how exactly is this affecting your life?
  8. "likely going to end up being a burden" to whom? You? Personally? How so? NB: I never have, and never will, use a Thai government hospital.
  9. And in the UK, you need a bit more, like a utility bill or income tax receipt. Meanwhile, back on topic, in Thailand, i was advised by the local branch of my bank that since my new passport didn't have an acceptable long-term visa in it (visa-exempt entry), the branch where the account has been held for maybe 15 years, may contact me about this anomalous situation.
  10. Yes, you will only "feel" that your crypto is yours. Kinda goes along with the "friends" illusion that social media has spawned.
  11. Recently? So happy for you....but we're talking about Thai banks here.
  12. Expat from the Latin "ex patria" fundamentally meaning not living in your birth or home nation. Nothing to do with percentages of anything. Ever. Ergo snowbirds are expats, just the same as foreign workers in Thailand, retirees living in Thailand, those with Thai families and/or spouses, and digital nomads pitching their tents in Thailand are expats. Two week millionaires, sponsors of sick buffalo owners, "resident tourists" (a dying breed), sexpats, mongers (more rare species) and others just passing through who complain about Thailand's archaic daytime alcohol bans, not so much.
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