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Everything posted by Onerak

  1. Airlines don't check your visa status. They are no IOs. . They only need a picture ID.
  2. It will take a decade for Thailand to attain pre-covid tourist numbers (39 million per year).
  3. Everything is possible using an agent and it is hassle free, helps a lot of people and win-win for everybody.
  4. I stay in Thailand for 6-months and bought a used scooter for short distance runs in back alleys. Bought it from a Russian guy who has a motorbike rental business in Pattaya. Paid 600 baht to an agent and registered it in my name immediately. No certificate of residence, no driver license, nothing, no visiting immigration, or any government offices.
  5. Me too. I don't understand where do people come up with such ridiculous ideas. When you register a motorbike, they don't ask you for a driver's license.
  6. Again You are harping on the same thing. Each entry will give me 60-day if I enter visa exempt in April 2023. But I will enter using a TV so it gives me 90-day. Two land border runs will give me another 4 months. So, 7-months. That is my plan for 6-month stay in Thailand. It gives me one month wiggle room.
  7. I forgot about the current 45-day rule. Each visa exempt entry will give you two months (forget the current 45-dau rule). Two land borders 4 months. Total 6-months. I enter with a TR visa for three months (including one month extension). And then each exempt gives me two months (including extension). So, it is 7-months. Perfect for my 6-month sojourn in Thailand. That gives me one month wiggle room.
  8. There is no visa on arrival for Canadian passport holders. A visa exempt entry with border run will give you 6-month stay. A tourist visa with two borde-run will give you 7-month. How long do you intent to stay?
  9. You keep on harping the same thing again and again. A Non-O from Germany will give you 3-month stay. I am not even sure if they will issue an ME Non-O. Unless you post the advantages you're seeking over others' advice of changing to a Non-O from an exempt entry of TR visa entry, it is difficult to suggest something constructive. And moreover, why don't you try to upload your own insurance and see if they approve or not. Yes, you will lose the application fee if they reject it. If you don't want the hassle of immigration office, you can hire an agent (I think 5K BHT) to take care of that. Of course for that you need to bring 800K BHT and deposit it in a Thai bank.
  10. In the USA optometrists are not considered doctors and they can only treat a subset of eye conditions prescribed by state optometrics board.
  11. I am talking about brothels (mainly fronting as bars) not prostitution. I have travelled to more than 30 countries in all continents (except Australia) and not a single country where I did not find prostitution. No wonder it is called the World's oldest profession.
  12. I use bolt extensively when in Pattaya for my 6-month sojourn in Thailand. And use a personal motorbike in the back alleys for 7/11, laundry, and Rompho market. Never had issue with bolt. My friend who have lived in Pattaya for almost a decade and knows many alleys will start give directions and I would tell him not to give directions. Let them use their maps. Some old aged drivers may have problems with reading maps but I have not encountered them yet. My GF's father was a taxi driver in Bangkok for more than 30-years and now retired in his village, happily fishing all day. My GF says he has problems reading maps and can't keep up with modern technology, so he retired.
  13. Opticians are involved with filling prescriptions and handling corrective eyewear. In Thailand they don't even need a certificate I think because I asked an optician about het training and, degree, and other requirements. She said she was trained by the doctor (most probably the guy who owns the store and is an optometrist or ophthalmologist) An optometrist is an eye care professional who examines, diagnoses, and treats disorders and diseases of the eye. Think of them as a “primary care” provider for your eyes. An ophthalmologist is an eye doctor with advanced training (either a doctor of medicine (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) degree) who can diagnose and treat a wide range of eye conditions. They are kind of specialist optometrist and some can even do eye surgery.
  14. The days of caucasian farangs are over. They were subdued thoroughly. They all moved to Europe and USA. Now a new wave of Chinese are replacing them.
  15. No brothels fronting as bars. Yes there are brothels in one county out of 3142 counties.
  16. I have travelled extensively in all continents for decades. No airlines have ever asked me for onward flight tickets. IOs in Zurich asked me once for a Schengen exit ticket. I told her I will buy one in Portugal where I intend to fly from Lisbon to London. But she chatted with me for 10 minutes about my world travel and experiences and then let me enter. That's why I said hit and miss.
  17. Hmm Shopping malls? What jobs in Shopping malls you expect to find?
  18. They are at at it again at DMK just like before Covid. They are warming up.
  19. How much money we are talking about? How many months of unpaid salary?
  20. It is never conflicting. It's always hot miss. IOs generally don't ask but they can still ask you. The same with airlines. If you have travelled extensively throughout the world you would already know this.
  21. And more brothels fronting as bars added to attract quality tourists in search of brides and orgies. Why someone would come to Thailand otherwise?
  22. Can we please stop asking questions from Siam Legal website. Every week, it has to be mentioned how SIam Legal is wrong in most cases. Please ask questions from official Thai immigration website. Please don't use Siam Legal website.
  23. eBikes are not needed to be licensed and you don't need a driving permit to drive it in Thailand also. It does not have a license plate. My friend has one. I was going to buy but my old yamaha Nuevo is now ok for me to run in back alleys. Bolt is for all other transport.
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