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Everything posted by Onerak

  1. Us will never approve a vaccine that cannot control death and so much so that the CDC has to put the country in level 3 risk.
  2. It's not guaranteed every year. who ever claimed that not a savvy investor.
  3. US will never recognize any vaccination passport. And if US says no, it is a no no for most of the World.
  4. I think I would also do so. I need cash when my daughter goes to University in a few years.
  5. I don't know any American gold ship accepts crypto as payments. Most retailers are still nervous to accept crypto as payment due to its wild volatility. You don't want egg prices fluctuating as you travel from aisle to aisle in a supermarket.
  6. Over a 10-year period, you would not have lost money. Yes, if you had invested last year only, this your your total would have been down.
  7. It has been rising for almost decades and made a million people 401K/real asset millionaire last year alone. It has to take a break and resume its gain again maybe by next year if no recession hits or within another three years if a recession hits.
  8. S&P is falling because of FED rate hike (which leads to higher dollar value) and FED control of money and investors are drumming up the fear of a US recession. A good time to buy as much BAHT as possible.
  9. US does not discriminate people based on where they live but there is no universal health coverage like most Europe.
  10. I few months ago checked with LUMA for Non-O coverage and the minimum was around 7-8K BHT for a USA citizen age 61 You can check here https://www.tuneprotect.co.th/en/portal/travel-insurance/ONTALN/BQSRGVKQQUKQAVY5P8KLG2KZ94ML26U3BJUXXGSF28UZG4RRX4JLAGFRW2
  11. Because people whose voices are important decided.
  12. 1. Can I send money any day of the month? 2. Does the money must be coded international transfer? 3. Do I need to update by bank book periodically? 4. Can I send more than 12 transfer, like every week one transfer? 5. Is there any risk the IO will ask where the money come from (mine come from marijuana business which is legal in my states in US) 6. Are they going to ask for TM 30? 7. Can I skip a few months and then make up in one month in lump sum? 8. Is there a guaranteed time how long maximum I will be with immigration for renewal. If no to any answer above, it is not a simple process. I give 15K to an agent and everything is taken care of for me. Nothing is required as above. And that is a simple process, I consider.
  13. It used to be easy with tourist visa in 2011/13 and I opened a few bank accounts but I unfortunately they all got cancelled as I kept them dormant with no balance. In 2017 again when I returned with a Non-OA, I was able to open three accounts. Now may be it is better to use an agent to open an account if on a tourist visa.
  14. That is the most frustrating concept in Buddhism for me. Some scholars will say something like life energy. What I think is Buddha was the first Atheist in the World and a philosopher like confucius and he just tried to lay out decent rules of life that applies equally to all in the society, unlike the Brahmanical rules based on castes in which lower castes people must progress in stages of incarnation to achieve Atman. HIs audiences were mostly Hindu peasants/lower caste people and Brahmin scholars for debates. He needed a mechanism to install consequences of what would happen if you violate those rules. And he simply borrowed the concept of incarnation from hindu religion.
  15. Surprising that visa agents won't open a bank account in Bangkok. In Pattaya, all visa agents provide services of bank accounts also for a few thousand bahts..
  16. Many illegal activities have front where money is laundered and in the US, one must pay taxes on the laundered money also. These are two separate cases. And each requires separate charges and burden of proof on the Government without any reasonable doubts. In the USA even stolen money one must declare and pay taxes. THey carry two separate charges and two separate sentences. One for not paying tax and another for stealing. May be prosecutors can only prove he did not pay tax but could not prove the money was stolen. So he will get only sentence for not paying tax. Every criminal case must be proven with preponderance of evidence. In civil cases preponderance of evidence is not required.
  17. I don't understand. He is coming on a Tourist visa from his home country (irrespective of how many days he has lived in Thailand), why he would opt for fake Ed visa and volunteer visa? MY opinion is just to ignore the comments.
  18. There is no 36-day visa (you definitely meant permission of stay for 36-days). You can enter visa exempt and extend it for another 30-days or get a TV for 60-day permission of stay.
  19. IN the USA for HELOC loan, one needs to have an income. For Future equity loan (becoming popular with high values loan as US home prices are reaching a million dollar in some areas) and Reverse Mortgage, no income is required.
  20. Arresting on tax evasion is easier than getting a court order for arresting human trafficking. Once arrested, they can build their case or fail, depends on how dedicated the prosecutors are. As reminder, Al capone was arrested and convicted of tax evasion not for any other crimes.
  21. Tourist are not going to flock as soon as TP is removed not within a month of TP removal.
  22. Agents usually open a bank account for retirement visa if a client does not have one. I had two. I emptied one and gave the book to the agent. Not sure how much they will charge extra if one does not have a bank account. may be a few thousands. I opened the new account in Krung Thai bank (in Pattaya Central mall) with my passport (passport must have a Non-O visa) pre-covid at the end of 2019. Not sure the situation now.
  23. If I'm not mistaken, the tourist visa is valid for 90-day (one must enter within 90-day of issuance) but your permission of stay in the country is stamped at the entry is for 60-day.
  24. I have lived in Thailand for extended period using Ed-visa and visa runs and then using O-A (retirement) and extension. Yes, Thailand is corrupt and it is easy to bribe your way for most situations. Ed-visa for one year without attending classes is possible and as you have already priced it. As I mentioned already the initial business visa is for 3-month only and when you go for extension you need a valid reason (and R&R is not a reason for business visa). As soon as you exit and try to enter Thailand with another business visa, you will be under the same restrictions as visa runs (that is PCR test as of now). PCR test is a pain in the neck but less than 0.5% people get caught in that. And also you don't want to run around with positive covid. You need to isolate in a hotel or your residence. In this age of Covid, free roaming between borders has become difficult. Let's say you come here with a TV for at least three months, you don't have to worry about that unless you test positive in your first arrival. . After three months nobody knows what the situation will be. If they scrap covid tests, you're lucky. If not you take the risk of a visa run. I'm little apprehensive if they will scrap the tests altogether or not (they are talking about ATK test that bears the same risk).
  25. I did it for two years (2020/2021). I did not give them anything except my passport, my bankbook, and lease agreement for my condo. They picked me up using a limo (Kidding though they call it a limo but it was a Honda civic). I signed a form and went to immigration office and straight went inside (noticed lots of people standing outside in Jomtien office). They took the pic. and immediately I came back to the car waiting outside. The next day I collected my passport with proper stamp. No TM 30, running around for bank statements, lining up to take pics, and taking a queue number in the immigration office and waiting in in lines. All these for 15K while my 800K parked in US stock market earned 10% (this year I am in the USA and stock market is down). I brought 500 USD/month into Thailand like a clock work without worrying about if my bank book is stamped foreign sourced or not (I use wise). No update of bank books often. In fact never updated my bank book in the last two years. I felt good knowing that I spread a fraction of my market gains of 10%/year to the agents, their stuff, and some to the IOs because those unfortunate fellows are not lucky enough to be born in a Western country.
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